In addition to its two main campuses in Charlestown and Chelsea, Bunker Hill Community College offers courses at the instructional centers located in many Greater Boston communities. Placement testing, advising and registration for courses offered at instructional centers are available at both the Charlestown and Chelsea Campuses. Search courses.
Malden Instructional Center
Malden High School
77 Salem Street
Malden, Massachusetts 02148
Established in the fall of 2009, the Malden Instructional Center offers introductory and college level courses in the day and evening during the fall and spring semesters. Placement testing, advising and registration for these courses are conducted on the BHCC Charlestown Campus. Malden High School is accessible from the Orange Line, Malden Center transit station.
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Instructional Center in North Quincy
1458 Hancock Street, Suite 306,
Quincy, MA 02171
Students can also enroll in a limited number of classes at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center’s Quincy site in North Quincy.
East Boston Instructional Center
250 Sumner Street and 20 Maverick Square
East Boston, Massachusetts 02128
The East Boston Instructional Site is located at 250 Sumner Street, East Boston. This instructional site offers a limited number of introductory and Allied Health courses.
Everett High School Instructional Center
100 Elm Street
Everett, Massachusetts 02149
BHCC students can enroll in courses in allied health at Everett High School. While a number of seats at the Everett instructional site are reserved for Everett High School students as part of the College’s Dual Enrollment/Early College program, additional seats are open to all BHCC students.
Freedom House Instructional Site in Dorchester
5 Crawford Street
Dorchester, Massachusetts 02121
BHCC partners with Freedom House in Dorchester to offer a limited number of courses for dual enrollment students, as well as those that are open to all BHCC students.
Pao Arts Center in Chinatown Instructional Center
BHCC partners with Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) on the Pao Arts Center, an arts, culture and education space for the community to convene to preserve and celebrate the cultural and creative assets of Boston’s Chinatown. The center, housed within the distinctive One Greenway building, is Chinatown’s first community-based arts center and Boston’s newly dedicated Asian American and Asian immigrant cultural space. A range of BHCC classes are offered at the Pao Arts Center, including theater, visual and media arts and business. Students and community partners also have access to the BHCC mobile language lab at this location. Learn more.