Faculty and Staff Directory

  • The Faculty and Staff Directory is maintained by Human Resources. Please send updates or corrections to Elena O’Leary at eoleary@bhcc.edu.
Name/Title Department Campus Office Phone Email
DeCristoforo, Francesca A.
Administrative Assistant II
Science, Engineering and Mathematics Charlestown C-312 617-228-3340 fdecristoforo@bhcc.edu
Cobuccio, Anthony F.
Central Services Charlestown E-138 617-228-2257 acobuccio@bhcc.edu
Kiffney, Grace M.
Admissions Coordinator
International Center Charlestown N-221C 617-228-2339 grace.kiffney@bhcc.edu
Steeper, Robert L.
Professor and Chairperson
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350A 617-228-3322 rsteeper@bhcc.edu
O'Leary, Elena M.
Personnel Analyst I
Human Resources Charlestown E-333 617-228-2456 eoleary@bhcc.edu
Mitelman, Sofya
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Administrative Systems Charlestown B-228C 617-228-2172 smitelma@bhcc.edu
Pullum, Therese A.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown 617-228-2079 tapullum@bhcc.edu
Delta, Hariklia M.
Computer Science Department Charlestown D-123A 617-228-2484 hdelta@bhcc.edu
Pastel, Douglas A.
Visual and Media Arts Department Charlestown E-320-R 617-228-3315 dpastel@bhcc.edu
DeCristoforo, Joseph A.
Head of Grounds Service Section
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2168 jadecris@bhcc.edu
Gaeta, Sandra L.
Personnel Analyst I
Human Resources Charlestown E-333 617-228-2454 sgaeta@bhcc.edu
Kaing, Heng
Clerk VI
Academic Records Charlestown B-219H 617-228-2315 hkaing@bhcc.edu
Ngo, Tony Q.
Clerk VI
Chelsea Campus Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2107 tngo@bhcc.edu
Cruz, Omar E.
Maintenance Working Foreman
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2168 ocruz@bhcc.edu
Aherrera, Milagros M.
Director of Compensation and Benefits
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-D 617-228-2096 maherrera@bhcc.edu
Goodwin, Ruth J.
Graphic Arts Technician II
Marketing and Creative Services Charlestown E-335 617-228-2018 rgoodwin@bhcc.edu
Joachim, Jean-Dany
Administrative Assistant II
Single Stop Program Charlestown N-113-1 617-228-2262 jjoachim@bhcc.edu
McGonagle, Brian J.
Carpenter I
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2240 bmcgonagle@bhcc.edu
Griffin, G. William
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350E 617-228-2133 ggriffin@bhcc.edu
Nguyen, Phuong-Thao T.
Administrative Assistant II
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-228-2085 tnguyen@bhcc.edu
Giacalone, John
EDP Systems Analyst II
Audio Visual Department Charlestown D-106A 617-228-3239 jgiacalone@bhcc.edu
King, Peter W.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Network Operations Charlestown 617-228-2343 pwk@bhcc.edu
Barrows, Robert A.
Executive Director and Chief of Police
Public Safety Charlestown B-304 617-228-2241 rbarrows@bhcc.edu
Boucher, Laura A.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-3271 lboucher@bhcc.edu
Gonzales, Susan J.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-336-5231 susan.gonzales@bhcc.edu
Amini, Faeizeh M.
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114B 617-228-2228 famini@bhcc.edu
Lewis, Beverly M.
Senior Director and Bursar
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2098 blewis@bhcc.edu
Ambrose, Molly B.
Associate Vice President
Human Resources Charlestown A-306 617-228-2457 mambrose@bhcc.edu
Rocheteau, Diane M.
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300I 617-228-2041 DRochete@bhcc.edu
Cardarelli, Leonard
Head of Building Maintenance
Facilities Management Charlestown E-105 617-228-3414 lcardarelli@bhcc.edu
Bhuiya, Akram H.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department Charlestown D-123I 617-228-2333 abhuiya@bhcc.edu
MacPherson, Jayne
Professor and Chairperson
Surgical Technology Certificate Program Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3362 jmacpher@bhcc.edu
Silva, Edwin L.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3355 esilva@bhcc.edu
Gagnon, Michelle
Professor/Program Director/Chairperson
Medical Imaging Program Charlestown G-207 617-228-2407 mgagnon@bhcc.edu
Benjamin, Scott S.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350C 617-228-2253 sbenjamin@bhcc.edu
Kerstner, Jacqueline
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300E 617-228-3314 jkerstner@bhcc.edu
John, Biljana D.
Computer Information Technology Department Charlestown D-123J 617-228-2357 bjohn@bhcc.edu
Glaze, George
Student Central Charlestown B-202D 617-336-5228 george.glaze@bhcc.edu
Leite, Maria D.
Director of Information Technology Project Management
Information Services Charlestown B-228E 617-228-3411 mleite@bhcc.edu
Ginsberg, Jeffrey L.
Associate Vice President
Administration and Finance Charlestown B-320 617-228-2478 jginsberg@bhcc.edu
Rowe, Debra D.
Accountant V
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2430 drowe@bhcc.edu
Ba, Lamine L.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown E-320-T 617-228-3381 lba@bhcc.edu
Chirichiello, John A.
Facilities Management Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3352 jchirich@bhcc.edu
Nguyen, Chi Ha
Administrative Assistant II
Student Affairs Charlestown B-309 617-228-2408 cnguyen@bhcc.edu
Griffin, Marie
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2376 mgriffin@bhcc.edu
Burns, James F.
Help Desk Coordinator
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2280 jburns@bhcc.edu
Pieri, Robert S.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-3270 rpieri@bhcc.edu
Chowdhury, Ismail M.
Accountant IV
Payroll Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2121 ichowdhury@bhcc.edu
Velo, Evisa
Staff Assistant
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Charlestown B-310 617-228-2285 evelo@bhcc.edu
Lesnik, Anna G.
Accountant V
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2031 alesnik@bhcc.edu
Fornari, Marilou Y.
Accountant V
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2432 mfornari@bhcc.edu
Arias, Luisa A.
Telephone Operator II
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-202 617-228-3398 laarias@bhcc.edu
Jean-Gilles, Hilaire
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122K 617-228-2186 hjgilles@bhcc.edu
Chan, Jack P.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111H-6 617-228-2157 jchan@bhcc.edu
Ngan, Mei L.
Business Analyst/Programmer
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea Rm 504 617-228-2021 mngan@bhcc.edu
Corona, Cecile M.
English Department Charlestown B-300C 617-228-2301 ccorona@bhcc.edu
D'Entremont, Michael R.
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300B 617-228-3260 mdentrem@bhcc.edu
Amerena, Denise E.
Health Services Charlestown E-154 617-228-2185 damerena@bhcc.edu
Guilmette, Nicole E.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350D 617-228-2363 nguilmette@bhcc.edu
Abarca, Mirna V.
Academic Coordinator
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown B-330 617-228-2070 mabarca@bhcc.edu
Boudreau, Bernard G.
Painter II
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-3478 bboudreau@bhcc.edu
Presto, Gary J.
Senior Human Resources Associate
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-C 617-228-2337 gpresto@bhcc.edu
Santos Silva, Lee M.
English Department Charlestown B-300A 617-228-2417 lssilva@bhcc.edu
Mapstone, Kathryn L.
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-300G 617-228-2493 kmapston@bhcc.edu
Latina, Deborah A.
Assistant Professor and Chairperson
Allied Health Certificate Program Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2472 dlatina@bhcc.edu
McCuish, Luana L.
English Department Charlestown B-350E 617-228-3251 lmccuish@bhcc.edu
Dumas, Jamar T.
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 jdumas@bhcc.edu
Roller, Steve A.
Executive Director
Grants Department Charlestown C-316A 617-228-2394 sroller@bhcc.edu
Nguyen, Kieu T.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-3428 knguyen@bhcc.edu
Atkinson, Karen E.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350K 617-228-2360 KAtkinson@bhcc.edu
Rodriguez, Yoel E.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2281 yrodriguez@bhcc.edu
Roy, Stephen C
Administrative Assistant II
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-228-2236 sroy@bhcc.edu
Schmidt, Pamela B.
Professor and Program Coordinator
Human Services Program Charlestown B-122E 617-228-3276 pschmidt@bhcc.edu
Craven, Bryan D.
Assistant Professor and Chairperson
Computer Media Technology Department Charlestown D-123H 617-228-2248 bcraven@bhcc.edu
Bautista, Aurora B.
Professor and Chairperson
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-350H 617-228-2481 ABautis@bhcc.edu
Darwish, Samer F.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-P 617-228-2218 sdarwish@bhcc.edu
Driscoll, Mei-Hua
EDP Systems Analyst III
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown 617-228-1988 mdriscol@bhcc.edu
Cohn, Jennifer A.
English Department Charlestown B-300E 617-228-3250 jcohn@bhcc.edu
Rosenbaum, Scott J.
Campus Police Officer II
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 srosenba@bhcc.edu
Birden, Rosa A.
Clerk V
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2378 rlbirden@bhcc.edu
Choufa, Vincent
EDP Systems Analyst III
Technology Support Services Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3433 vchoufa@bhcc.edu
De Paula Gomes, Maria R.
Admissions Coordinator
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2479 mgauthie@bhcc.edu
Jecmenica, Nada
Academic Counselor
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211N-3 617-228-2345 njecmeni@bhcc.edu
Cohn, Allison
Educational Case Manager (Academic Coordinator)
Welcome Back Center Charlestown E-174-A 617-228-2399 acohn@bhcc.edu
Wery, Kevin E.
Senior Director
College Events and Cultural Planning Charlestown A-308 617-228-2328 kwery@bhcc.edu
Dunphy, Elizabeth
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown B-350D 617-228-3258 edunphy@bhcc.edu
Kelley, George
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-410-D 617-228-2171 grkelley@bhcc.edu
Lambert, Julie K.
Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2352 jklamber@bhcc.edu
Arai, Mizuho
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-350J 617-228-3448 marai@bhcc.edu
Spracklin, Barbara A.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-205 617-228-3449 basprack@bhcc.edu
Hoover, William L.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350F 617-228-3447 wlhoover@bhcc.edu
Maguire, Lauren
Professor and Chairperson
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-320-S 617-228-3480 llmaguir@bhcc.edu
Peterson, Erin M.
Acting Program Director and Professor, Medical Radiography (eve)
Medical Imaging Program Charlestown G-214 617-228-3477 emmcl917@bhcc.edu
Puente, Maria N.
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-300J 617-228-3484 mkpuente@bhcc.edu
Martins, Richard V.
Campus Police Officer II
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 rvmartin@bhcc.edu
Dubson, Michael G.
English Department Charlestown B-350I 617-228-2189 mdubson@bhcc.edu
Portillo, Jose N.
Maintainer III
Facilities Management Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2240 jpor7338@bhcc.edu
Davis, Camilla D.
Administrative Assistant II
Academic Affairs Charlestown B-313 617-228-3423 cddavis@bhcc.edu
Magana, Carmen C.
Academic Coordinator
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown E-140 617-228-2451 cmagana@bhcc.edu
Chung, Kenny
EDP Systems Analyst II
Audio Visual Department Charlestown D-106A 617-228-2010 kchung@bhcc.edu
Pena, Oscar E.
Laboratory Technician II
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown B-332 617-228-3265 oepena@bhcc.edu
Imani, Shamila
Accountant IV
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-3274 simani@bhcc.edu
Kozikowski, Kenneth M.
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2322 kkozikow@bhcc.edu
Brennan, Lauren
Manager of College Events
College Events and Cultural Planning Charlestown A-308 617-228-2017 lbrennan@bhcc.edu
Lavine, JoDe M.
Assistant Dean
Science, Engineering and Mathematics Charlestown C-312B 617-228-2439 jmlavine@bhcc.edu
Mudarrie, Nicole M.
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown 617-336-5129 nicole.mudarrie@bhcc.edu
Griffin, Brandon M.
Director of Enrollment Technology and Data Analytics
Enrollment Management and LifeMap Charlestown B-228E 617-228-2320 brandon.griffin@bhcc.edu
Jarvis, Frances H.
Staff Assistant
President's Office Charlestown B-317 617-228-2295 fjarvis@bhcc.edu
Cofield, Kali R.
Executive Assistant to the Vice President
Administration and Finance Charlestown B-317 617-228-2452 krcofiel@bhcc.edu
O'Brien, Caroline
Administrative Assistant II
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2488 cobrien@bhcc.edu
Holster, Melissa B.
Executive Director
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-313 617-228-2271 mbholste@bhcc.edu
Gregoire, Louis
Math Computer Lab Coordinator (Coordinator of Learning Resources)
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-226 617-228-2283 lgregoir@bhcc.edu
Liang, Huixin
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Technology Support Services Charlestown E-157 617-336-5072 hlian182@bhcc.edu
Cuevas, Richard J.
Maintainer III
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2168 rcuevas@bhcc.edu
Sharma, Sonia
Administrative Assistant II
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111-1 617-228-2462 ssha4746@bhcc.edu
Glaze, Jillian M.
Senior Director
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-228-2277 jmclarke@bhcc.edu
Sanchez, Jennifer S.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-321C 617-228-2296 jssanche@bhcc.edu
Montagna, Priscilla M.
Administrative Assistant II
Professional Studies Charlestown C-309 617-228-2026 pmmontag@bhcc.edu
Brouker-Botelho, Kristen M.
Associate Director, Stewardship, Donor Engagement and Operations
Advancement and BHCC Foundation Charlestown E-331-1 617-228-2395 kmbrouke@bhcc.edu
Cannon, Tia N.
Administrative Assistant II
Health Sciences Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2028 tcannon@bhcc.edu
Jennings, Nicole S.
Administrative Assistant II
Behavioral, Social Sciences and Global Learning Charlestown C-304 617-228-2029 nflecha@bhcc.edu
Prudent, Max
Learning Specialist (Mathematics and Business)
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2225 mpru5371@bhcc.edu
Hannig, Todd J.
Learning Specialist
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown E-140 617-228-3336 thannig@bhcc.edu
McDonald, Michael J.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-116 617-228-2044 mjmcdona@bhcc.edu
Key, Tammie A.
Manager of Adjunct Faculty Services
Academic Affairs Charlestown B-226M 617-228-1910 takey@bhcc.edu
Chen, Yong
Visual and Media Arts Department Charlestown D-122A 617-228-2146 yqchen@bhcc.edu
Clement, Daniel T.
Systems Administrator
Administrative Systems Charlestown D-221 617-228-2358 dtclemen@bhcc.edu
Pellecchia, Lynn
Professor and Clinical Coordinator
Medical Imaging Program Charlestown G-133 617-228-2405 lpellecc@bhcc.edu
Rodriguez, Maria M.
English Language Learning Department Charlestown B-136H 617-228-2334 mmrodrig@bhcc.edu
Kadambi, Belinda L.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-300K blkadamb@bhcc.edu
Murray, Karen M.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown B-136D 617-228-2232 kmmurray@bhcc.edu
Kumahia, Justice
Dean of Students
Student Affairs Charlestown B-309 617-228-3293 jkumahia@bhcc.edu
Lee, Daze S.
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122J 617-228-2043 dlee7571@bhcc.edu
Naggie, Lindsay A.
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300C 617-228-3234 lnaggie@bhcc.edu
Mahoney, Jaime L.
Computer Information Technology Department Charlestown D-122E 617-228-3229 jlmahone@bhcc.edu
Fernandes, Jefferson T.
Associate Professor
Computer Information Technology Department Charlestown D-123F 617-228-3228 jtfernan@bhcc.edu
Sagar, Vikram
Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2226 vssagar@bhcc.edu
Poole, Monica C.
Professor and Chairperson
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-300K 617-228-3231 mcpoole@bhcc.edu
Ortiz, Miguel A.
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2053 maor7856@bhcc.edu
Bastien, Denis P.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2240 db198760@bhcc.edu
Pendergast, William P.
Interim Associate Director
Tutoring and Academic Support Center Charlestown E-229-B 617-228-3422 wpenderg@bhcc.edu
Ha, Thanh Q
EDP Systems Analyst II
Audio Visual Department Charlestown G-106A 617-228-2255 tqha@bhcc.edu
Morris, Therese
Administrative Assistant II
Humanities and Learning Communities Charlestown C-304 617-228-2238 tmmorris@bhcc.edu
Desautel, Christopher L.
Captain (Associate Director of Operations)
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 cdesaute@bhcc.edu
Canniff, James F.
Provost and Vice President
Academic and Student Affairs Charlestown B-307 617-228-2437 jfcannif@bhcc.edu
Deveau, Tracy L.
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President
Academic and Student Affairs Charlestown B-307 617-228-2435 tldeveau@bhcc.edu
Heerter, Joshua
Learning Specialist
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown E-140 617-228-2374 jheerter@bhcc.edu
Fontes, Anthony D.
Professor and Chairperson
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122B 617-228-2252 afontes@bhcc.edu
Van Dyke, Olga M.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-134 617-228-2450 omsulliv@bhcc.edu
Abukhidejeh, Khaled
Mathematics Department Charlestown B-122F 617-228-2072 kabukhid@bhcc.edu
McMillion-Williams, Jacqueline R.
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211E 617-228-3476 jrwillia@bhcc.edu
Chu, Hung Q.
Academic Counselor
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-228-3368 hqchu@bhcc.edu
O'Neill, Kathleen B.
Single Stop Program Charlestown N-113B 617-228-3282 kboneill@bhcc.edu
Boyle, Michael G.
Computer Media Technology Department Charlestown B-122A 617-228-2256 mgboyle@bhcc.edu
McCarthy, Andrew
Librarian (Coordinator of Library Services)
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-319B 617-228-2323 ajmccart@bhcc.edu
Nkansah, Francis K.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-G 617-228-2418 fknkansa@bhcc.edu
Bullock, Jovana
Accountant II
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2278 jgbulloc@bhcc.edu
Vallie, R. Arlene
Interim Associate Provost
Chelsea Campus Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2421 ravallie@bhcc.edu
Atlas, Susan A.
Professor and Chairperson
Paralegal and Legal Studies Department Charlestown B-137H 617-228-3211 saatlas@bhcc.edu
Whitman, Robert L.
English Department Charlestown B-350C 617-228-3210 rlwhitma@bhcc.edu
Makhene, Ujunwa
Associate Director
Academic Innovation and Technology Charlestown 617-228-2069 uvnsonwu@bhcc.edu
Combs, Michael L.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-C 617-228-2290 mcombs@bhcc.edu
Gilliland, Austin A.
Professional Studies Charlestown C-309A 617-228-2420 agillila@bhcc.edu
Jean-Marie, Handine
Assistant Dean
Professional Studies Charlestown C-312C 617-336-5048 hjeanmar@bhcc.edu
Kasili, Paul M.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-300H 617-228-3238 pkasili@bhcc.edu
Nefer, Tua
English Department Charlestown B-350A 617-228-3463 tnefer@bhcc.edu
Kang, Sunny
Professor and Chairperson
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-O 617-228-3367 ska14437@bhcc.edu
Erilus, Evans
Interim Director
HOPE Initiative Charlestown D-122H 617-228-2103 eerilus@bhcc.edu
Sarpy, LaTasha K.
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-350G 617-228-3464 lksarpy@bhcc.edu
Reichert, Krista
Environmental Science Department Charlestown B-350B 617-228-3431 kreicher@bhcc.edu
Frashure, Kim M.
Professor and Chairperson
Environmental Science Department Charlestown B-137D 617-228-3454 kmfrashu@bhcc.edu
Raut, Mukti N.
Senior Director of Purchasing
Business Office Charlestown E-333-A 617-228-2433 mnraut@bhcc.edu
Vega, Flor J.
Admissions Operations & CRM Manager
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2019 fjvega@bhcc.edu
Allen Jr, Henry J
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-300L 617-228-2491 hjallen@bhcc.edu
Carter, Anne B.
Professor and Chairperson
Visual and Media Arts Department Charlestown E-320-Q 617-228-3246 acar7680@bhcc.edu
Nouchrif, Wissal
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122I 617-228-2347 wnouchri@bhcc.edu
Nyakurimwa, Tendai W.
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122D 617-228-3249 twnyakur@bhcc.edu
Mullin, Gregory P.
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-300L 617-228-2375 gpmullin@bhcc.edu
Steinman, Kenneth C.
Math Computer Lab Coordinator (Coordinator of Learning Resources)
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-226 617-228-3286 kcstienm@bhcc.edu
Cronin, William R.
Professor and Chairperson
Computer Information Technology Department Charlestown D-123B 617-228-3263 wrcronin@bhcc.edu
Cephas, Cheryl D.
Executive Director
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-D 617-228-3331 ccephas@bhcc.edu
Cuddahy, Anthony G.
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2053 agcuddah@bhcc.edu
Estridge, Erica S.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-5212 esestrid@bhcc.edu
Garcia, Carlos S.
Academic Counselor
Financial Aid Department Charlestown B-218 617-228-2279 csg73910@bhcc.edu
Costello, Michael P.
Associate Director
Student Central Charlestown B-201B 617-228-2383 mpcostel@bhcc.edu
Sadler, Ashe
Director - Tech Rise: Advancing Equity for Women and People of Color in IT
Professional Studies Charlestown N-111 617-936-1965 ash.sadler@bhcc.edu
Owens, Ashlee
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211D 617-228-5069 arowens@bhcc.edu
Lapierre, Veronica E.
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-211 617-228-2318 veronica.lapierre@bhcc.edu
Suny, Dreaming
Database Administrator
Administrative Systems Charlestown D-212G 617-228-2467 tsun@bhcc.edu
Desjardins, Nicolson
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-5424 nicolson.desjardins@bhcc.edu
Singer, Emily C.
Program Manager
Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth Charlestown E-320-N 617-228-5150 emily.singer@bhcc.edu
Casula, Donna M.
International Center Charlestown N-221A 617-228-2461 donna.casula@bhcc.edu
Ellis, Lauren
Associate Dean
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5126 lauren.ellis@bhcc.edu
Osman, Elmutaz
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Network Operations Charlestown D-206B 617-228-3225 emosman@bhcc.edu
Nguyen, ThuyTram
Technical Assistant III
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2225 ttn90154@bhcc.edu
Melle, Carol A.
Administrative Assistant II
Student Leadership and Engagement Charlestown E-226-2 617-228-2260 camelle@bhcc.edu
Jean, John I.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-D 617-228-2105 jijean@bhcc.edu
Wolf, Anita
Graphic Designer (Coordinator of College Graphics)
Marketing and Creative Services Charlestown E-335-1 617-228-3321 amwolf@bhcc.edu
Miller, Cecilia D.
Accountant IV
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2183 cmi26448@bhcc.edu
Chandler-Smith, Nuri G.
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown E-231 617-228-2415 ngchandl@bhcc.edu
Firew, Eyob D.
Accountant V
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213 617-228-2035 efirew@bhcc.edu
Yee, Colleen P.
Interim Director of Advising
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211C 617-228-2445 cpyee@bhcc.edu
Banton, Corry H.
Associate Director
Early Childhood Workforce Projects Charlestown B-226B 617-936-1911 chbanton@bhcc.edu
Harris, E. Alicia A.
Assistant Professor
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-410-C 617-228-1925 eaharris@bhcc.edu
Clark, Tony C.
English Department Charlestown D-300F 617-936-1923 tcclark@bhcc.edu
Flores, Julio S.
Visual and Media Arts Department Charlestown E-320-L 617-936-1924 js189207@bhcc.edu
Rodas, Brisna
Administrative Assistant II
International Center Charlestown N-221 617-936-1917 brodas@bhcc.edu
Ciocan, Eugenia
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department Charlestown B-122H 617-936-1922 eciocan@bhcc.edu
Soro, Torna O.
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-136E 617-936-1929 tosoro@bhcc.edu
Yadav, Jill A.
Admissions Pathway Counselor (Academic Counselor)
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-936-1944 jill.yadav@bhcc.edu
Eddinger, Pam Y.
Executive Charlestown B-317 617-228-2400 peddinger@bhcc.edu
Abel, Joshua E.
Professor and Chairperson
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department Charlestown B-123H 617-228-2192 jeabel@bhcc.edu
Watts, Frank J.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Marketing and Creative Services Charlestown E-335 617-936-1909 fjwatts@bhcc.edu
Moro, Nicole M.
Senior Director
Communications and Digital Content Charlestown 617-936-1913 nmoro@bhcc.edu
Savino, Donna J.
Assistant Dean
Health Sciences Charlestown G-238 617-228-3386 djsavino@bhcc.edu
Luong, Quyen
Accountant V
Grants Department Charlestown B-228H 617-336-5065 ql191801@bhcc.edu
Lajoie, Kattlyne P.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-5217 kplajoie@bhcc.edu
Keohan, John K.
Storekeeper IV
Central Services Charlestown C-313 617-228-2118 jkkeohan@bhcc.edu
Sutherland, Ronald V.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Network Operations Charlestown 617-936-1990 rvsuther@bhcc.edu
Betts, Stacey
Project Manager
Grants Department Charlestown B-227G 617-228-2287 swbetts@bhcc.edu
Hallsmith, George C.
Executive Assistant to the President
President's Office Charlestown B-317 617-228-2401 gchallsm@bhcc.edu
Singleton, Elaina L.
Accountant IV
Payroll Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2125 elsingle@bhcc.edu
Pitcher, John K.
Vice President
Administration and Finance Charlestown B-319 617-228-2208 jkpitcher@bhcc.edu
Kuhar, Marilyn K.
Executive Director
Advancement and BHCC Foundation Charlestown E-331-B 617-228-3290 mkkuhar@bhcc.edu
Meehan, Kevin M.
Administrative Assistant II
Enrollment Management and LifeMap Charlestown N-211N-2 617-228-3396 kmmeehan@bhcc.edu
Wenger, Kristen J.
Senior Director and Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-235 617-228-3450 kjwenger@bhcc.edu
Kiser, Karl W.
EDP Systems Analyst IV
Network Operations Charlestown D-206 617-228-3348 kwkiser@bhcc.edu
White-Marzouki, Ninette J.
TRIO Student Success Program Charlestown N-217E 617-228-2092 njwhite@bhcc.edu
Chhoeun, Phanny
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-204 617-936-1975 pchhoeun@bhcc.edu
Mah, Grace
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown E-230-F 617-228-2182 gmmah@bhcc.edu
Paul, Ashley H.
Professor and Chairperson
English Department Charlestown B-350H 617-936-1958 ahpaul@bhcc.edu
Maynard, Carlos L.
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-350I 617-936-1945 clmaynar@bhcc.edu
Chavarin, Jeanette
Administrative Assistant II
Student Leadership and Engagement Charlestown E-226-2 617-228-2261 jchavari@bhcc.edu
Harris, Michael D.
Associate Professor
Computer Information Technology Department Charlestown D-123E 617-228-2486 mdharris@bhcc.edu
Miller, Elizabeth C.
Professor and Chairperson
Computer Science Department Charlestown D-122G 617-228-2062 ecmiller@bhcc.edu
Bigelow, Gary A.
Chief Facilities Planning Officer
Facilities Planning, Construction and Energy Management Charlestown E-120 617-936-1985 gbigelow@bhcc.edu
Metherall, Arthur E.
Application Developer
Administrative Systems Charlestown 617-228-2191 aemether@bhcc.edu
Flores, Roberto
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211K 617-228-2291 rtflores@bhcc.mass.edu
Angoff, Nancy J.
Director of Grant Development
Grants Department Charlestown C-316A 617-936-1961 nangoff@bhcc.edu
Simon, Agnes
Senior Director, Grant Management
Grants Department Charlestown B-137J 617-228-2470 as198853@bhcc.edu
Robinson, Andre A.
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-300D 617-228-2221 aa203149@bhcc.edu
Anand, Monica
Staff Associate
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2158 manand@bhcc.edu
Smith, Frederick J.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-336-5215 fjsmith@bhcc.edu
Mason, Sondra T.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department Charlestown B-123G 617-228-2049 sondra.mason@bhcc.edu
Gilman, Perla
Professor and Chairperson
Medical Laboratory Technician Program Charlestown B-350G 617-228-2480 pgilman@bhcc.edu
Popeney, Mark J.
Professor and Chairperson
Performing Arts Department Charlestown B-350K 617-228-2219 mpopeney@bhcc.edu
Ellenbird, Jeff C.
Professor and Chairperson
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300A 617-228-1984 jcellenb@bhcc.edu
Nelson, Whitney B.
English Department Charlestown D-300G 617-228-5091 wbnelson@bhcc.edu
Shedden, Matthew C.
Deputy Chief of Police and Director of Operations
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-936-1993 mcshedde@bhcc.edu
Rojas-Surin, Michelle M.
Senior Director
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111E 617-228-2286 mrojassu@bhcc.edu
Kelkar, Swati M.
Mathematics Department Charlestown B-123C 617-228-1979 smkelkar@bhcc.edu
Pham, Loc Q.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-116 617-228-1970 lqpham@bhcc.edu
Grondin, Glen F.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-110 617-228-2319 gfgrondi@bhcc.edu
Dottin, Sartreina M.
Director of Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center
Student Affairs Charlestown B-138C 617-228-3468 smdottin@bhcc.edu
Carrasquillo, Misael J.
Assistant Director
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-1 617-228-3233 mjcarras@bhcc.edu
Castro-Cardoso, Adrian F.
Accountant IV
Payroll Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2122 afcastro@bhcc.edu
Curran Conway, Stacey L.
College Connection Coordinator
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown D-206 617-228-2165 scurranc@bhcc.edu
Siggelkoe, Rebecca D.
Assistant Director
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211C 617-228-2380 rdsiggel@bhcc.edu
Paudyal Chhetry, Prem P.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-B 617-936-1947 pppaudya@bhcc.edu
Boudreau-George, Amy E.
Senior Research Associate
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Charlestown B-228D 617-936-1938 aeboudre@bhcc.edu
Ocasio, Julia L.
Administrative Assistant II
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-336-5047 jlocasio@bhcc.edu
McLaughlin, Kathryn M.
Accountant V
Grants Department Charlestown 617-228-2459 km210489@bhcc.edu
Freeman, Paul
Storekeeper IV
Central Services Charlestown E-119 617-228-2409 pfreeman@bhcc.edu
Lopez, Jose R.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2240 jr211089@bhcc.edu
Cheng, Linda
Clerk VI
Academic Records Charlestown B-219I 617-228-2314 lcheng@bhcc.edu
Bhalla, Sherry P.
Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2227 spbhalla@bhcc.edu
Doherty, Kristine E.
Academic Coordinator
Single Stop Program Charlestown N-113A 617-228-1915 kelarkin@bhcc.edu
Thomas, Dana A.
Surgical Technology Certificate Program Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3363 da216636@bhcc.edu
Morello, James G.
Reproduction Service Supervisor
Central Services Charlestown E-138 617-228-3461 jmorello@bhcc.edu
Ruch, Alison L.
English Department Charlestown D-350L 617-228-2054 alruch@bhcc.edu
Siggelkoe, Erik R.
Professor and Chairperson
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department Charlestown D-350B 617-228-3320 ersiggel@bhcc.edu
Moore, Brian S.
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211J 617-228-3401 bs216538@bhcc.edu
Nguyen, Thu
Laboratory Technician II
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-311A 617-228-3435 tn217164@bhcc.edu
Cheng, Betty C.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown B-137B 617-228-2443 bccheng@bhcc.edu
Koebelin, Craig V.
Web Developer
Communications and Digital Content Charlestown 617-228-2288 cvkoebel@bhcc.edu
Pathmanathan, Pathmavigi
Accountant V
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2429 ppathman@bhcc.edu
Bastardi, Jessica R.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-5211 jrbastar@bhcc.edu
Duarte, Anne-Marie
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-5218 ad222788@bhcc.edu
Yarborough, Brooke
Marketing and Creative Services Charlestown E-335 617-228-3406 blyarbor@bhcc.edu
Davis-Rezendes, Keisa
Associate Director
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-336-5074 kvdavisr@bhcc.edu
Nandi, Ishita
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-136C 617-228-3304 ixnandi@bhcc.edu
Abreu, Gabriel A.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown E-157 617-336-5075 ga201138@bhcc.edu
Le, Minhtu H.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5078 mhle@bhcc.edu
O'Brien, Kathleen M.
Payroll Office Charlestown E-333 617-336-5079 kmobrien@bhcc.edu
Almeida, Christian
Business Analyst/Programmer
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-227E 617-336-5068 calmeida@bhcc.edu
Blackwood, Sara E
Coordinator Instructional Technology (Simulation Lab Specialist)
Health Sciences Charlestown/Chelsea G-233 617-228-3335 sblackwood@bhcc.edu
Schwartz, Deborah
English Department Charlestown B-300B 617-336-5092 dcschwar@bhcc.edu
Sarmiento, Isaias C.
Mathematics Department Charlestown D-122B 617-228-2265 icsarmie@bhcc.edu
Mabikas, Franck D.
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-A 617-228-2269 fdmabika@bhcc.edu
Cifuni, Margaret
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-135 617-228-3236 mmcifuni@bhcc.edu
Ipus, Elsa
Administrative Assistant II
Testing Services and Assessment Charlestown B-118 617-228-2397 eipuz@bhcc.edu
Scully, Thomas M.
Associate Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown B-123F 617-228-3442 tmscully@bhcc.edu
Valdez, Jennifer
English Language Learning Department Charlestown D-300D 617-228-3325 jvaldez@bhcc.edu
Briggs, Jesse M.
Associate Professor and Chairperson
Emergency Medical Studies Department Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5131 jb240217@bhcc.edu
O'Leary, Stephen
Academic Coordinator
Allied Health Certificate Program Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2471 so241721@bhcc.edu
Bryszkowski, Stephanie A.
Assistant Dean
Humanities and Learning Communities Charlestown C-305A 617-228-2242 sabryszk@bhcc.edu
Steele, Ranesha A.
Academic Coordinator
Health Sciences Charlestown G-232 617-228-3486 rasteele@bhcc.edu
Perry, Meir J.
Academic Coordinator
Testing Services and Assessment Charlestown D-221I 617-228-2350 mj240218@bhcc.edu
Johnson, Sasha M.
Assistant Director, HOPE Initiative-Training Project
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-5 617-228-2034 sm229737@bhcc.edu
Ventura, Candida
Clerk VI
Academic Records Charlestown B-219F 617-336-5056 cventura@bhcc.edu
Lopez, Katherine
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Learning Communities Charlestown N-216 617-936-1940 kl249702@bhcc.edu
Belaoun, Samira
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211H 617-228-2090 sbelaoun@bhcc.edu
Cribby, William J.
Assistant Dean
Student Affairs Charlestown B-303B 617-228-2012 wjcribby@bhcc.edu
Ortiz, Maria M.
Special Programs Coordinator-(9th-12th grade outreach specialist)
TRIO Talent Search Program Chelsea CHEL 617-466-5075 mo249699@bhcc.edu
Prudent, Steve W.
Director of High School Partnerships and Pathways
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown D-206 617-336-5066 swpruden@bhcc.edu
Branley, Heloisa H.
Clerk VI
Health Services Charlestown E-154 617-336-5141 hhbranle@bhcc.edu
Toto, Lisa H.
Business Analyst
Administration and Finance Charlestown 617-228-2428 ltoto@bhcc.edu
Munmun, Tahmina
Administrative Assistant II
Disability Support Services Charlestown E-222 617-228-2338 tahmina.munmun@bhcc.edu
Leung, Sze Chun
Business Office Charlestown E-333-A 617-228-2427 sl250032@bhcc.edu
Rossi, Luke J.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown N-216 617-336-5237 ljrossi@bhcc.edu
Gingras, Matthew
Academic Counselor
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214 617-228-3482 mgingras@bhcc.edu
De Vitto, Ceit M.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown E-235A 617-228-2235 kmdevitt@bhcc.edu
Chaney, Sharon L.
Buyer III
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-936-1921 schaney@bhcc.edu
Rodriguez, Yahaira E.
Administrative Assistant II
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown D-221F 617-228-2294 yerodrig@bhcc.edu
Atkinson, Maryanne
Health Sciences Charlestown/Chelsea G-235/CHEL 617-228-2027 matkinso@bhcc.edu
Bishop, Donna M.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-203 617-228-2194 dbishop@bhcc.edu
Ampane, Crispina C.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown B-137C 617-936-1977 ccapitul@bhcc.edu
Zepeda Torres, Miguel A.
Associate Dean
Chelsea Campus Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2458 mazepeda@bhcc.edu
Berger, Shana D.
English Department Charlestown B-137E 617-228-2206 sdberger@bhcc.edu
Asmelash, Asther
English Department Charlestown E-321F 617-936-1978 aasmelas@bhcc.edu
McKenna, Kristen P.
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111F 617-228-2416 kpmckenn@bhcc.edu
Heideman, Janelle A.
Instructional Designer
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown D-122D 617-228-1951 jaheidem@bhcc.edu
Turner, Denise
Manager of Cultural Planning
College Events and Cultural Planning Charlestown A-308 617-936-1902 dwturner@bhcc.edu
McGinn, Suzanne L
Administrative Assistant II
Testing Services and Assessment Charlestown B-118 617-936-1964 slmcginn@bhcc.edu
Sharpe, Jyllian N.
Clerk V
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203F 617-228-1920 jnsharpe@bhcc.edu
Patti, Jeremy
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211K 617-228-2083 jpatti@bhcc.edu
D'Oyley, Alicia A.
Enrollment Management and LifeMap Charlestown N-211M 617-228-3267 alicia.doyley@bhcc.edu
Gomes, Matthew
EDP Systems Analyst III
Academic Innovation and Instructional Design Charlestown E-230 617-228-2392 mtgomes@bhcc.edu
Pham, Ngoc H.
EDP Systems Analyst III
Academic Innovation and Instructional Design Charlestown E-230 617-228-3429 nhpham@bhcc.edu
Vasovic, Aleksandar
Senior Director
Administrative Systems Charlestown B-226K 617-620-6159 Aleksandar.vasovic@bhcc.edu
Maykis, Adam
Special Programs Coordinator
Student Central Charlestown B-202F 617-336-5216 adam.maykis@bhcc.edu
Hernandez, Carlos G.
Maintenance Equipment Operator I
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-2168 carlos.hernandez@bhcc.edu
Hannon, Christina
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211B 617-228-2299 christina.hannon@bhcc.edu
Essofi, Lamia
Academic Coordinator, Dual Enrollment and Malden Satellite
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Charlestown 617-228-2170 lbadir@bhcc.edu
Kane, Joli A.
Associate Professor
Mathematics Department Charlestown E-320-I 617-228-2188 joli.kane@bhcc.edu
Curry, Michael T
Associate Professor
Mathematics Department Charlestown B-211C 617-228-2476 mtcurry@bhcc.edu
Guzman, Lisandro
Communications Dispatcher II
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 lisandro.guzman@bhcc.edu
Ortiz, Carlos E
Accountant III
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2425 carlos.ortiz@bhcc.edu
Smith, Vengerflutta
Assistant Dean
Student Affairs Charlestown B-303A 617-336-5076 vengerflutta.smith@bhcc.edu
Kelleher-Calnan, Brian
Coordinator of Transfer Affairs (Transfer Coordinator)
Advising and LifeMap and Assessment Charlestown N-211A 617-228-2111 brian.kellehercalnan@bhcc.edu
Taylor, Keesha B.
Coordinator of Student Assessment
Testing Services and Assessment Charlestown B-118 617-228-3451 keesha.taylor@bhcc.edu
Cousins, Marc-Anthony X.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2239 marcanthony.cousins@bhcc.edu
Saberi, Abouhamed
Associate Professor
Engineering and Physical Sciences Department Charlestown D-123L 617-228-2130 asaberi@bhcc.edu
Burke, Dennis F.
Biology and Chemistry Department Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2143 dburke@bhcc.edu
Diaz, Alba
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-5227 alba.diaz@bhcc.edu
Deehan, John T.
Business Analyst
Academic Records Charlestown B-219C 617-228-3488 john.deehan@bhcc.edu
Lapierre, Marc A.
Associate Professor
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department Charlestown E-320E 617-228-2362 marc.lapierre@bhcc.edu
Martin, Susan G.
Academic Records Charlestown B-220 617-228-2135 susan.martin@bhcc.edu
Gallego Zarzosa, Alicia
Professor and Chairperson
Global Languages Department Charlestown B-123E 617-228-3360 a.gallegozarzosa@bhcc.edu
Williams, Harris
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department Charlestown D-122F 617-228-2204 he260566@bhcc.edu
Spears, Jennifer
Associate Director
Technology Support Services Charlestown D-113 617-228-2412 jennifer.spears@bhcc.edu
Gomez Vergara, Endy
Painter I
Facilities Management Charlestown E-120 617-228-3478 endy.gomez@bhcc.edu
Colello, Katharine V.
Academic Coordinator, Learn and Earn
Career Development and Internships Charlestown N-111H-3 617-228-1943 kvcolell@bhcc.edu
Medina, Yanitza O.
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211N-6 617-228-1934 yanitza.medina@bhcc.edu
Ozek Kaloti, Yesim
ESOL Instructor (Special Programs Coordinator)
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3343 yesim.ozekkaloti@bhcc.edu
Moyer, Glenn R.
Accountant III
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-3269 glenn.moyer@bhcc.edu
Tabela, Danielle
Director of Testing Services and Assessment
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-118 617-228-2368 danielle.tabela@bhcc.edu
Akai-Dennis, Naoko
Associate Professor
English Department Charlestown D-123D 617-228-2156 nakaiden@bhcc.edu
Ouellette, Leslie A.
Interim Executive Director
Integrated Marketing and Communications Charlestown E-335-A 617-336-5054 leslie.ouellette@bhcc.edu
Perez-Sostre, Herman
Special Programs Coordinator-(9th-12th grade outreach specialist)
TRIO Talent Search Program Chelsea CHEL 617-466-5075 hperez@bhcc.edu
Ticas, Jeniffer
Administrative Assistant II
Academic and Student Affairs Charlestown B-308 617-228-2361 jeniffer.ticas@bhcc.edu
Burnham, Karissa A.
Associate Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-212 617-336-5053 karissa.burnham@bhcc.edu
Shou, Jane
Assistant Director
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-214D 617-228-2270 jane.shou@bhcc.edu
Rowell, Allison G.
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
Academic Records Charlestown B-220A 617-936-1972 allison.rowell@bhcc.edu
Joshi, Nikisha
Accountant IV
Grants Department Charlestown B-228A 617-228-2389 nikisha.joshi@bhcc.edu
Carlisle, Nahomi
Associate Vice President and Chief Equity and Compliance Officer
Executive Division Charlestown A-307 617-228-3311 nahomi.carlisle@bhcc.edu
Salejwala, Zainab
AANAPISI Program Coordinator (Senior Special Programs Coordinator)
Academic Affairs Charlestown B-137C 617-228-3242 zmsalejw@bhcc.edu
Rubin, Laura C.
Science, Engineering and Mathematics Charlestown C-312 617-228-2465 laura.rubin@bhcc.edu
Lin, Vivian
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211L 617-336-5088 vivian.lin@bhcc.edu
Onodje, Maritza
Director of Student Success Initiative (Title V grant)
Chelsea Campus Chelsea CHEL 617-936-5089 maritza.onodje@bhcc.edu
Noel, Jonathan
Associate Director
Career Development and Internships Charlestown N-111C 617-228-3408 jonathan.noel@bhcc.edu
Chandler, David
Administrative Assistant II
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211N-5 617-228-2365 david.chandler@bhcc.edu
Taylor, Franklyn E.
Associate Provost-Charlestown
Academic and Student Affairs Charlestown B-308 617-228-2214 franklyn.taylor@bhcc.edu
Sendras, Robert D.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202N 617-336-5213 robert.sendras@bhcc.edu
Ngodup, Tenzin
Accountant III
Business Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2429 tngodup@bhcc.edu
Stauble, Lauren E.
Associate Professor and Chairperson
Education Department Chelsea 350/CHEL 617-228-2310 lauren.stauble@bhcc.edu
Johnson, Lateia
Assistant Director, Rapid, Recovery, and Re-employment (R3)
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111E 617-228-3361 lmjo8989@bhcc.edu
Ingersoll, Courtney A.
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-228-2078 courtney.ingersoll@bhcc.edu
Sherman, Jennifer T.
Associate Professor
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-122C 617-228-3374 jennifer.sherman@bhcc.edu
O'Malley, Donica C
Associate Professor and Chairperson
Communication Department Charlestown B-300F 617-936-1999 donica.omalley@bhcc.edu
Park, Soo H.
Humanities and Learning Communities Charlestown C-303 617-228-2173 soo.park@bhcc.edu
Jahan, Kawsar E.
Clerk VI
Academic Records Charlestown B-219J 617-228-2367 kejahan@bhcc.edu
Poole, Christopher M
Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2355 christopher.poole@bhcc.edu
Ziani, Amel
Administrative Assistant II
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-3365 aziani@bhcc.edu
Gosselin, Hunter P.
Administrative Assistant II
Health Sciences Charlestown 617-228-2155 hunter.gosselin@bhcc.edu
Plummer, Robert
TRIO Talent Search Program Chelsea CHEL robert.plummer@bhcc.edu
Warner, Christopher
Senior Data Analyst
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Charlestown B-228H 617-228-3346 christopher.warner@bhcc.edu
Phan, Thuloan
Accountant IV
Payroll Office Charlestown E-333 617-228-2459 thuloan.phan@bhcc.edu
Liberty, Logan
Administration and Finance Charlestown A-311 617-336-5058 logan.liberty@bhcc.edu
Bobea, Jenny E.
Director of Language Institute
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111-1 617-228-2289 jenny.bobea@bhcc.edu
Dhekyong, Tenzin
Health Careers Admissions Coordinator
Admissions and Recruitment Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3220 tenzin.dhekyong@bhcc.edu
Hughes, Brendan P.
Special Assistant to the President and Director of Public Affairs
President's Office Charlestown B-318 617-228-3402 brendan.hughes@bhcc.edu
Gonzalez Hidalgo, Carla I
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-4 617-336-5132 carla.gonzalez@bhcc.edu
Valdez-Gonzalez, Roselvi M.
Administrative Assistant II
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-2 617-228-2020 rmvaldez@bhcc.edu
Marin, Senia S.
Digital Content Specialist
Communications and Digital Content Charlestown B-316 617-936-1963 smarin@bhcc.edu
McKee, Diana R.
Graphic Arts Technician II
Central Services Charlestown E-138 617-228-2154 diana.mckee@bhcc.edu
Zechariah, Sunnie
Assistant Professor
Education Department Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5071 sunnie.zechariah@bhcc.edu
Curry, Gordon M.
Communication Department Charlestown B-137E 617-228-2356 gordon.curry@bhcc.edu
Sabouni, Youssef
Assistant Professor
Business Administration Department Charlestown B-226H 617-228-2263 ysabouni@bhcc.edu
Weldon, Ida M
Assistant Professor
Education Department Charlestown E-320-H 617-228-2351 ida.weldon@bhcc.edu
FrostBrophy, Maya
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-5 617-228-2292 maya.frostbrophy@bhcc.edu
George, Bobby
Senior Director
Network Operations Charlestown D-226A 617-228-3460 bobby.george@bhcc.edu
Mad-Toingue, Maxime
Academic Counselor
International Center Charlestown N-221B 617-228-2284 maxime.madtoingue@bhcc.edu
Varraso, Rosa E
Assistant Comptroller
Business Office Charlestown E-333-A 617-228-2342 rosa.varraso@bhcc.edu
Brittingham, John
Associate Director
Teaching, Learning and Instructional Design Charlestown E-230 617-336-5094 john.brittingham@bhcc.edu
Asmar, Ramzy P
Associate Professor
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-410-B 617-228-2073 ramzy.asmar@bhcc.edu
Mukherjee, Suman
STEM Coordinator (Academic Coordinator)
Science, Engineering and Mathematics Charlestown B-226A 617-228-3218 smukherj@bhcc.edu
Butella, Stefani P
Assistant Professor
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-410-B 617-228-2273 spdesros@bhcc.edu
Sundaram, Vijaya
Assistant Professor
English Department Charlestown B-211E 617-228-2413 vijaya.sundaram@bhcc.edu
Levey-Pabst, Marie
Assistant Professor
English Department Charlestown 617-228-2040 maleveyp@bhcc.edu
Ahmed, Fawzia
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-2 617-336-5093 fahmed@bhcc.edu
Val, Kandley
Associate Director
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-201A 617-228-2266 kandley.val@bhcc.edu
Stanford, Abbey
Associate Registrar
Academic Records Charlestown B-220F 617-939-1974 abbey.stanford@bhcc.edu
Abdelhady, Manal M.
Associate Professor and Program Director
Medical Imaging Program Charlestown 617-228-3444 mabdelha@bhcc.edu
Jones, Jacob
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-6 617-336-5103 jacob.jones@bhcc.edu
Rojas-Pion, Carolina
Assistant Director of Dual Enrollment and Early College at Chelsea High School
Academic Support and College Pathway Programs Chelsea CHEL HIGH 617-228-2059 carolina.rojaspion@bhcc.edu
Fusco, Kadee M.
Academic Counselor
Student Financial Services Charlestown N-111H-2 617-336-5221 kadee.fusco@bhcc.edu
Phelan, Tiffany
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown G-214 617-228-1981 tiffany.phelan@bhcc.edu
Phelps, Molly
Humanities and Career Programs Charlestown N-111H-8 617-336-5230 molly.phelps@bhcc.edu
Dachille, Gregory W
Coordinator of Library Services
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-316A 617-228-2307 gregory.dachille@bhcc.edu
Saint Germain, Guimard
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-6 617-228-2275 Guimard.germain@bhcc.edu
Horta, Adilson J.
Associate Director of Adult Education
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5127 ajhorta@bhcc.edu
Mauriz, Renata
Immigrant Services Charlestown N-211G 617-936-5232 renata.mauriz@bhcc.edu
Kerner, Melissa
Academic Coordinator
Early Childhood Workforce Projects Charlestown B-226D 617-228-3247 melissa.kerner@bhcc.edu
Lajoie, Stephen M.
Librarian, Access Services
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-315B 617-228-2423 stephen.lajoie@bhcc.edu
Shrestha, Sangam
Educational Case Manager (Academic Coordinator)
Welcome Back Center Charlestown E-174-B 617-336-5122 sangam.shrestha@bhcc.edu
Beattie, Laurel
Enrollment Counselor
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211B 617-228-2317 laurel.beattie@bhcc.edu
Liberatore, Rachelle
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 rachelle.liberatore@bhcc.edu
Rodrigues, Sara
Coordinator of Enrollment: Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211D 617-228-3409 ssrodrig@bhcc.edu
Torres, Larry A.
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-3 617-336-5149 larry.torres@bhcc.edu
Gottlieb, Rachael A
Career Navigator (Career Development Counselor)
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea N-111H-8 617-336-5081 rachael.gottlieb@bhcc.edu
Twohads, Nickoliss
Senior Special Programs Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-3 617-336-5123 nickoliss.twohads@bhcc.edu
Tortola, Heather P.
Director of Facilities Planning, Construction and Energy Management
Facilities Management Charlestown E-023D 617-336-5128 heather.tortola@bhcc.edu
Charles, Walgler
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-1 617-336-5124 walgler.charles@bhcc.edu
Hughes, Mercedes B.
Simulation Technologist (Coordinator of Instructional Technology)
Nurse Education Department Charlestown 617-228-2060 mercedes.hughes@bhcc.edu
Rondash, Carmen L.
Special Programs Coordinator, Students Who Are Parents
Student Affairs Charlestown B-138B 617-336-5133 carmen.rondash@bhcc.edu
Eaton, Caroline
Administrative Assistant II
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-228-3341 caroline.eaton@bhcc.edu
Ramirez, Eduardo
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202M 617-228-2384 eduardo.ramirez@bhcc.edu
McDonald, Trisha J.
Communication Dispatcher II
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 trisha.mcdonald@bhcc.edu
Kielar, Ahnastasia R
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-4 617-228-2373 ahnastasia.kielar@bhcc.edu
Lowman Ernest, Hannah M.
Associate Bursar
Student Payment Office Charlestown B-213C 617-228-2126 hannah.ernest@bhcc.edu
Batherwich, Heather A.
Assistant Director of Human Resources for Talent Management
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-C 617-228-2127 heather.batherwich@bhcc.edu
Rogodzinski, Andrew
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown 617-336-5234 ar191043@bhcc.edu
Beauvais, Fadiala
Academic and Career Advisor, Adult Education and Transition Program
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-336-5084 fadiala.beauvais@bhcc.edu
Qian, Wei
SQL Programmer
Administrative Systems Charlestown 617-228-3473 wei.qian@bhcc.edu
Jacob, Michael
Admissions Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2003 michael.jacob@bhcc.edu
Raymond, Michael
Academic Coordinator
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2030 michael.raymond@bhcc.edu
Noei, Nazanin
Director of Project Support Services
Grants Department Charlestown B-227G 617-336-5132 nazanin.noei@bhcc.edu
Morgan, Edward N.
Associate Dean
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Charlestown B-313B 617-228-3287 edward.morgan@bhcc.edu
Love, Alexandria
Campus Police Officer I
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2053 alexandria.love@bhcc.edu
Khaze, Sholeh
Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114 617-228-2354 skhaze@bhcc.edu
St. Laurence, Robert
Assistant Professor
Performing Arts Department Charlestown 617-336-5087 rstlaurence@bhcc.edu
Freitas-Haley, Jillian
Associate Dean of Enrollment Management
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown E-235R 617-336-5083 jillian.freitashaley@bhcc.edu
Lefebvre, Teresa M.
Career Development and Internships Charlestown N-111C 617-228-3252 teresa.lefebvre@bhcc.edu
Bartzak-Graham, Susan J.
TRIO Success Coach
TRIO Student Success Program Charlestown N-217D 617-228-3283 susan.bartzakgraham@bhcc.edu
Okan, Lee
Assistant Professor
English Department Charlestown B-300H 617-336-5095 Ashlee.hershey@bhcc.edu
McKee, Hannah E.
Administrative Assistant II
Athletics and Wellness Charlestown G-118 617-228-3443 hannah.mckee@bhcc.edu
Bartovics, Thomas G.
Evening Supervisor (Special Programs Coordinator)
Tutoring and Academic Support Center Charlestown E-229-A 617-936-1971 thomas.bartovics@bhcc.edu
Chapman, Erin L.
Coordinator for Early Childhood Workforce Projects (Special Programs Coordinator)
Education Department Charlestown B-226C 617-228-2245 erin.chapman@bhcc.edu
Azhari, Ali
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department Charlestown D-122F 617-228-3221 ali.azhari@bhcc.edu
Lewis, Alex
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown E-235U 617-228-1919 alex.lewis@bhcc.edu
Galvis, Ivan
ELL Recruitment Counselor
Workforce and Economic Development Charlestown 617-936-5219 ivan.galvis@bhcc.edu
Rani Fnu, Suman
Clerk V
Disability Support Services Charlestown E-222E 617-228-2267 srani@bhcc.edu
Rivera Gonzalez, Yomeiska
Administrative Assistant II
Academic Records Charlestown B-219E 617-228-3253 y.riveragonzalez@bhcc.edu
Torchia, Raffaella A.
Senior Director of Operations and Donor Services
Advancement and BHCC Foundation Charlestown E-331-A 617-228-3466 raffaella.torchia@bhcc.edu
Alexander, Chelsea M.
Academic Coordinator, DISH Food Pantry
Student Affairs Charlestown B-138A 617-228-2093 chelsea.alexander@bhcc.edu
Platt, Heather
Assistive Technology Accessibility Specialist (Disabilities Counselor)
Disability Support Services Charlestown E-222D 617-228-2234 heather.platt@bhcc.edu
Wells, Nathan D.
Special Programs Coordinator
Academic Records Charlestown B-219A 617-228-2006 nathan.wells@bhcc.edu
Neverson, Jeshua
Laboratory Technician I
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-311A 617-228-3453 jeshua.neverson@bhcc.edu
Macdonald, Rob
Assistant Director of Enterprise Center for Entrepreneurship and Training
Workforce and Economic Development Chelsea CHEL 617-228-2004 rob.macdonald@bhcc.edu
Huang, Adam
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown 617-228-3256 adam.huang@bhcc.edu
Sarneso, Anna R.
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-315A 617-228-3240 arsarnes@bhcc.edu
Dunkley, Yvonne
Assistant Director of Apprenticeship Hub
Workforce and Economic Development Charlestown N-111 617-228-2032 yvonne.dunkley@bhcc.edu
Price, Anthony R
Athletics and Wellness Charlestown G-119 617-228-3472 anthony.price@bhcc.edu
Page, Zachary
Clerk V
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown 617-228-2063 zachary.page@bhcc.edu
Do, Vivianne
Academic Coordinator
Career Development and Internships Charlestown N-111H-3 617-228-2293 vivianne.do@bhcc.edu
Hartnett, Kathleen M.
Disabilities Counselor, Academic Learning Specialist
Disability Support Services Charlestown E-222E 617-228-3281 kathleen.hartnett@bhcc.edu
Depin, Andrew
Administrative Assistant II
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center Charlestown B-138 617-936-1928 andrew.depin@bhcc.edu
MacDonald, Melissa A.
Associate Professor
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown E-320-K 617-228-2074 ma190842@bhcc.edu
Wilson, Latisha
Academic Counselor
Financial Aid Department Charlestown 617-228-3345 latisha.wilson@bhcc.edu
Gagne, Isabelle
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown E-320-M 617-228-2067 ifgagne@bhcc.edu
McKiernan, Adele
Special Programs Coordinator
Academic Records Charlestown B-219B 617-228-2344 adele.mckiernan@bhcc.edu
Chromik, Martyann
Financial Analyst
Administration and Finance Charlestown 617-228-2061 martyann.chromik@bhcc.edu
Kwak, SeungJu
Clerk V
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown 617-228-2057 max.kwak@bhcc.edu
Anand, Divya
Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth Charlestown E-313-D 617-228-3403 divya.anand@bhcc.edu
Galvis, Sabine
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202C 617-336-5222 sabine.galvis@bhcc.edu
Mai, Katie
Coordinator (Senior Special Programs Coordinator)
Early College and High School Partnerships Charlestown D-221 617-336-5080 katie.mai@bhcc.edu
Mullaney, Emily R.
Research Assistant
Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning Charlestown 617-936-1966 emily.mullaney@bhcc.edu
Dao, Thu
Accountant III
Business Office Chelsea E-333 thu.dao@bhcc.edu
Saba, Jacqueline N.
Marine/Maritime Trades Coordinator
Workforce and Economic Development Charlestown 617-228-2254 jacqueline.saba@bhcc.edu
Galpern, Heidi J.
Business Analyst/Programmer
Enrollment Services Charlestown B-227AB 617-936-1946 heidi.galpern@bhcc.edu
Kappeler, Erin J.
Instructional Designer
Academic Innovation and Distance Education Charlestown 617-336-5099 ejkappel@bhcc.edu
Farzner, Vanessa
Academic Coordinator
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-936-1936 vanessa.farzner@bhcc.edu
Clark, Jacqueline M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-936-1986 jacqueline.clark@bhcc.edu
Handy, Cecilia J.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-211-B 617-228-2268 cecilia.handy@bhcc.edu
Rosefsky, Heather N.
Employer Partnership Coordinator
Career Development and Internships Charlestown 617-228-3347 heather.rosefsky@bhcc.edu
Marchand, Caitlyn M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-228-3353 caitlyn.marchand@bhcc.edu
Glass, Jamie
Administrative Assistant II
Online Learning and Instructional Innovation Charlestown E-230 617-336-5077 jamie.glass@bhcc.edu
Fisher, Theodore
Associate Professor
Visual and Media Arts Department Charlestown E-320-J 617-228-3254 ted.fisher@bhcc.edu
Taylor, Omagbemi R.
Assistant Director for Benefit Administration
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-C 617-228-2211 gbemi.taylor@bhcc.edu
Cardona, Miranda
Senior Academic Counselor
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center Charlestown B-138F 617-936-1927 mncardon@bhcc.edu
Aubry, Jerry
Administrative Assistant II
Human Resources Charlestown E-333 617-228-2056 jerry.aubry@bhcc.edu
Pierre, Tomy C.
Success Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-936-1996 tcpierre@bhcc.edu
Milloshi, Besmir
Admission Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2341 besmir.milloshi@bhcc.edu
Keane, Margaret
Disability Support Services Charlestown E-222B 617-228-3415 margaret.keane@bhcc.edu
Jones, Tiphanie
Academic Coordinator
Community-Based Initiatives Charlestown 617-936-1962 tiphanie.jones@bhcc.edu
Kaya, Hatice Y.
Academic Counselor-Student and Study Abroad Advisor
International Center Charlestown 617-228-2410 hatice.kaya@bhcc.edu
Wasserman, Rachel
Assistant Professor and Chairperson
Pharmacy Technician Program Charlestown 617-228-3366 rachel.wasserman@bhcc.edu
Na, Yoo Sun
Assistant Professor
Performing Arts Department Charlestown B-123A 617-228-2152 yna@bhcc.edu
Summers, Mary
Laboratory Technician I
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown B-311 617-228-2086 mary.summers@bhcc.edu
Breitenfeldt, Jeffrey
Associate Professor
English Department Charlestown B-350F 617-936-1950 jeffrey.breitenfeldt@bhcc.edu
Keazer, Davida
Administrative Assistant II
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-314 617-228-2212 davida.keazer@bhcc.edu
Torrens, Pablo
Enrollment Counselor
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2059 pablo.torrens@bhcc.edu
Black, Alexis
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown 617-228-3438 alexis.black@bhcc.edu
Troiano, Peter
Academic Coordinator
Veterans Center Charlestown N-116A 617-336-5057 peter.troiano@bhcc.edu
Cannon, Mary J.
Senior Academic Counselor
Student Counseling, Prevention and Wellness Center Charlestown B-138G 617-936-1995 mary.cannon@bhcc.edu
Silva, Kathryn
Interim Dean
Behavioral, Social Sciences and Global Learning Charlestown C-303 617-228-3217 kathryn.silva@bhcc.edu
Rosemond, Margaret
Assistant Director
Grants Development Charlestown C-316A 617-936-1927 margaret.rosemond@bhcc.edu
Greene, Elisabeth M.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown N-210D 617-936-1997 elise.greene@bhcc.edu
Cheetham, Kristine J.
Academic Coordinator
Health Sciences Charlestown 617-228-3373 kristine.cheetham@bhcc.edu
Kelley-Mudie, Sara
Coordinator of Library Services, Research and Instruction
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown N-316B 617-936-1916 sara.kelley-mudie@bhcc.edu
Campbell, Debbie A.
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-936-5134 debbie.campbell@bhcc.edu
Fevry, Natasha
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown 617-228-2088 natasha.fevry@bhcc.edu
Fox, Katherine
Coordinator of Library Services, Research and Instruction
Library, Learning Commons and TASC Charlestown 617-228-2008 katherine.fox@bhcc.edu
Najarian, Michelle
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown 617-936-1998 michelle.najarian@bhcc.edu
Kittle, Gianna
Deputy for Equity and Title IX Coordinator
Equity and Compliance Charlestown 617-228-2385 gianna.kittle@bhcc.edu
Abate, Carla Ellen
Interim Assistant Director
Workforce and Economic Development Charlestown 617-228-3474 carla.abate@bhcc.edu
Parker, Andrea N.
Director of Early Childhood Workforce Projects
Professional Studies Charlestown B-226I 617-228-2436 andrea.parker@bhcc.edu
Maldonado, Henry
Admissions Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Admissions and Recruitment Charlestown B-203 617-228-2119 henry.maldonado@bhcc.edu
Jura, Joelle R.
Learn and Earn Internship Coordinator (Special Programs Coordinator)
Career Development and Internship Charlestown N-111H3 617-228-2013 joelle.jura@bhcc.edu
Thornton, Jordan
Graphic Arts Technician II
Central Services Charlestown E-1238 617-228-2258 jordan.thornton@bhcc.edu
Ingersoll, Keagan
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-936-5214 keagan.ingersoll@bhcc.edu
Affonso, Jessicca T.
Enrollment Counselor
Adult Education and Transition Program Charlestown jtaffons@bhcc.edu
Lin, Elaine
Clerk VI
Student Central Charlestown B-202 617-936-5210 elaine.lin@bhcc.edu
Correa, Willys R
Campus Police Officer II
Public Safety Charlestown E-127 willys.correa@bhcc.edu
Jimenez, Jonathan R
Campus Police Officer II
Public Safety Charlestown E-127 jonathan.jimenez@bhcc.edu
Palmer, Michael F.
Campus Police Officer II
Public Safety Charlestown E-127 michael.palmer@bhcc.edu
Manso Alvarez, Doranggie
Assistant Professor
Allied Health Certificate Program Charlestown  
Steddom, Alessandra B.
Social Sciences & Humanities Facilitator-Learning Specialist
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown  
Carvajal, Samantha K.
Special Programs Coordinator (Immunizations)
Academic Records Charlestown  
Mains, Nicole J.
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Department Charlestown nicole.mains@bhcc.edu
Quigley, Jeanna M.
Assistant Professor
Nurse Education Charlestown jeanna.quigley@bhcc.edu
O'Brien, Austin
Storekeeper IV
Central Services Charlestown  
Miller, Jennifer
Interim Dean
Academic Affairs (Research and Assessment Charlestown 617-228-2147 jennifer.miller02@bhcc.edu
Lam, Huong
Pathway Coach (Academic Counselor)
Advising and LifeMap Charlestown  
Name/Title Department Campus Office Phone Email