Important Change to Parking Policy: Student Parking Passes are now purchased online, managed by ABM Parking. The student parking lots (1 and 2) are owned by the City of Boston.
Students must purchase and display a parking pass or they are subject to a tire lock (or "boot") with a $50/day fine. See below under "Charlestown Campus" for details and link for purchase.
BHCC offers limited parking for students on the Charlestown and Chelsea Campuses in designated areas from 6 a.m.-11 p.m. A valid parking permit is required for all vehicles parked on campus. Parking is available first come, first served. A parking permit does not guarantee a parking spot.
Students in need of temporary handicap permit see Disability Support Services.
Bunker Hill Community College is not responsible for any damages and/or theft of any vehicle.
Charlestown Campus
Student parking is available in lots 1 and 2 on the Charlestown Campus, 7 days per week, from 6 a.m.-11 p.m. These lots are owned City of Boston and managed by ABM Parking Services. A valid parking permit or payment through the ParkMobile App is required.
Students have the option to purchase a semester-long parking permit valid for Lots 1-2 on the Charlestown Campus and for designated student parking spaces on the Chelsea Campus from ABM online through ParkWhiz (see instructions for purchase below). Daily parking in lots 1-2 is also available to students, faculty/staff and visitors at $15.45/day, to be paid via the ParkMobile mobile app (the Zone # is 5850).
Students can obtain a parking pass for use in student lots 1 and 2 on the main campus, and for parking at the Chelsea campus. The semester rate is $95. Information is available below. Students can obtain a parking pass for use (ONLY) in student lots 1 and 2 located on the main campus, and for parking at the Chelsea campus. Students may not park in spots designated reserved or for disabled.
Visit the ParkWhiz purchasing page, then follow the directions below.
- After clicking ParkWhiz link above the Student Permit will appear
- Click the green "Book Now" box next to the semester you'd like to purchase
- Register using your BHCC email
- Enter credit card or debit card information to complete purchase
- Print the permit to place on dashboard of vehicle
- Exchange paper permit for hang tag at the parking lot
For any questions or concerns , call ABM at 617-482-2487 or see the parking lot attendant.
Notes about this link: Please use Firefox, Safari or Chrome to access this link. Due to ParkingWhiz limitations, the link may indicate that you are purchasing a one-day pass, but this using this link, you will be granted a semester-long pass. Use your BHCC email address when purchasing. Only current BHCC students may purchase this semester-long pass.
Refunds will be given to students who have paid for a semester-long parking pass but who drop their classes during the add/drop period. You can contact ABM customer service by emailing BHCC@ABM.com.
Note: Vehicles parked in lots 1-2 without a valid permit during are subject to a tire lock, or “boot,” which will be placed on the front driver’s side wheel of the vehicle, with a fee of $50 per day. A notice with instructions to have the boot removed will be left on the vehicle; once the fee is paid via credit card, the boot will be removed by ABM. All vehicles parked in lots 1-2 between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Chelsea Campus
The Chelsea Campus is a leased space owned. A limited number of spaces are available for BHCC Students, marked by brown signs with white lettering that read “RESERVED BHCC Student/Sticker PARKING ONLY.” A valid parking permit is required.
A semester-long parking permit valid for designated student parking spaces on the Chelsea Campus and Lots 1-2 on the Charlestown Campus is available for purchase online through ParkWhiz at the link below.
Purchase a Student Parking Pass
ABM, the company in charge of Student Permits in Parking Lots 1 and 2, has provided instructions on how students can purchase their parking permits for the Fall 2022 Semester. The semester rate is $85.
Visit the ParkWhiz purchasing page, then follow the directions below.
- After clicking ParkWhiz link above the Student Permit will appear
- Click the green "Book Now" box next to the semester you'd like to purchase. Note: the ParkWhiz page will indicate that the pass is valid for Charlestown Lots 1 and 2, but it will also be honored on the Chelsea Campus in designated BHCC Student parking spaces.
- Register using your BHCC email
- Enter credit card or debit card information to complete purchase
- Print the permit to place on dashboard of vehicle
- Exchange paper permit for hang tag at the Charlestown Campus parking lot
Student Parking Information
Park in designated BHCC Student Parking only
- Enter the parking for students at Second Street, across from Spring Air Mattress at the second entrance.
- Parking spaces are clearly marked “RESERVED BHCC STUDENT/STICKER PARKING.”
- Look for the 11 parking spots designated as “RESERVED BHCC STUDENT/STICKER PARKING” next to the one story pink building.
- 19 additional “RESERVED BHCC STUDENT/STICKER PARKING” parking spaces are available directly across from these spaces. (Do not park in the first 4 spaces on this side).
- Additional free on-street parking is located on the street behind the Chelsea Campus, further down Second Street and on Everett Avenue. Look for signs and be aware of days and hours that you can park at these on-street spaces without being ticketed.
Instructional Centers
There is no designated student parking at any instructional centers. These locations are not owned or operated by BHCC. Students should obey posted parking rules at each of these centers and utilize public transportation as necessary.