Transfer for DACA and Undocumented Students

Welcome! We are glad you are here!

Transfer Services at Bunker Hill is committed to supporting students who are undocumented or DACA recipients to achieve their transfer potential! We hope these resources will assist you as you pursue your goals.

Preparing to transfer is a process that requires research and exploration – but you do not have to do this alone. We are here to support you.

Regardless of your status, not only are you eligible to transfer to a four-year college, but you have the potential to receive financial support once you transfer! In addition to the resources below, we encourage you to attend our transfer workshops, meet with four-year college representatives visiting Bunker Hill, and reach out to if you have any questions or would like to have a confidential conversation with a transfer advisor.

If you are seeking services not related to transferring or would like to speak with an advisor confidentially, please visit Bunker Hill's Undocumented & DACA Students web-page or send an email to


On this page, you will find a list of private institutions with a history of providing financial support to students who are undocumented or are DACA recipients. Colleges may be committed to providing supplemental aid or meeting 100% of a student’s financial need. We recommend checking each college's admissions website to see what services are available to you and if there are any unique instructions. For instance, some colleges may clarify that students who are undocumented or are DACA recipients apply as a domestic or international student. Admissions websites may also clarify what scholarships, grants, and additional funding may be available. In some cases, colleges may cover 100% of financial need.

Please know that students may not be eligible for all areas of study. For instance, colleges may require a Social Security Number for health-career programs such as nursing. We encourage you to inquire with the four-year college of all eligibility requirements and to see if there are other ways to pursue your desired program.

Below is a list of colleges that have a history of providing financial support to students who are undocumented and DACA recipients. To provide examples, you will find New England colleges and those part of the Seven Sisters hyperlinked to their admissions pages that outline the options for students.

Please see the Money for Four-Year Colleges page for information on specific scholarships offered by colleges.

Amherst College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Bryn Mawr College
Brown University
Carleton College
Colby College
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Harvard University
Haverford College
Macalester College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Middlebury College
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Pomona College
Princeton University
Rice University
Smith College
Swarthmore College
Tufts University
University of Chicago
Williams College
Yale University

Students who are DACA recipients can participate in MassTransfer, which is a partnership that creates a seamless transfer to four-year public colleges in Massachusetts.

Students can complete the MassTransfer application upon graduation.

While public colleges are more affordable than private colleges, there are many factors that could impact the cost of attendance. Private colleges may offer more funding opportunities. We recommend students have a diverse list of colleges to which to apply.

State Universities and UMASS Campuses in Massachusetts
Bridgewater State University
Fitchburg State University
Framingham State University
Mass College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Salem State University
UMASS Amherst
UMASS Dartmouth
UMASS Lowell
Westfield State University
UMASS Boston

Please note that colleges may use the term “financial aid” interchangeably when referring to federal financial aid and scholarship funding. While undocumented and DACA students are not eligible for state or federal aid in Massachusetts, scholarship or institutional funding may be part of the “financial aid” package.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) Scholarship Resources
Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship for DACA students
The Dream: US National and Opportunity Scholarships
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship
Immigrants Rising (click "download")
My Undocumented Life Scholarships List Open to Undocumented Students
JLV College Counseling: Scholarships for Undocumented Students


We also encourage you to create a CSS Profile if you plan to apply to four-year private institutions. For more information, see a step-by-step presentation of completing the Profile. Many colleges use the CSS Profile to determine how much non-Federal financial aid a student will be awarded. The Profile is used by over 200 colleges in the United States, including 30 in Massachusetts. This service is available to students who are in-state, out-of-state, international, undocumented or are DACA recipients.

While the CSS profile does ask for a student’s status, please know that only the four-year colleges you selected will see the information you include.

BHCC offers application fee waivers to eligible students.

To receive a waiver, we recommend students first select the Common App Fee Waiver option on the Common Application and submit your applications. Some colleges may accept the fee waiver option and others may require documentation.

If a college requires verified notice that you are eligible for the Fee Waiver, students who are undocumented or DACA recipients may request a waiver by emailing

NOTE: Some colleges may not accept application fee waivers.

Are DACA and undocumented students eligible for transfer?

Everyone is eligible to transfer, regardless of status! No federal law prevents undocumented or DACA students from attending a community college or a four-year college or university.

You may be required to fill out the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE  or a form offered by the college.


Am I eligible for MassTransfer benefits?

MassTransfer is a state mandated program for students who are eligible for in-state tuition. This program provides transfer benefits ranging from guaranteed transfer of credits to guaranteed admissions, and to tuition scholarships, depending on GPA.

In Massachusetts, DACA students are eligible for in-state tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities and are eligible to participate in MassTransfer.


How do I begin the application process?

It is important to check college websites for instructions for applying as each college will have their own policies for admissions and awarding non-federal financial aid.


Am I eligible for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship?

DACA students are eligible for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship.

Undocumented students are not eligible for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship.


Am I eligible for federal financial aid?

Federal financial aid, which is determined by completing the FAFSA, is only available to students who are U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens.


Am I eligible for scholarships?

Yes! Scholarships are generally offered by colleges and universities or external organizations such as non-profits, foundations, private organizations, community based organizations, places of worship, local governments, and states.

Undocumented and DACA students are eligible for non-federal financial aid that may be offered by a college or another organization.


Can I apply for scholarships to fund my education at Bunker Hill Community College?

Yes! All students at BHCC are eligible for BHCC Scholarships regardless of citizenship status.


Am I eligible for Tuition Free Community College?

Currently, Tuition Free Community College covers tuition for DACA students. Undocumented students are not eligible for the benefits.


Will my transfer process look different from other students?

You will apply to colleges the same way as any other student at BHCC. This includes researching colleges, filling out applications, writing a personal statement, and submitting letters of recommendation.

The main difference is that colleges may have guidance on how students who are undocumented or DACA may apply to their institutions and apply for financial aid. Therefore, we recommend visiting college websites and speaking with admission representatives at four-year colleges.


Do I need to tell an admissions counselor at a four-year college about my status?

Four-year colleges may have different instructions for students who are undocumented or are DACA recipients. Begin by checking the admissions websites at the four-year colleges. Call the four-year college if you need more clarification.


How else can I save on the cost of college?

We encourage students who have attended other higher education institutions to submit official transcripts to BHCC to transfer in courses.

Students who earned Advanced Placement (AP) credits in high school may be eligible for college credit based on their AP Examination.

Students with work experience may contact Prior Learning Assessment, to see if your professional experience can be converted to college credit.


I am not comfortable disclosing personal information when speaking to admission representatives at four-year colleges. Is there any way around this?

We understand this. Finding all the opportunities available for you may include speaking with someone who works at the college. However, there are ways to get information without personal disclosures. Here are some recommendations:

  • If you are willing to speak to a college official on the phone, you do not have to share your name, phone number, email, or any identifiable information. You can use *67 at the beginning of any number you dial, and your phone number will be blocked
  • If there is an advisor, mentor, or someone else who supports your educational development, you may ask them to make a call on your behalf

While we are excited to support your academic and transfer goals, we want you to be aware of other services available to you at Bunker Hill. Please see the offices that can provide a range of other services:

  • Single Stop – Single Stop connects students to State, Local, Federal, and community benefits which may include housing and food security, health insurance, transportation, and other non-academic issues.
  • DISH Food Pantry – DISH is an on-campus food pantry that also does deliveries to students who live within a 10-mile radius of the BHCC campus.


Charlestown Campus, Room N-210