Contact Us! We are here to help
You can reach many of the offices by email, phone, and chat.
Main Number
Not sure which BHCC office you need to speak with? Call our main number for assistance.
Assistance with applying to the college, info sessions, and pathway options.
Admissions@bhcc.edu |. Phone: 617-228-3398 | Text: 617-936-8776
Advising & LifeMap
Need to speak with an advisor, coach or navigator?
advising@bhcc.edu | 617-228-2230
Basic Needs
Assistance with food, housing, technology, financial support, and more.
singlestop@bhcc.edu | 617-228-3330
Contact for information on ordering textbooks and other required class materials.
2150mgr@follett.com | 617-228-2304
Campus Directory
If you know the name of the person you wish to contact, you can look-up their contact information in our directory. View the directory.
IT Help Desk
The HelpDesk can help answer questions related to your BHCC password, Moodle access, WiFi, and other technology needs.
helpdesk@bhcc.edu | 617-228-2326
BHCC Library staff can help with questions about research, book availability, online resources, OER and more.
Media Inquiries
Members of the press looking for comment on an issue are encouraged to contact us.
Brendan Hughes, Director of Public Affairs
brendan.hughes@bhcc.edu | 617-228-3402
Student Central
Need help with understanding your aid options, completing the FAFSA, getting a copy of your transcript or paying your bill? Student Center can help with all your financial aid, academic record and student payment needs.
studentcentral@bhcc.edu | 617-228-2370
Workforce & Community Education
Looking to learn English, gain career credentials or enter in to adult education classes? Or are you an employers seeking custom services? Contact our Workforce & Community Education Division.
Availability of Employee for Dissemination Purposes
The College is required to designate an employee or group of employees to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining all the information specified above. If the College has designated one person for an area of responsibility, that person shall be available, upon reasonable notice, to any enrolled or prospective student throughout the normal administrative working hours listed. If more than one person, often an entire office, is designated, their combined work schedules have been arranged so that at least one of them is available, upon reasonable notice, throughout the normal administrative working hours listed.