Students who provide appropriate documentation of disability are eligible to receive reasonable accommodations for classes and testing. Requests for accommodations must be relevant and applicable to the student’s current disability diagnosis.
The documentation criteria are as follows:
- Be on official letterhead and signed by an evaluator who is qualified to diagnosis the student’s disability. The document must include the evaluator’s licensure/certification information.
- Identify the diagnosed disability or disabilities (including DSM or ICD codes, when appropriate), a list of test instruments used to evaluate the disability, and any history related to the disability
- Describe the functional limitations resulting from the disability or disabilities, and recommend supportive reasonable accommodations.
- Be current — i.e., completed within the last six months for psychiatric/psychological diagnoses and within the last seven years for LD, ADHD, and ASD (autism spectrum disorders
- Requests for accommodations for medical conditions must be accompanied by a letter from a licensed medical professional, and include the diagnosis, any testing available to support the diagnosis, and recommendations to accommodate the condition.
- Test Anxiety MUST be diagnosed by a licensed mental health clinician, and any request for accommodations for test anxiety must be accompanied by a complete evaluation by that clinician.
Note: An IEP from High School can be accepted if it is less than 7 years old and contains detailed information regarding Disability testing with a diagnosis, as outlined in the information above.