Online Tools
After reviewing your results from the tools below you may contact a Personal Counselor if you would like information about available treatment resources in your area.
The information below is for the use of Bunker Hill Community students and is updated periodically. Bunker Hill Community College does not accept any responsibility for the reliability of the information provided and encourages students to carefully evaluate these resources.
Local Resources
- Boston Area Rape Crisis Center https://barcc.org or by phone at 1-800-841-8371
- Boston Area Trans Support www.massbats.org
- Boston Medical/Boston Emergency Services https://www.bmc.org/ or by phone at 1-800-981-4357
- Brookline Community Mental Health Center https://brooklinecenter.org or by phone at 617-277-8107
- Bunker Hill Community College Campus Police at 617-228-2222 or https://bhcc.edu/publicsafety
- Bunker Hill Community College Dean of Students Office at 617-228-2408 or https://bhcc.edu/dos
- Cambridge Health Alliance https://www.challiance.org/ or by phone at 617-783-0500
- Counseling Services of Greater Boston http://www.csgboston.com/ or by phone at 781-328-1904
- Fall River Boys and Girls Club http://www.fallriverbgc.org or by phone at 508-672-6340
- Fenway Health http://fenwayhealth.org/ or by phone at 617-267-0900
- Good Samaritian https://samaritanshope.org/our-services/247-crisis-services/ or by phone at 508-427-3000
- Greater Lawrence Community Health Center https://glfhc.org/ or by phone at 978-686-0090
- La Alianza Hispana http://www.laalianza.org/ or by phone at 617-427-7175
- Massachusetts General Hospital https://www.massgeneral.org/psychiatry/about/patient-education/ or by phone at 1-800-841-2900
- Massachusetts Health https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-department-of-mental-health or by phone at 617-726-2000
- Merrimack Valley Food Bankhttps://www.mvfb.org or by phone at 978-454-7272
- Project Breadhttp://www.projectbread.org or by phone at 1-800-645-8333
- Single Stop https://www.bhcc.edu/singlestop or by phone at 617-228-3330
- Therapy Matcher http://www.therapymatcher.org/ or by phone at 1-800-242-9794
- Weymouth Food Pantry https://www.weymouthfoodpantry.org/ or by phone at 781-331-7682
- Women Infants and Children (WIC) https://www.mass.gov/info-details/find-wic-approved-stores or by phone at 1-800-942-1007
- Worcester Food Bank https://www.foodbank.org or by phone at 508-842-3663
Domestic Violence Resources
- Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (Boston) https://www.atask.org or by phone at 617-338-2355
- Casa Myrna Vazquez (Boston) https://www.casamyrna.org/ by phone at 617-521-0100
- Stone House (Jamaica Plain) https://www.stonehouseinc.org/ or by phone at 617-427-9801
- Fenway Health Violene Recovery LGBTQ (Boston) https://fenwayhealth.org/care/behavioral-health/violence-recovery/ or by phone at 617-927-6250
- FINEX House (Jamaica Plain) https://www.finexhouse.org/ or by phone at 617-288-1054
- HarborCov (Chelsea) https://harborcov.org or by phone at 617-884-9909
- Jane Doe Boston (Boston) https://janedoe.org/ or by phone at 617-248-0922
- REACH (Waltham) https://reachma.org/ or by phone at 800-899-4000
- RESPOND (Somerville) https://www.respondinc.org/ or by phone at 617-623-5900
- Transition House (Cambridge) https://transitionhouse.org or by phone at 617-661-7203
Faith-Based Resources
- EGLISE DE DIEU BETHESDA - 95 Main street, Everett Massachusetts
- First Parish Dorchester, 10 Parish St, Dorchester, MA 02122, 617-436-0527 - The church is holding online church gatherings and worship services for the community as well as a food pantry.
- Hope International church, 21 Bruce Rd, Waltham, MA 02453, 781-891-5238 - Offers a Food Pantry and Corona Virus Fund
- NUBE ( Neighborhood United for a Better East Boston), 19 Meridian St Ste 4, East Boston, MA 02128, 617-981-4010
- Boston Women’s Fund
- Haymarket People’s Fund
- Hyams Foundation
- Jobin-Leeds Partnership for Democracy and Education
- Resist and Lenny Zakim Fund
Food and Housing Resources
- ABCD Housing https://bostonabcd.org/service_categories/housing/
- ABCD Pantries https://bostonabcd.org/service/food-pantries/
- FoodSource Hotline 800-645-8333
- Food Pantries.Org https://www.foodpantries.org/ci/ma-boston
- Greater Boston Food Bank https://www.gbfb.org/
- Homeless Shelter Directory https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/massachusetts.html
- Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless https://www.mahomeless.org/get-help
- Massachusetts Department of Transition https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-known-as-food-stamps 1-800-249-2007
- Pine Street Inn https://www.pinestreetinn.org /617.892.9100
- Project Bread https://www.projectbread.org/get-help/
- Shelters for Families with Children https//www.mahomeless.org
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP https://www.mass.gov/how-to/apply-for-snap-benefits-food-stamps
- Women Infants and Children https://www.mass.gov/women-infants-children-wic-nutrition-program 1-800-942-1007
National Support Organizations
- IMALIVE on-line chat https://www.imalive.org/
- JED Foundation: Suicide Prevention for Young Adults https://jedfoundation.org or by phone at 1-800-273-TALK
- Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/studentveteran/vital_home.asp or by phone at 1-844-MyVA311 (1-844-698-2311)
- The LGBT National Help Center https://www.lgbthotline.org/ or by phone at 1-888-THE-GLNH (888-843-4564)
- The National Crime Victim Helpline https://www.ovc.gov/help/tollfree.html or by phone at 1-800-394-2255
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline https://www.thehotline.org/ or by phone at 1-800-799-7223
- The National Sexual Assault Hotline https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline or by phone at 1-800-656-4673
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or by phone at 800-273-TALK (8255)
- The Recovery Village https://www.floridarehab.com/resources/ptsd/
https://www.floridarehab.com/resources/first-responders/ - The Samaritan’s Crisis Hotline https://samaritanshope.org/get-help/resources/ or by phone at 988 or 1-877-870-4673
- The Trevor Helpline https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ or by phone at 866-4-U-Trevor – LGBT Youth
- Trans Lifeline: End Transgender Suicide https://www.translifeline.org/hotline or by phone at 877-565-8860
- Youth Talkline: LGBT Help Center https://www.lgbthotline.org/youth-talkline or by phone at 1-800-246-PRIDE (800-246-7743)
- Love is Louder
Resource for Dual Diagnosis Treatment
- Westbridge Mental Health and Substance Use treatment for Men
Leading the Way in Men's Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders - WestBridge
Admissions contact number 800-889-7871