Faculty and Staff Directory

  • The Faculty and Staff Directory is maintained by Human Resources. Please send updates or corrections to Elena O’Leary at eoleary@bhcc.edu.
Abarca, Mirna V.
Academic Coordinator
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown B-330 617-228-2070 mabarca@bhcc.edu
Abate, Carla Ellen
Interim Assistant Director
Workforce and Economic Development Charlestown 617-228-3474 carla.abate@bhcc.edu
Abdelhady, Manal M.
Associate Professor and Program Director
Medical Imaging Program Charlestown 617-228-3444 mabdelha@bhcc.edu
Abel, Joshua E.
Professor and Chairperson
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Department Charlestown B-123H 617-228-2192 jeabel@bhcc.edu
Abreu, Gabriel A.
EDP Systems Analyst II
Technology Support Services Charlestown E-157 617-336-5075 ga201138@bhcc.edu
Abukhidejeh, Khaled
Mathematics Department Charlestown B-122F 617-228-2072 kabukhid@bhcc.edu
Affonso, Jessicca T.
Enrollment Counselor
Adult Education and Transition Program Charlestown jtaffons@bhcc.edu
Aherrera, Milagros M.
Director of Compensation and Benefits
Human Resources Charlestown E-333-D 617-228-2096 maherrera@bhcc.edu
Ahmed, Fawzia
Academic Coordinator
HOPE Initiative Charlestown E-225-2 617-336-5093 fahmed@bhcc.edu
Akai-Dennis, Naoko
Associate Professor
English Department Charlestown D-123D 617-228-2156 nakaiden@bhcc.edu
Alexander, Chelsea M.
Academic Coordinator, DISH Food Pantry
Student Affairs Charlestown B-138A 617-228-2093 chelsea.alexander@bhcc.edu
Allen Jr, Henry J
History and Social Sciences Department Charlestown B-300L 617-228-2491 hjallen@bhcc.edu
Almeida, Christian
Business Analyst/Programmer
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-227E 617-336-5068 calmeida@bhcc.edu
Ambrose, Molly B.
Associate Vice President
Human Resources Charlestown A-306 617-228-2457 mambrose@bhcc.edu
Amerena, Denise E.
Health Services Charlestown E-154 617-228-2185 damerena@bhcc.edu
Amini, Faeizeh M.
Center for Self-Directed Learning Charlestown N-114B 617-228-2228 famini@bhcc.edu
Ampane, Crispina C.
Nurse Education Department Charlestown B-137C 617-936-1977 ccapitul@bhcc.edu
Anand, Divya
Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth Charlestown E-313-D 617-228-3403 divya.anand@bhcc.edu
Anand, Monica
Staff Associate
Public Safety Charlestown A-200 617-228-2158 manand@bhcc.edu
Angoff, Nancy J.
Director of Grant Development
Grants Department Charlestown C-316A 617-936-1961 nangoff@bhcc.edu
Arai, Mizuho
Behavioral Science Department Charlestown D-350J 617-228-3448 marai@bhcc.edu
Arias, Luisa A.
Telephone Operator II
Student Financial Services Charlestown B-202 617-228-3398 laarias@bhcc.edu
Asmar, Ramzy P
Associate Professor
Hospitality Department Charlestown E-410-B 617-228-2073 ramzy.asmar@bhcc.edu
Asmelash, Asther
English Department Charlestown E-321F 617-936-1978 aasmelas@bhcc.edu
Atkinson, Karen E.
Biology and Chemistry Department Charlestown D-350K 617-228-2360 KAtkinson@bhcc.edu
Showing 1 to 25 of 547 entries