Teaching for Our Times was initially published by the Teaching and Learning Institute at BHCC as an open-access journal that publishes scholarly work from the BHCC community.
The journal was revived by the AANAPISI leadership team after a 5 year hiatus and relaunched in 2022 with a new interactive online format and a modified name, Teaching for Our Times: Centering Equity and Cultural Wealth. With this new vision grounded in the values of equity and cultural wealth, the journal will transition to the management of the Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth (CECW).
To access the journal, go to https://www.teachingforourtimes.org/.
The journal aims to contribute to the global discourse on teaching and learning in urban community colleges by publishing work that is evidence-based and grounded in theory and practice. The journal also aims to support, challenge and critically engage with the intellectual life of the BHCC community through publishing the work of students, faculty, staff and administrators at the college. All members of the BHCC community are invited to submit their own works.
For more information or to express interest in contributing to the journal, contact the AANAPISI leadership team at BFS@bhcc.edu and the CECW at lssilva@bhcc.edu