Year 1 Summary Report


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The AANAPISI grant, launched under the title Building the Framework for Success, elicited high participation in two signature events: at the College, where over 90 faculty, staff, administrators, and guests participated; and at the Pao Arts Center, where 66 participants, including 18 community partners from 14 organizations, learned more about engagement opportunities through the grant. As Year I of the grant comes to a close, the four AANAPISI BFS teams have quickly mobilized and made significant gains towards achieving grant goals.  

  • The ESL Design Team, comprised of four task force groups, completed comprehensive research on curriculum design, best practices in ESL pedagogy and practices, and current BHCC policies and practices in the intake, assessment, and advising processes for ELL students. The team has used its findings to: recommend changes to BHCC’s intake and assessment policies and practices and pilot a new assessment procedure in fall 2017; create the structure for three types of ESL course pilots to be designed and implemented in AY 2017-2018 – integrated ESL courses, contextualized ESL courses, and ESL courses that allow for direct acceleration to ENG 111; successfully advocate for the fall 2017 college-wide Professional Development Day to focus on understanding and addressing the needs of English Language Learners; and continue building on the ESL – English Department collaboration to streamline acceleration pathways from ESL courses to ENG 111.
  • The Targeted Success Coaching (TSC) Team sponsored an Asian American Student Dialogue between BHCC and UMass Boston students to explore the Asian American Studies program at UMass Boston and discuss needed supports for English Language Learners (ELLs). The team has also nearly completed research on best practices for providing effective support for Asian American students, especially those coming from low-income groups.  With the hiring of the first AANAPISI success coach and implementation of the College’s initiative to disaggregate incoming student populations by race and ethnic sub-groups starting fall 2017, design of professional development for advisers and success coaches in culturally responsive, student-centered practices is underway.  The professional development activities will primarily address the needs of ELL students and Asian American students from low-income groups.
  • The Local-Global Learning (LGL) Team held the first Local-Global Learning Institute at the Pao Arts center on May 24 and 25, 2017. Designed around the theme of Sharing Spaces:    Collaboration. Community, close to 70 faculty and staff participated in exploring Asian American culture, food, and social issues through experiential and field-based activities.   
  • The Project Assessment Team (PAT) created Task Stream template to help all teams to document, track, and upload quantitative and qualitative measures of their progress toward meeting annual grant goals. A data analyst has been hired to work with the teams in identifying other data collection needs to support the grant’s main project measures.