Dual Enrollment Partnerships

The Dual Enrollment Program at BHCC enables high school students from area districts to earn high school and college credits simultaneously, while gaining familiarity with the college experience. The Dual Enrollment staff advises students on procedures for College Placement testing, course selection, BHCC enrollment and college expectations. Staff works closely with BHCC faculty and high school guidance counselors to monitor student performance, attendance and completion of assignments. Dual Enrollment staff ensures that students are connected to the many academic support programs and resources on campus. All classes are taught by BHCC faculty.

Dual Enrollment Models:

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Students take college courses on campus at BHCC. Students may enroll individually, or through partnerships with area schools or districts or as homeschoolers.

The cohort model allows high school students at our partner high schools and community-based organizations to take college-level courses at their high school/CBO along with their peers.


  • Boston Public Schools
  • Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School
  • College Bound Dorchester
  • JVS Boston
  • Medford High School

BHCC is one of the only colleges in Massachusetts with on-site classes at partner high schools that use a mixed enrollment model--high school students taking classes with the general college population rather than only with their cohort of high school students--in its dual enrollment program.


  • Everett High School
  • Malden High School

Students in Early College programs participate in an accelerated dual enrollment pathway program from high school to college, allowing them to graduate high school with 12 or more college credits. Early College students attend regular advising sessions with BHCC staff and may engage in career exploration through BHCC’s LifeMap program, job shadowing and/or internships.


  • Charlestown High School
  • Chelsea High School
  • Pathways to Prosperity--Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers and the Community Academy of Science and Health

Created to assist in the elimination of racial and ethnic disparities in health care; STAND works with a diverse array of high school seniors from schools throughout the region to guide them through the necessary prerequisite courses for nursing. Students who complete the STAND program requirements, BHCC’s nursing program course prerequisites and who achieve passing scores on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) are guaranteed acceptance into the College’s highly competitive Registered Nursing Program.


  • Boston International Newcomers Academy
  • Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
  • Jeremiah E. Burke High School
  • Madison Park Vocational Technical Academy
  • Medford Vocational Technical High School
  • Somerville High School
  • The Community Academy of Science and Health
  • The Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
  • Urban Science Academy