To update your contact information, address, or phone number:
Current Students
Please use BHCC self-service to update your personal information.
Note: If you are changing your state of residence, this may impact the tuition rate you are charged. If establishing Massachusetts residency, you will need to complete the Massachusetts In-state tuition eligibility form.
Please use the Personal Information Change form to update any of the following:
- Legal name (documentation required)
- Social security number (documentation required)
- Date of birth (documentation required)
- Address
- Personal email address
Examples of proper documentation:
- Legal name change: certified copy of a court order indicating a legal name change has been granted along with an official photo ID. Examples of court orders include: a marriage license, divorce decree, and other court authorized legal name change documentation.
- Social Security Number Change: Copy of your new Social Security Card
- Date of Birth Change or Correction: birth certificate, or some other government issued ID, with your date of birth (e.g. Driver’s License, passport, permanent resident card, etc.).
Former Students
Please download and complete the appropriate form below and mail it to the Academic Records office along with proper Identification Documents to:
Academic Records Office
250 Rutherford Avenue
Room B220
Boston, MA 02129
Examples of proper documentation:
- Legal name change: certified copy of a court order indicating a legal name change has been granted along with an official photo ID. Examples of court orders include: a marriage license, divorce decree, and other court authorized legal name change documentation.
- Social Security Number Change: Copy of your new Social Security Card
- Date of Birth Change or Correction: birth certificate, or some other government issued ID, with your date of birth (e.g. Driver’s License, passport, permanent resident card, etc.).
Download Forms