Appendix A - Student Association Constitution

In this Section
- Preamble
- Article I: Name and Purpose
- Article II: Membership in the Student Government Association
- Article III: Officers and Duties
- Article IV: Student Government Committees and Councils
- Article V: Elections
- Article VI: Vacancies
- Article VII: Student Government Association Meetings
- Article VIII: Removal and Resignation from the Student Government Association
The following constitution was voted on and approved by the Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) Student Government Association (SGA) and was ratified by the student body in a referendum in May 2021. The constitution empowers the Student Government Association to represent all members of the student body. Every elected official in the Student Government Association is encouraged to read this constitution in its entirety within the first month of their term.
In order to create a more effective and representative Student Government Association (SGA) at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC), we do hereby establish this constitution. We, the students of Bunker Hill Community College, in order to create a more effective and representative Student Association, do hereby establish this constitution to provide for a Student Government, whose duty is to represent student interests. Our goal is to establish communication between the student body, the club organizations, the college administration, and the Board of Trustees (BOT).
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1.
This organization under this constitution shall be known as the Bunker Hill Community College Student Government Association, hereafter referred to as the “BHCC SGA” or “SGA”.
Section 2.
The BHCC SGA is organized to affect self-government, promote open communication, and foster cooperation among students, faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees. The SGA will work toward addressing all issues pertaining to the quality of student life at the College by collaborating effectively and respectfully to propose and implement solutions.
Section 3.
The governing body of the BHCC Student Association shall be known as the Student Government Association (SGA). The SGA shall be made up of a President, six Vice Presidents, an Executive Secretary, a Senator of the Chelsea Campus, and six Senator-at-Large positions.
Section 4.
The purpose of this governing body will be:
- To represent the Student Association in those issues and policies that directly and indirectly
affect student life at BHCC. - To advise College committees on matters of student’s concerns through student’s appointments and inputs.
- To act as a liaison between the College administration, the faculty, and the student body.
- To assist in planning activities and oversee the disbursement of funds to recognized student clubs and organizations.
- To advocate for the rights of students and to ensure their equal treatment, free from discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, genetic information, maternity leave, and national origin.
Article II: Membership in the Student Government Association
Section 1.
Any student who pays the required College fees and is registered for a class at BHCC is a member of the BHCC Student Association.
Section 2.
Any student currently enrolled at Bunker Hill Community College who seeks elective or appointed office in the Student Government Association must have a 2.50 GPA at BHCC and maintain enrollment status at BHCC, maintain good academic and behavior standing while in office as defined by the BHCC Student Handbook.
Section 3.
The Student Government Association will consist of an Executive Board. The Executive Board will consist of a President, six Vice Presidents, an Executive Secretary, a Senator of the Chelsea Campus, and six Senator-at-Large positions, all of which have equal voting authority and will at all times reflect the administrative structure of Bunker Hill Community College. To maintain open communication and promote collaboration.
Article III: Officers and Duties
Section 1.
The elected officers of the Bunker Hill Community College Student Government Association (SGA) shall be a President, six Vice Presidents (Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities, Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Technology), an Executive Secretary, a Senator of the Chelsea Campus, and six Senator-at-Large positions.
Section 2.
There shall be 15 elected officials from SGA, except in the case of co-vice presidency, where the number will increase according to the number of co-vice presidents. With those officers, shall be one elected Student Trustee (non-voting, ex-officio member) from the Board of Trustees, which acts as the Board of Trustees Liaison, and one advisor.
- The duties of the President are as follows:
Presides at all meetings of SGA at which they are present;
2. Partakes as a tiebreaker in the event of a tie;
3. Chairs the SGA Executive Board meetings;
4. Sets agendas of all SGA Executive Board meetings;
5. Appoints student representatives onto College-wide committees as well as the College Forum;
6. Meets with the President of Bunker Hill Community College one or more times a semester;
7. Keeps the whole group in contact outside of SGA Executive Board meetings;
8. Maintains contact with the student body;
9. Maintains constant contact and support to student support services;
10. Attends monthly College Forums;
11. Maintains weekly office hours;
12. Maintains weekly meetings with SGA advisor;
13. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
14. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
15. Attends Student Advisory Council (SAC) meetings;
16. Represents the SGA, when required, at appropriate college functions on and off campus;
17. Attends and participates in the monthly Student Club Representative Council;
18. Handles the SGA President email account and uses the email account for all official affairs of SGA. - The duties of the Vice President of Administration and Finance are as follows:
Performs all the duties of the President in the event of their absence or illness (short or long term) and assists in the preparation and conduct of general business under the direction of the President;
2. Assists the SGA President with all administrative issues concerning the SGA;
3. Handles all financial obligations of the association (is de facto treasurer);
4. Provides monthly updated budget updates to the SGA;
5. Chairs the Budget Committee;
6. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
7. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
8. Maintains weekly office hours.
9. Attends monthly Club President’s Meetings
10. Gives a budget update to the SGA at least twice a semester. - The duties of the Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities are as follows:
Keeps and maintains records of attendance of SGA officers at SGA meetings;
2. Declares vacancies in SGA Officers positions;
3. Chairs the Governance and Ethics Committee;
4. Coordinates elections, appointment processes and helps fill vacant positions;
5. Coordinates recruitment and training activities for the SGA;
6. Facilitates the successful transition from one SGA to the other;
7. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
8. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
9. Maintains weekly office hours.
10. Handles all SGA issues pertaining to facilities including but not limited to the SGA office and the weekly meetings’ location;
11. Acts as parliamentarian for the SGA and as the guardian of its constitution, ensuring adherence to its principles, and oversees the enforcement of sanctions outlined within it. - The duties of the Vice President of Student Affairs are as follows:
1. Acts as liaison between all clubs and organizations and the SGA;
2. Acts as liaison to all issues pertaining to student life at the College;
3. Acts as liaison for all student concerns pertaining to facilities including but not limited to handling concerns of students with disabilities;
4. Chairs the Student Affairs Committee;
5. Presides, attends, and Facilitates monthly meetings with the Student Club Representative Council.
6. Maintains constant contact and provides support to club/organization leaders;
7. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
8. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
9. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Vice President of Academic Affairs are as follows:
Acts as liaison to all issues pertaining to student academic involvement;
2. Acts as SGA liaison pertaining to issues of academic support services, including but not limited to The Tutoring and Academic Support Center, the Language Lab, and the library and Learning Commons;
3. Chairs the Academic Affairs Committee;
4. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
5. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
6. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Vice President of Communications are as follows:
1. Handles all publicity and public relations activities for the SGA;
2. Handles all social media content for the SGA;
3. Liaison with student and College news/media organizations and offices;
4. Responsible for promoting and advertising all events, news and projects of the SGA;
5. Handles all initial inquiries to the organization;
6. Chairs the Communications Committee;
7. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
8. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
9. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Vice President of Technology are as follows:
1. Ensures the smooth and efficient functioning of the SGA's technology and digital resources;
2. Gathers and sets up necessary resources for SGA hybrid meetings
3. Maintains and manages SGA Slack, Sharepoint, email, and other similar platforms, ensuring that these digital resources are up-to-date and used effectively by SGA members;
4. Manages the technology committee by serving as the Chairperson
5. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
6. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
7. Maintains weekly office hours;
8. Attends monthly Club President’s Meetings. - The duties of the Executive Secretary are as follows:
1. Takes minutes of SGA meetings;
2. Works alongside with the President in creating the agenda/minutes;
3. Distributes meeting minutes to SGA Officers and Student Trustee prior to each
SGA meeting;
4. Distributes meeting minutes to administration and staff;
5. Ensures accurate documentation of SGA proceedings and reports it to the SGA share point;
6. Coordinates sending legislation through the appropriate channels;
7. Keeps and maintains lists of membership of committees;
8. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
9. Attends monthly College-wide committee meetings;
10. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Senator of the Chelsea Campus are as follows:
1. Maintains contact with and serves as liaison between the SGA and the students and staff at the Chelsea Campus;
2. Provides feedback to the SGA on issues related to student life at the Chelsea Campus;
3. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
4. Attends monthly College-wide Committee meetings;
5. Attends all organized events hosted by the Chelsea Campus administration.
6. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Senator-at-Large are as follows, but not limited to:
1. Assists other SGA Officers on planning and carrying out group projects;
2. Steps into any SGA Officer positions should there be any vacancies as appointed by the SGA President;
3. Attends all organized events hosted by SGA;
4. Maintains monthly College-wide committee meetings;
5. Maintains weekly office hours. - The duties of the Student Trustee are as follows:
1. Serves as ex-officio, non-voting member of the SGA. Is a voting member of the Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees, the policy making body of the college. The Board of Trustees defines the relationship of the college to the communities it serves;
2. Attends Student Advisory Council (SAC) meetings;
3. Attends the monthly Board of Trustee meetings.
4. Maintains the role, responsibilities and requirements of Student Trustee outlined by the Massachusetts Department of Education.
Section 2.
The Dean of Students or their designee will serve as advisor to the SGA. The advisor must be present at SGA meetings for votes to be considered valid.
Article IV: Student Government Committees and Councils
Section 1. SGA Committees & Types of Committees
All SGA committees shall have a chair and at least two other members. Meetings of SGA committees will be presided over by their respective chair. The chair is also responsible for setting the agenda for each committee meeting and giving a report of the happenings of each committee meeting to the rest of the SGA at the regularly held meetings of SGA. The chair will send the meeting reports to the Executive Secretary who shall distribute these documents to the rest of the SGA. Along with the Executive Secretary, each committee will keep and maintain a list of their current working projects. Before a committee adds a project to their list, the project must be approved by the SGA. The Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities and the Executive Secretary will both keep a list of the membership of each committee. There shall be two types of SGA committees.
- Standing Committees
Standing committees will be the permanent committees of the SGA. These committees shall meet at least once a week during the academic year at a time determined by the committee chair. The membership of these committees is outlined in Section 2 of this article. The SGA President is encouraged to attend all standing committees and has voting rights in each committee. - Ad-Hoc Committees
Ad-hoc (“For this” in Latin) committees will deal with issues and SGA initiatives during the academic year that do not fit the jurisdiction of the standing committees or that need special attention from the SGA. These committees will be created by motions passed with a majority of the membership of SGA during a regular meeting. The creating motions must include the following items: the mission of the committee, the meeting time and location, and the membership of the committee including committee chair. All ad-hoc committees will dissolve at the end of the academic year or by a motion passed by the SGA. - Removal of Members from Committees
Removal of members from standing and ad-hoc committees will require previous
discussion between the President of SGA and the chair of the committee. The member
to be removed will be then notified of their removal by the President of SGA or the chair of the committee. Members of standing committees, with the exception of the chair, can also submit a request to the President for removal. Upon approval, the officer may resign from the committee, and a replacement will be nominated by the President. - Addition of Members to Committees
New members to standing and ad-hoc committees may be nominated by the committee chair which will be approved by the Governance and Ethics Committee. For new members of the Governance and Ethics Committee the SGA President will nominate new members, subject to the approval of the SGA as a whole.
Section 2. Standing Committees
A. Governance and Ethics Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters related to the governance and ethics of the SGA. Specifically, this committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Amendments to this constitution.
- Approval of absences from the regularly held meetings of the SGA
- Management of ethical violations by any member of the SGA.
- Organization of elections for the next SGA.
- Resolve vacancies in the SGA membership.
- Facilitate the successful transition from one SGA to the other as well as any other matters related to governance and ethics of the SGA.
This committee shall consist of the following members:
- The Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities as Chair
- The Executive Secretary
- The Vice President of Administration and Finance
- One SGA Senator-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
B. Budget Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters related to the SGA budget and approving spending requests from SGA members, SGA committees, and recognized clubs and organizations. The committee can approve or deny budget requests under $1500, anything more must be presented to the Executive Board at a regular meeting. All Budget Committee meetings where a vote is made regarding approving or denying budget requests, require the presence of the SGA Advisor.
This committee shall consist of the following members:
- The Vice President of Administration and Finance as Chair
- The Vice President of Academic Affairs
- The Vice President of Student Affairs
- Two SGA Senators-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
C. Academic Affairs Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters and programs related to college
academics, academic support services, relations with the BHCC administration, and issues pertaining to BHCC facilities.
This committee shall consist of the following members:
- The Vice President of Academic Affairs as Chair
- The Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities
- Two SGA Senators-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
D. Student Life Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters and programs related to student life and student clubs and organizations. Specifically, this committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Approval of applications for new student clubs and organizations before vote to recognize the new organizations by SGA.
- Organization of events not related to academics.
- Approval of SGA hosted events organized by student clubs and organizations.
- Any other matter related to student life. This committee shall consist of the following members:
The Vice President of Student Affairs as Chair
The Vice President of Communications
Two SGA Senators-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
E. Communications and Social Media Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters and programs related to communications to the BHCC community at-large and management of SGA’s social media. Specifically, this committee shall be responsible for the following:
- The communication to the BHCC community of events organized or hosted by the SGA.
- The management, maintenance, and moderation of all social media accounts of the SGA.
- The organization of public awareness campaigns by the SGA.
- Any other matter related to social media and communications with the BHCC community at-large.
This committee shall consist of the following members:
- The Vice President of Communications as Chair
- The Vice President of Technology
- Two SGA Senators-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
F. Technology Committee
This committee shall be responsible for matters and programs related to the SGA technology. Specifically, this committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring the seamless integration and optimal functioning of technological resources utilized by the SGA.
- Managing and updating digital platforms such as Slack, SharePoint, email, and other relevant technologies essential for efficient communication and collaboration among SGA members.
- Providing technical support and guidance to SGA members as needed.
- Collaborating with other committees to leverage technology for the advancement of SGA initiatives.
- Recommending and implementing innovative technological solutions to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of the SGA.
This committee shall consist of the following members:
- Chairperson: Vice President of Technology
- Members:
- Vice President of Communications
- Two SGA Senators-at-Large appointed by the SGA President
Section 3. Powers and Duties of Councils
The Council will provide a forum for all clubs to give updates, share ideas, network and collaborate.
A. Student Club Representative Council
To maintain open communication and promote collaboration, the Student Government Association will coordinate monthly Student Club Representative Council meetings. The Student Club Representative Council shall consist of representatives appointed by every recognized club and the SGA President, Vice President of Finance and Administration, and Vice President of Student Affairs. The Vice President of Student Affairs presides and facilitates the council with the help of the Director or a designee from the Student Leadership and Engagement (Student Activities) office at BHCC. The Student Club Representative Council’s meetings will occur at a time and place specified by the SGA Vice President of Student Affairs and Student Activities Office. All club/organization presidents are responsible for maintaining active communication with the SGA to provide maximum exchange and dissemination of information.
Article V: Elections
Section 1.
The Student Government Association will be elected in the spring prior to the academic year of term or office.
Section 2. Eligibility to Run
Any students, except first semester students, must have a minimum of a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the time of the election and maintain good academic standing throughout the term. All officer positions are open to full or part-time students who meet these criteria.
Section 3. Student Government Elections
Members of the Student Association who wish to serve on the Student Government Association may submit nomination papers to the current SGA advisor in April. Nomination papers will be accepted for a period of two weeks and must be submitted no later than two weeks before the date of election unless decided otherwise by the elections’ organizer. The SGA advisor will determine eligibility according to Article 2. The Advisor alongside the Governance and Ethics committee will determine dates for the election, which must occur no later than the second week of May. All members of the Student Association will be eligible to vote. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held solely for those members. The results of the elected positions will be announced by the current SGA advisor no later than the week after the election takes place.
Section 4. Student Trustee Elections
Members of the Student Association who wish to serve in this position will follow the same selection process as Student Government Elections.
Section 5. Term
The term of office shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Section 6. Yearly Mission Statement
Within the two first months of the academic year the SGA shall adopt a document that outlines the goals and priorities of the SGA during the term. This document shall set methods and timelines for each goal and establish the committees and the SGA members responsible for implementing those priorities.
Article VI: Vacancies
Section 1.
If any position becomes available on the SGA after the spring elections, the remaining officers must deliberate on whether to nominate an acting officer to fulfill the responsibilities until the next special election, as outlined in Section 3 of this Article. Then, an email will be sent to notify the Student Association of the vacancy and the materials required to apply for the open position. Interested and qualified candidates should reply with the requested materials. The Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities shall present the recommended applicants to the SGA Executive Board. A special election will be held. Robert’s Rules of Order must be followed. The qualified candidate with the majority of votes will serve in the vacant SGA officer position as an SGA elected officer for the remainder of the term with the same rights and power as an officer elected during a general election.
In the event of a tie, the Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities shall notify the elected SGA officers, who shall deliberate on whether to promote Co-Vice Presidents. However, it's important to note that this provision applies exclusively to the Vice President position. The President's vote in this process shall be counted.
Should the vacant position be that of the SGA President, the Vice President of Administration and Finance shall automatically ascend to the role of SGA President, rendering the previous position vacant.
In the event of a tie, The Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities shall inform SGA elected officers who will decide whether they want the President to be the tie breaker. The president vote in that process shall count.
If the SGA President’s position is the one available, the Vice President of Administration and Finances automatically becomes the SGA President, and the position becomes vacant.
Section 2.
If an existing SGA elected member plans to run for a vacancy during a special election, they must inform the president of their intent to run before the student body is notified of the open position. The existing SGA member’s position will also be advertised as open in the event that they are elected, there will be qualified candidates ready to be appointed to the resulting vacancy.
Section 3.
If the SGA elected members decide to nominate an acting officer, the Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities will present the candidates, all of whom are very familiar with the current SGA projects (Senator or current volunteer). A vote shall be held for this special appointment process, which shall not grant any voting rights (including participation to quorum count) and is temporary. The chosen member shall be referred to as an “SGA Acting Officer” and will be considered a member of the SGA Executive Board.
Section 4.
The SGA can only conduct one special election per semester.
ARTICLE VII: Student Government Association Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
The SGA will meet weekly, whenever classes are in session. All SGA meetings are open to all students and faculty. The meeting will be held on Thursdays at 1pm during the free period in previously determined location in a hybrid format (Both in Person and Virtually). Meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Meetings will follow the guidelines of the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, a copy of which shall be placed in the Student Activities Office. Meetings will be held in a location that is handicap accessible.
Section 2. Special Meetings
If SGA needs to handle business outside of the regular meetings, then SGA may pass a motion to hold a Special Meeting. This motion must be passed with a majority of the membership of SGA. Special Meetings shall not have the power to amend this constitution.
Section 3. Agenda and Guests
A written agenda of matters to be considered at each regular meeting of SGA shall be sent to each member, Student Trustee, and advisor at least one (1) calendar day prior to the date fixed for said meeting. Items to be included in the agenda for a regular meeting shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary in writing by (a) the SGA President; (b) the Student Trustee; (c) the SGA advisor; (d) any member of the member of the SGA executive board, (e) or any faculty or staff member from BHCC.
- The Bunker Hill Community College Student Government Association reserves a place at the end of the agenda of its regular meetings for advisor’s updates and public participation.
- Individuals seeking to speak to the SGA should inform the SGA President and the advisor, setting forth the purpose for which they seek to speak, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the relevant meeting. The SGA President shall determine whether said individuals shall be permitted to speak, and if so, for how long they may speak on the designated topic.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum of SGA members must be present for voting to be valid. A quorum will be
considered one more than half of the current SGA members (51%). The SGA President will be counted as a member for the purpose of defining quorum, despite the fact that the President does not vote, except to break a tie.
Section 5. Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed in conducting meetings of the Student Government Association unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, or by SGA.
Section 6. Remote Participation
It is mandatory for SGA elected officers, Student Trustee, advisor, and advisor’s designee to attend all meetings. However, should they not be able to attend in person, they are allowed to participate remotely. They must still maintain an active and vivid participation in the meeting and shall fully exercise their voting rights.
Section 7. Attendance
All SGA Officers and Student Trustee must attend all regular meetings, special meetings, organized events hosted by SGA, and other events required as said by the SGA President. Should SGA Officers or Student Trustee be unable to attend, they must contact the SGA Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities with reason(s) of why they cannot attend. If not able to contact the VP of Human Resources, they shall reach out to the SGA President, and/or the advisor. No-show, or any absence without reason, will be considered as an unexcused absence unless known to those mentioned above.
Article VIII: Removal and Resignation from the Student Government Association
Section 1.
Officers of the SGA can be removed from office for the following:
- Attendance: No more than three unexcused absences will be accepted each semester except for extraordinary circumstances. Once three absences have been reached, the SGA member will be terminated without vote. “Extraordinary circumstances” will be defined by the SGA Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities in consultation with the SGA president, and the advisor and may include written documentation from a physician or other source.
In the event of an extraordinary circumstance, wherein an elected SGA officer cannot attend a meeting, said officer may appoint a proxy to act on their behalf. The appointed proxy shall possess full authority, including voting rights and participation in quorum counts. However, each SGA officer is limited to utilizing this provision twice per semester. It is hereby designated that the Vice President of Administration and Finance shall serve as the default proxy for the SGA President.
- Failure to uphold the responsibilities: The failure to uphold responsibilities of their office, including but not limited to maintaining office hours, participating in committees, acting beyond the scope of their responsibilities and/or without the authorization of the SGA.
- Poor conduct: Acting in a manner that violates the mission and purpose of the SGA and BHCC, the expectations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook, and the responsibilities stated in the SGA Constitution.
- Poor academic standing: Failure to maintain good academic standing, as well as the minimum GPA and course load required to maintain office as said in the Student Handbook.
- Any member of the SGA may bring the issue of removing an officer by written request to the Advisor to the SGA who shall respond confirming the reception of the letter.
- The Advisor will notify the Vice President of Human Resources and the SGA President of the request, and the item shall be placed on the agenda for the next SGA meeting. The affected individual(s) will be notified and will have the opportunity to respond to the issues raised. The affected individual(s) may not vote on said removal. A two-thirds majority vote of the SGA is required to remove an officer under this article.
Section 2.
If a SGA officer decides to leave their position on SGA they must notify by sending a letter of resignation to the Vice President of Human Resources and Facilities and the advisor who will notify the SGA at the next weekly meeting at which point the resigning officer’s position will be declared vacant.
Section 3.
Should the SGA President be unable to uphold their duties during their term, the concerns will be brought before the Governance and Ethics Committee where the process of bringing the issue(s) and/or removal will follow the same process as removing an officer, as mentioned in Article 8, Section 1, F.
Section 1.
This constitution may be amended by a motion made by any elected SGA member during a regularly held SGA meeting. The vote must pass with a majority of the elected SGA members for the vote to be considered valid. If the vote is favorable, then a referendum item will be put on a ballot and will be considered approved if a favorable vote of the Student Association is achieved.
Section 2.
This constitution shall be revised by SGA members under the Governance and Ethics Committee a maximum of 5 years after its last amendment. If the Governance and Ethics Committee determines that the constitution does not need amendments, it shall be reported to the SGA during a regular meeting.