The College's strategic goals, strategies and major college initiatives are found in the Strategic Plan.
Each College initiative is directly aligned with one or more of BHCC’s five goals. Learn more about each initiative at the links provided. This page will continue to be updated with more information, so please check back for more information..
Goal 1: Foster Student Success
Promote data-informed, high impact innovations in teaching, learning and student development that lead to increased rates of engagement, persistence, retention, completion and transfer.
- AANAPISI/Building the Framework for Success
- Developmental Education and ELL Reform
- Innovation Lab and The Digital Arc
- Learning Communities Program
- LifeMap, Guided Pathways and Curricular Mapping
Goal 2: Strengthen Career, Transfer and Workforce Readiness
Prepare students for fulfilling 21st century careers that meet Greater Boston’s workforce needs through credentialed, non-credit, stackable and transferable programs.
- Apprenticeships and Internships
- Adult Education Reform
- Institutional Learning Outcomes
- Honors Program
- Transfer Articulation
- Veterans Services
Goal 3: Advance Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Advance diversity, inclusion, and equity in all areas of the College and integrate the cultural wealth of our students, faculty, staff and communities into the life of the institution.
- Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth
- HSI, Title V and National Science Foundation
- Equity Work Group & Open Search for Chief Diversity Officer
- HOPE (Halting Oppressive Pathways through Education)
- Open Education Resources (OER)
- Undocumented Student Work Group and Summit
- Voices of Hunger and the Food Pantry
- Basic Needs
Goal 4: Build Partnerships and Pathways
Foster reciprocal, sustainable relationships with civic, educational, and community partners to increase access, promote college readiness, and facilitate seamless pathways to post-secondary study.
- Arts Expansion and Cultural Institution Collaborations
- Civic Engagement and Service Learning
- Dual Enrollment, Early College and Curricular Alignment
- Pao Arts Center
Goal 5: Develop the College’s Infrastructure
Develop the College’s capacity to support student success through learner-centered facilities, strategic communication, enhanced information technology, and fiscal stewardship.