Spring 2025 Language Lab Hours
In-person hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Remote hours
Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- To make an appointment with a Lab staff member or tutor, students can email langlabs@bhcc.edu.
- For questions about Language Lab services, please contact the Language Lab Coordinator, Carmen Magaña, at cmagana@bhcc.edu or at 617-228-2451.
- Please email the Language Lab at langlabs@bhcc.edu to meet with a staff member in the Language Lab Webex room.
Conversations and Connections student club meetings, facilitated by Joshua Heerter
The purpose of this group is to acquire and practice standardized American English, while at the same time learning how to navigate life at the College as an English Language Learner and/or immigrant. We will talk about the best language learning methods, along with strategies for dealing with coursework, professors, classmates, registration, transfer and career planning, financial issues, and much more. We discuss many of the challenges of life at the College, as well the ways to take advantage of the many opportunities that exist at Bunker Hill as well. The group is open to all students.
Conversations and Connections student club meetings
Monday 1 - 2:15 p.m. with Joshua Heerter
Wednesday 1 - 2:15 p.m. with Joshua Heerter
TOEFL Study Groups with Todd Hannig
Tuesday 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (in person)
Friday 1 - 2 p.m. (remote)
Remote TOEFL study group meetings will be conducted in Todd Hannig's Webex room: https://bhcc.webex.com/meet/thannig
Intro to the Lab
The Bunker Hill Community College Language Lab provides students a high-tech learning environment and a knowledgeable tutoring staff to guide them with any aspect of language learning: from speaking, listening, and pronunciation to reading, writing, grammar, and punctuation.
Purpose of the Lab
The Lab’s objective is to help BHCC students improve their language skills. In addition to tutoring, the Lab offers many additional services, including conversation groups and workshops.
Lab Resources
The Lab currently provides students with 37 workstations, divided among two rooms – one equipped with wide-view screens for class instruction, and one devoted to tutoring support. Many of our staff members speak other languages including French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Somali, and Arabic.
Lab Services
Scheduled and Drop-In Tutoring
Students can make appointments to meet with our tutors, who will strive to assist with developing any and all academic skills related to language learning.
Foreign Language Tutoring
Many of our staff members speak languages other than English and can provide tutoring for students enrolled in any foreign language course offered at BHCC.
Lab Orientations
Class orientations can provide faculty members and their classes the opportunity to become more familiar with the resources offered in the Lab and to introduce the Language Lab to students. Please contact the Language Lab to reserve the Lab for class use.
Language Lab Web Links
Language Lab staff can provide free web links to help students improve their language skills in English and other languages taught at BHCC.
TOEFL, IELTS, and CPT Practice Exams
Many practice exams, books, and useful interactive practice websites are available for use in the Lab.
Meet Our Team

Carmen Magana

Joshua Heerter
ELL/English Tutor

Todd Hannig