Guiding Principles
- Partnership advances a mission of equity by targeting low income, first-generation, students of color.
- Partnership activities strive to meet and serve students where they are--at their level of academic need, college awareness, language proficiency, disability, etc.--and are geared toward supporting the success of all participating students.
- The partnership is reciprocal and sustainable, with resource commitments by the College and the partner schools/districts (example: funding, assigned staff marketing materials).
- Partners are mutually committed to student success, providing additional resources or services (like tutoring or scheduling flexibility) as needed.
- Partnership activities are developmentally appropriate, with opportunities for guided exploration and reflection before choosing a concentration.
- Partnership activities provide realistic information to students regarding the skills and knowledge they need to succeed at the college level.
- Partnership activities build motivation for entry and success in college through high expectations and aspirations.
- Partnership activities help to prepare students for college-level work. Partner schools are engaged in curriculum alignment with BHCC [link to curriculum alignment] to build college readiness.
- BHCC courses offered count toward high school graduation requirements.
- Offerings are on a path towards a goal: degree, transfer or certificate attainment.
- Partnership creates a seamless pathway to BHCC.
Types of Highschool Partnerships
Articulation Agreements
BHCC shares articulation agreements with many local high schools, awarding college credit for certain advanced courses taught at high schools.
The Credit for Prior Learning program (CPL) provides a process for evaluation and, when appropriate, awards academic credits for learning acquired outside the traditional college environment.
There are 14 agreements that are covered under the statewide articulation agreements, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) recognizes six of those programs and awards credit to eligible students.