Who Can You Become?
As you become more involved on campus, and new experiences and opportunities shape who you are, the Student Activities Office will be right there with you to support you and help you grow personally and professionally. We will work with you to help develop your leadership skills, and provide several ways you can grow into greater levels of leadership and service while enriching student life on campus.
National Society of Leadership and Success
The National Society of Leadership and success is an online, self-paced and accredited leadership development program. Each semester, students with a 2.75 gpa or higher are nominated to join. The NSLS is an organization that provides a leadership development program that helps students achieve personal growth, career success, and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities. You can expect to learn from leaders in business, politics and pop culture through live and recorded speaker broadcasts. There is a one-time membership fee of $95. For more information, please go to nsls.org or contact Student Activities: studentactivities@bhcc.edu.
Exploring Leadership Program
The Exploring Leadership Program is a free, on campus, six-week experience for anyone interested in expanding their understanding of leadership. Utilizing the book and workbook Exploring Leadership: for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, we will cover topics including social justice, conflict management, positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, emotional intelligence. You can look forward to engaging lectures, interactive activities that expand on the readings, as well as resources and presentations from professionals in the field. The textbook and accompanying workbook are provided to all participants. For more information, please go to nsls.org or contact Student Activities: studentactivities@bhcc.edu.
Conferences and Trainings
Faces of Leadership
Everyone has within themselves the potential to be a leader, and every semester we present a conference to help students connect to the leader within. Faces of Leadership is a conference that helps participants understand how to use their story as a catalyst to create positive social change and the unique ways they can contribute to their community in an impactful way. Every Fall and every Spring, we bring in trainers who help students uCome and learn how you, too, can be the Face of Leadership!
Bystander Training
This session addresses social situations students may encounter and offers safe methods of intervention that promote pro-social behavior. Bystander Training is a community-based approach that teaches safe methods for bystanders to prevent and respond to situations without jeopardizing their safety. This session is open to everyone and lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Emergency Preparedness
Although the probability of this type of occurrence of an active shooter scenario actually occurring at BHCC is extremely low, personal preparedness for this low risk/high impact type of incident is essential especially based on what has been occurring around the country. This important Run/Hide/Fight Awareness Presentation will prepare attendees to formulate an individualized proactive plan ahead of time in order to respond appropriately to any such occurrence in any type of venue or facility. This session lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Supporting Survivors
This training from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) is for anyone who has a survivor of sexual violence in their life (could be a loved one, coworker, patient, or client) who they want to support during this pandemic. In this session, we will reframe the idea of “social” distancing and highlight the importance of connection. By the end of the training, participants will better understand how a survivor’s experience in this moment connects to ongoing trauma and will have more tools for support and self-care. Goals: Connect what is coming up for survivors now with ongoing trauma reactions Utilize the “SEECK” method Understand the power of connection and empathy Understand the importance of knowing your resources. This session lasts approximately 60 minutes.