Welcome to Bunker Hill Community College’s Division of Humanities and Learning Communities. We offer Associate in Arts Degrees in Communication, English, English/Creative Writing Option, Global Language, Liberal Arts, Music and Theatre, and English Language Learning courses. These Degree Programs prepare students to transfer to four-year colleges or universities to seek bachelors’ degrees in their area of concentration.
The Division sponsors the College’s nationally recognized Learning Communities. In the Learning Community Seminar (HUM-120), first-year students integrate academic knowledge with personal experiences to examine the relationship among self, culture and society, explore career pathways, and map future plans. In Learning Community Clusters, students co-enroll in two or more courses organized around a social issue of interest, such as human rights or sustainability.
Finally, the Division supports the World Studies Emphasis, which enables students to demonstrate acquired knowledge, skills and competencies needed to live and work in a globally interdependent world. Students complete five courses from the World Studies Emphasis menu that are designed to foster an ability to appreciate and analyze historical and contemporary experiences of diversity locally and globally.
The Division sponsors the One Book Program, which engages the College community in a dialogue about a common text that addresses a current social issue. Students, faculty and staff share the experience of reading a text and examining its effects upon our community. Programming offered throughout the year builds on discussions that begin in the classrooms of various disciplines. The College invites the author of the chosen text to visit, interact and speak with our student body. The One Book Program promotes critical thinking, spurs analysis, and encourages positive change.
The Division also sponsors the Tell Magazine, which facilitates an inclusive environment offering a voice via media representation of artistic expression to all BHCC students and community members. Tell Magazine is committed to advocating for racial and social justice and to centering and honoring the assets and cultural wealth of historically marginalized people.
The Division team of faculty and staff welcome your inquiries and look forward to working with you.
Soo Park
Dean of Humanities and Learning Communities