Health Science Majors

Health Sciences majors who are taking pre-requisite courses needed towards Nursing or Sonography take the same assessments as students in other majors.

If you are eligible for a based on your high school GPA, previous college course work, or on an SAT, ACT, GED, or other test score, you do not need to take this test.

Guided Self-Placement (GSP) Survey for English

The GSP is not a test. It is a series of questions designed to help you find the best English course for you. It usually takes 10-20 minutes to complete.

Students can take the GSP three times. Results are valid for up to six months. The most recent selection is your course placement.

Take the Guided Self-Placement Survey for English

Math Placement Testing

There are two math placement tests available to new students: the Guided Self-Placement Math Test, and the Accuplacer. Health Sciences majors may take either one.

  • Applicants to the Nursing Program may take either the GSP Math Test or the Accuplacer. The math score is for admissions purposes only. If admitted to the Nursing program, students will still need to take a math course after being admitted.
  • General Sonography: Students take either Physics 201 or Imaging Technology I the summer before beginning the General Sonography program. Physics 201 requires Pre-Calculus. Students planning to take Physics 201 should take Accuplacer instead of the GSP Math Test.
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Guided Self-Placement Math Test

This test can place students as high as MAT-194 College Algebra. It can be taken online any time, or on the Charlestown campus in the BHCC Assessment Center.

Guided Self-Placement Math Test Instructions

Take the Test on Campus

GSP Math Placement Scoring Chart

Accuplacer Math Test

The Accuplacer test is available on the Charlestown and Chelsea campuses.

Study Material:

Scoring charts:

Take the Accuplacer Math Test

See a scoring chart for the Accuplacer test

Math Retest Policies

  • Students may test a maximum of two times on either test (Accuplacer or the Guided Self-Placement Math Test).
  • A 10-day wait period is required between attempts .A shorter wait is permitted 1-3 weeks prior to the start of a semester. Check with the Assessment Center for current dates.
  • After add-drop has ended students enrolled in a math course may not retest until the end of the semester, after grades have posted.
  • Scores are valid for two years. After two years, a student may test again if they have not yet taken a math course.

Accuplacer Scores from Other Schools

If you took the Accuplacer at another school within the past two years, you can share an official copy of your score report with BHCC through the Accuplacer Student Portal:

Or, contact the school where you tested and ask them to send a copy of your score report to