Student Involvement

Athletics, Fitness and Wellness
BHCC’s Athletic Department supports the development of the whole person with a program of varsity, intramural and recreational offerings. Balancing a rigorous academic schedule while developing your fitness regime will help you attain academic success and total well-being.
BHCC offers student athletes access to professional coaches and staff, state-of-the-art facilities, safe equipment and opportunities to compete in varsity programs with similar institutions. Intramural programs give you opportunities to participate in competitive or recreational activities. Our Fitness Center provides an array of exercise equipment, allowing you to develop your individualized fitness plan. We encourage you to participate in one or several programs.
The Athletics Office is located in Room G117. For more information, see below and visit the Athletics page.
Varsity and Intramural Sports
To participate in the varsity program, you must be enrolled full-time (12 credits) and present proof that you had a valid physical examination within the past year.
The Intercollegiate Athletics Program consists of:
- Women’s Volleyball
- Men’s Soccer
- Women’s Soccer
- Men’s Basketball
- Women’s Basketball
- Men’s Baseball
- eSports
The Intramural and Fitness Programs consist of activities such as:
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Barre class
Memberships include
- National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA, Division III)
- Region XXI
Fitness Center
Our Health and Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art facility that includes a full gymnasium and fitness center complete with strength equipment, free weights, stationary bikes and treadmills. The College also has an outdoor jogging track with fitness stations, tennis courts and basketball courts.
You must have a valid BHCC student ID card to use the facility. You can obtain a locker for use while you exercise, and locker rooms are available for showering.
Visit the Health and Wellness Center webpage for current hours.
Community Engagement
Community Engagement (Service Learning and Volunteering)
The Office of Community Engagement hosts a variety of volunteer initiatives that involve hundreds of Bunker Hill Community College students in direct service to Greater Boston communities and forwards the College’s mission of promoting civic engagement and leadership
As a BHCC student, there are many ways to engage as active and responsible members of your community. You can work with community-based organizations assigned through your courses, discuss civic and ethical issues with other students or simply volunteer in your local community.
The College partners with a range of Greater Boston community-based organizations, including after-school programs, community centers, environmental advocacy groups, food pantries and refugee and immigration centers. These partners serve as host sites for service learning and provide co-curricular opportunities for students. BHCC students are uniquely positioned to impact the community because they live and work in the neighborhoods they serve. In this spirit, the College seeks to develop reciprocal relationships with community partners.
BHCC broadly defines service learning to encompass all Community Engagement projects. This allows you to participate in a variety of course-related projects. You might take part in an action research project in which you interview people, weigh their responses and propose solutions to issues in society. You might volunteer at a homeless shelter or an after-school program and connect the experience to concepts covered in your course. Or you might go to a local school with classmates and present complex ideas to elementary students. Regardless of the project’s structure, you have the chance to actively learn new things related to your course, make personal and professional connections outside of school, and make a difference in society.
The Office of Community Engagement also hosts and organizes multiple extracurricular volunteer opportunities. To learn more, email
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office is the primary advocate for students at the college, helping you to identify and achieve your educational goals. The office is located in Room B309.
Dean of Students Staff
Dean of Students:
Assistant Dean of Students: Will Cribby
Assistant Dean of Students: Vengerflutta Smith
Senior Academic Counselor: Sara Satham
Senior Academic Counselor: Miranda Cardona
Administrative Assistant II, Dean of Students Office: Chi Nguyen
The Student Code of Conduct
Bunker Hill Community College places a high level of importance on maintaining a safe and respectful academic setting for all. This goal is supported by our support services across the campus and through the Student Code of Conduct. If you have any questions regarding the code, contact the Dean of Students Office.
To report a Student Code of Conduct concern, go to the Student Code of Conduct page. In cases of emergency, contact the BHCC Police, state or local law enforcement as needed.
Bunker Hill Community College has assembled a multi-disciplinary CARE (Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation) Team of individuals to meet on a weekly basis to identify patterns, trends and disturbances in student behavior. The Dean of Students serves as the Chair of the CARE Team.
The CARE Team receives reports of behavior that is disruptive, problematic, or concerning and/or presents a danger to oneself or others from faculty, staff and students. These reports may come from online reporting, phone calls, e-mails, and individual conversations.
Educating the entire campus community about which behaviors are cause for concern and how and under what circumstances to contact the team is an important ongoing team function.
To submit a concern to the CARE Team, go to the CARE Team page.
Members of the CARE Team
Dean of Students (Chair):
Core Team Members
Academic Administrators: Jacqueline R. McMillion-Williams and Colleen Yee
Assistant Dean of Students: Will Cribby
Chief of Police: Bobby Barrows
Consulting Psychologist MGH: Dr. Lisa Solimon
Coordinator of Disability Services: Andrea Schwartz
Coordinator of Health Services: Denise Amerena
Deputy Chief of Police: Matthew Shedden
Senior Academic Counselors: Sartreina Dottin and Sara Satham
ACE Mentors
The Bunker Hill Community College ACE Mentor program is committed to helping new students make a successful transition to the College by focusing on academic achievement, engagement and cultural competency. ACE Mentors are integrated into Learning Community classrooms where they serve as resources to help new students adjust to the academic, social and personal environment at BHCC. ACE Mentors collaborate with faculty in designing Learning Community curriculum and assignments and co-facilitate class activities and discussions on difficult issues such as religion, race, class, gender and culture.
For more information, visit the ACE Mentor page.
Student Engagement Leader
The BHCC Student Activities Office works with a team of experienced students and alumni who help new students make a successful transition to academic and student life at BHCC. In addition to being goodwill ambassadors of BHCC, New Student Mentors serve as positive role models who demonstrate through words and actions the appropriate behaviors, attitudes and values of our college community. New Student Mentors support the goals of BHCC: to create pathways and partnerships to promote student success, celebrate strength through diversity, and close workforce gaps.
For more information, email
HOPE Ambassadors
The role of the HOPE Initiative Ambassador – Outreach Specialist successfully incorporates mentorship, resiliency guidance, problem solving, general (non-academic) assistance, and “safe space conversations”. HOPE leans on a network of passionate professionals on campus that are dedicated to the success of Black and Latino male students. Above all else, the role of the HOPE Ambassador is to empower students along their educational pathway, ensuring registration and course completion towards graduation and/or transfer. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us via email, or complete an application to become an ambassador here.
Policy for Student Club Recognition
The Student Leadership and Engagement Office and the Student Government Association (SGA) encourage the formation of new student clubs. Every club must have a full-time faculty or staff advisor and be open to all members of the student body.
Students interested in forming a new student club are required to submit certain documentation to the Student Activities Office. A Student Activities staff member may request a meeting with club organizers to collect additional information needed for recognition.
Recognition of a student club by the College or the SGA does not imply approval or endorsement of the club or its activities. All student clubs and their members are subject to the College’s policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct and Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity.
For a copy of the club formation toolkit, which includes a complete description of the process for forming a student club, or for additional information about the College’s active student clubs, please visit the Student Activities Office located in Room D106H or call 617-228-2260.
Student Leadership and Engagement
College is about more than just going to class, and at Bunker Hill Community College, getting involved is one of the best things you can do to have fun, make friends and share experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life. The College offers a variety of activities that provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, interact socially and make a difference in campus life. At BHCC, there are more than 30 student clubs and organizations for you to explore; most are open to all students. We celebrate diversity and create community on campus. New members are always welcome!
Getting involved in campus life enhances the education you receive in the classroom by giving you hands-on experience with program planning, individual leadership and group development. A variety of daytime and evening activities provides opportunities for students of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds to learn, socialize and share their life experiences.
The Student Leadership and Engagement Office offers several services to the College community, including:
- Planning and presentation of major college events, including Welcome Week, Family Day, the Winter Wanderland and Spring Day
- Participation in over 30 student clubs and organizations as well as over 100 educational, social and cultural events annually
- Mentoring for new students through the New Student Orientation Program
- Training in Student Leadership Development, Social Justice, Bystander and Active Shooter Awareness through our Leadership Development Program
- Posting of materials on College bulletin boards for student clubs
- A message center for student clubs and organizations
For more information on student activities at BHCC, call 617-228-2260, stop by Room D106H or email
Visit the Student Activities web page for current hours.
Student Activities Hour/Free Period
What is the Student Activities Hour/Free Period?
The College sets aside certain hours for student activities, athletics and club meeting times. Generally, no classes are held at these times. Contact the Student Activities Office for a schedule of events.
Activity Hours for 2024–2025:
Tuesday and Thursday: 1–2:15 p.m.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the student body of Bunker Hill Community College. All registered students automatically become members of the Student Association by paying the required College fees. These fees help to fund all of the Student Activities and Athletics programs on campus, and we encourage you to participate in their programs and sponsored events.
The Student Association Constitution empowers the SGA to represent all members of the student body. The SGA is an elected body of students that provides the opportunity to develop leadership skills. The College requires any student holding or seeking an elected or appointed position in the SGA to continue to make satisfactory academic progress.
SGA members work in collaboration with the College administration to enhance the quality of student life on campus. SGA meetings are open and all students are encouraged to take part in the decision-making process.
The Student Trustee and officers of the SGA are the elected representatives of the student body. Elected student officials are expected to be mature individuals who will responsibly fulfill the requirements of their position while maintaining a record of conduct and behavior that demonstrates integrity, civic responsibility and service to others.
The SGA develops a proposed annual budget with the Director of Student Leadership and Engagement. The Dean of Students reviews the budget proposal. The College President approves the final SGA budget, which is funded with income from student fees.
Student Clubs and Organizations
A Basic Needs Club
A club designed to help students get their basic needs (food, housing, etc...) met through on-campus and community support programs, resources and services.
Academic Excellence and Olympiad Club
Established to create opportunities for students to excel academically through participation in competitions, conferences and the prestigious Academic Olympiad, held annually.
African-American Cultural Society
Formed for all students interested in exploring, sharing and celebrating African-American culture. The club annually presents Words of Passion, Kwanzaa and Black Love Day as well as programs for Black History Month.
African Students Club
Open to all BHCC students, designed to raise awareness of, explore and celebrate the culture of African countries in hopes of developing networks and promoting unity on campus.
Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG)
An international business honor society established to recognize and encourage scholarship among community college students in business curricula.
Alpha Kappa Mu (AKM)
BHCC’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. Membership qualifies students for transfer scholarships at colleges and universities throughout the country.
Arab Students Association
Students interested in exploring, sharing and celebrating the culture of Arab people. The club presents celebrations for Ramadan and Eid al-Adha as well as other educational and cultural programs annually.
Art and Design Club
Open to any student interested in exploring the visual arts and appreciating how art can communicate ideas, tell stories and develop bonds between people.
Asian Cultural Association
Open to all students, formed to celebrate Asian culture and educate the campus on Asian customs and celebrations. The club presents a Lunar New Year Festival as well as programs for Asian Heritage Week annually.
Behavioral Sciences Club
Welcomes all BHCC students who have an interest in studying and exploring the behavioral sciences field.
Brazilian Cultural Club
Formed to educate the BHCC community about Brazilian culture through educational and cultural programs that highlight the arts, history and celebrations of Brazilian people.
Caribbean Club
Formed to share and promote the Caribbean culture at BHCC, as well as educate members on Caribbean islands, backgrounds and history.
Christian Fellowship
Dedicated to sharing the message of Christianity. The club presents programs to educate the College community on the meaning of Easter and Christmas. Its members also conduct fundraisers to benefit those in need.
Computer Science Exchange
Created to provide and maintain a support network for the personal, intellectual, career and social growth of BHCC students who are interested in computer science.
Criminal Justice Society
Open to all criminal justice majors and anyone with an interest in learning the key components of the criminal justice system, its functions and its operations.
DACA (Dreamers and College Allies) Club
Promotes unity among the immigrant community by providing the tools and resources students need to be successful in their education while creating a supportive network.
Drama Club
Explores the craft of designing and developing material for performance and gives BHCC students the opportunity to express themselves.
Entrepreneur Club
Brings people together to explore the world of entrepreneurship, fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and way of thinking.
First Generation Students Club
Open to all students who are first in their family to go to college; this club helps connect members to avenues that will help them further their academic and professional careers with as much support at possible.
Foreign Languages Club
Formed to serve the interests of students studying foreign languages at BHCC as well as anyone who speaks or is interested in learning another language.
Hillel Club
Formed to provide a forum to promote an understanding of the tenets and diversity of Jewish
History and Government Club
Formed to educate the campus on historical issues and organize historical-themed events as well as to create a civil environment for discussing history and related subjects.
Hospitality Club
Formed for students interested in exploring the hospitality, travel and tourism industries.
Latinos Club
Open to all students interested in celebrating and sharing the energy and vitality of Latino people. The group presents events for Hispanic Heritage Month and Cinco de Mayo, and offers dance instruction.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning and Allies Student Union
Created to educate the college community on LGBTQA issues and concerns. This group has presented celebrations for National Coming Out Day as well as cultural festivals celebrating the works of LGBT artists.
Math Club
Welcomes all BHCC students with a passion for mathematics. The club works to extend knowledge of math by providing assistance to BHCC students and holding weekly meetings.
Meditation and Wellness Club
Dedicated to helping people work towards living fuller and happier lives by promoting the development of body, mind and spirit.
Minority Association of Engineers and Scientists (MAES)
Open to all students interested in exploring careers in science, technology, engineering and math-related (STEM) fields. MAES offers opportunities for networking with students from other colleges and high schools as well as to attend conferences.
Multicultural Club
Made up of students from all over the world, including the United State. The club presents cultural festivals highlighting the countries of its members as well as forums and social events to promote unity among all people.
Music Club
Open to all students with an interest in sharing talents as well as composing and performing musical works.
Muslim Students Association
Founded to educate the College about the Muslim religion, this club is open to all who observe or are interested in learning about the religion of Islam.
Nursing Club
Open to all students interested in exploring the field of nursing and health career professions.
Paralegal Club
Designed to facilitate networking and professional development for anyone studying or interested in legal studies.
Parents Association
Open to all students who are managing the responsibilities and challenges of being parents and going to college; we will seek to offer members a place for support, resources, community, and empowerment.
Photography Club
Encourages students who are interested in photography to expand their skills and knowledge and to share creative ideas with other members in the group.
Pre-Med Society
Formed to provide Bunker Hill Community College students an opportunity to explore future careers in any area of Medical Professions, and prepare for transfer and careers in the medical field.
(SHOCWAVES) Students Helping Our Communities with Active Volunteer Experiences and Service
Formed to provide opportunities for BHCC students to volunteer in the communities served by the College. SHOCWAVES promotes giving back to the community and serving those in need.
Sports Business Club
Open to all students who are passionate about sports and the sports industry who wish to learn, discuss, collaborate, and support one another in expanding their knowledge base and professional network.
Student Government Association (SGA)
An elected body of students that works collaboratively with the College administration to enhance the quality of student life on campus. The SGA meets every week and is open to all students who want to improve the quality of student life on campus.
Student Success Club
Organized to help promote the academic, professional and social success of students at BHCC.
Sustainability Club
Welcomes all students interested in creating and maintaining conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.
Veterans Club
Brings together veterans from all over the world and educates the campus on issues facing veterans today.
Writer’s Block
Dedicated to helping student writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, music, screenplays or other original written works with their process. Members share constructive feedback. The club also hosts poetry readings and workshops to assist writers in overcoming common obstacles to their craft.
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)
The mission of YAL is to train, educate and mobilize youth activists committed to "winning on principle." The goal of the club is to cast the leaders of tomorrow and reclaim the policies, candidates and election of our government.