Paralegal Studies courses are offered in multiple modalities.
Day courses are offered in remote formats. Remote courses require real-time attendance on WebEx at set days/times.
Evening courses are offered in person on the Charlestown Campus. In person courses require physical attendance at set days/times.
Courses are offered in rotation in fall and spring semesters. For example, PLG-101 Introduction to Law is offered remotely during the day in fall semesters and in person in the evening in spring semesters.
Some electives are available in web formats. Web courses require regular online participation but does not require attendance on set days/times.
PLG-101 Introduction to Law
This course provides students with an understanding of the paralegal field. The course assists students to become familiar with all aspects of the legal system. The course emphasizes the role of the paralegal and the way that role complements that of the lawyer. The course explores the role of law in our society, the judicial system, contract law, tort law, equity, and criminal law.
PLG-102 Legal Research and Writing
This course covers an introduction to legal writing and proper use of legal terminology in developing and drafting a format for the legal memorandum, preparing briefs, and, in particular, formulating research skills.
PLG-103 Litigation
Litigation is a core function of many law firms. Students will learn the rules and requirements necessary to provide effective litigation support in a law office. Topics include the organization and jurisdiction of federal and state courts, the preparation of pleadings, motions, interrogatories, judicial notice, preparation and admission of evidence, subpoenas, depositions and trial notebooks, interviewing clients, trial and appellate procedures, the rules of evidence, and the preparation of cases for hearing or trial. The roles of arbitration, mediation, and negotiation will also be covered.
PLG-104 Legal Ethics
This course presents the major areas of legal ethics placing special and comprehensive emphasis on how the rules affect paralegals. It aids students in understanding how the legal profession is regulated generally and the impact that paralegals' conduct has on the lawyers who employ them. Through case studies, geared specifically toward paralegals, demonstrations of the rules are introduced and applied.
PLG-201 Family Law
This course covers the laws concerning family relationship, marriage, cohabitation, adoption, divorce, child custody, support, alimony, and the effects of wills and probate.
PLG-202 Business Organizations
Choosing the proper form of business organization can mean the difference between success and failure. Many attorneys are involved in advising their commercial clients regarding the appropriate form of business. This course covers the rules and requirements to establish sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, business trusts, corporations and joint ventures. Practical considerations include the preparation and management of the documents necessary for the organization and maintenance of each business entity. Corporate materials are reviewed, as are corporate characteristics, formation procedures, financial structure, meetings, dividends, share ownership, amendments, dissolution, and Massachusetts incorporation procedures.
PLG-203 Real Estate Law
This course thoroughly investigates the theory and practice of real estate transactions from the perspectives of both the buyer and the seller. The topics include examination of titles, estates in land, restrictions, easements, covenants, options, deeds, mortgages, and foreclosure proceedings.
PLG-204 Wills, Estates and Trusts
This course covers the initial investigation and preparation of estates and trusts in detail. Topics include the causes and effects of trusts, wills and probate; litigation and procedural laws.
PLG-299 Paralegal Internship
An internship in Paralegal Studies is a hands-on learning experience at law firms, public agency, corporations, or other law related organizations, under the direct supervision of a legal professional. It is intended to provide students the opportunity to gain practical experience in their field of study. Students perform 150 hours of internship service over the course of 10-15 weeks, during the spring, fall, or summer semesters. Students meet bi-weekly with their advisor to prepare papers, work on related projects, and share experiences with other students. Students are responsible for following all guidelines in the BHCC Internship Handbook.
BHCC offers two American Bar Association (ABA) approved programs, Paralegal Studies, A.S. and Paralegal Certificate. Both programs are approved to be completed entirely online. As per ABA requirements, students take a minimum of nine semester credits of legal specialty coursework through synchronous instruction (such as courses completed through synchronous videoconferencing format). The department ensures compliance with this through the scheduling process.