More than a decade ago, the BHCC Foundation Board of Directors made a promise to our students--believe in yourself, persist in your studies and we will invest in your future.
Those who support BHCC scholars contribute more than financial resources--they empower our students to continue to write their own stories; proving that academic potential is boundless.
BHCC scholars believe.
Their stories are hopeful; reaching to achieve a college degree, wishing for greater opportunities, dreaming of a better life for themselves and their families.
BHCC scholars persist.
Their stories tell tales of overcoming obstacles, seeking refuge, escaping violence, rising above fear.
BHCC scholars succeed.
Their stories are those of full scholarships to four-year institutions and meaningful careers in our communities. The average grade point average of a BHCC scholar is 3.6; ninety-five percent of students awarded BHCC Foundation Gala scholarships complete associate degrees within two to three years.
BHCC scholars are grateful.
In the words of one of our graduates:
"I want to say thank you for empowering me to achieve the kind of outcome I used to think only happened to other people."
Since 2014, nearly 280 students have received Promise for Student Success scholarships totaling close to $2 million. The program, funded through the BHCC Foundation's annual scholarship celebration and fundraising event, awards $2,500 per semester to cover the total cost of college attendance-including food, housing, transportation and childcare.
The following video celebrates some of the first students to be awarded what would become our Promise for Student Success scholarships.