Re-Entry Process Following Absence Due To Hospitalization
Any student that is hospitalized while enrolled at Bunker Hill Community College must comply with the College’s re-entry process before resuming classes. This process is intended to ensure that a student who is returning from a hospitalization is capable of successfully resuming their academic activities. The re-entry process includes the following steps:
- Student completes and submits a Student Medical Re-Entry Form. Student Re-Entry Request Form
- Student’s licensed health care provider completes and submits a Health Care Provider Medical Re-Entry Form. Provider Response Form
- and following the submission of both forms, the student shall meet with the Re-Entry Team for a re-entry interview to determine if and when it is appropriate for the student to resume his/her studies. The Re-Entry team is defined as 1 BHCC Counselor and the Dean of Students or designee.
The College’s Re-Entry Process is administered by the Dean of Students Office. When the College is first informed of a student's hospitalization, the College will place a general "hold" on the student's registration, pending the College's decision on the student's reentry. Throughout the re-entry process, the highest level of confidentiality will be maintained. For more information about the Re-Entry Process, please contact the Dean of Students Office (617) 228-2408.
Students who are referred to the College’s Suicide Prevention Protocol shall be required to comply with the Re-Entry Process.