Letter from Ann Coles (Director of Higher Education Information Center) to Patricia Chisholm congratulating Shively’s retirement and thanking him for his contributions to her career path.

Letter from Ann Coles (Director of Higher Education Information Center) to Patricia Chisholm congratulating Shively’s retirement and thanking him for his contributions to her career path.

Letter from Governor Dukakis to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Letter from Governor Dukakis to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Letter from Raymond Flynn (Mayor of Boston) to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Letter from Raymond Flynn (Mayor of Boston) to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Letter from President Reagan to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Letter from President Reagan to Shively congratulating him on retiring.

Photo from Shively’s retirement party showing former staff members conversing.

Photo from Shively’s retirement party showing former staff members conversing.

Photo from Shively’s retirement party showing Shively conversing with two staff members.

Photo from Shively’s retirement party showing Shively conversing with two staff members.

Photo of attendees at Shively’s retirement party.

Photo of attendees at Shively’s retirement party.

Photo reads, “Testimonial Dinner Dance in honor of President Harold E. Shively on the occasion of his retirement April 16, 1988 Seasons Ballroom at Page’s Colonial Country Club Lynnfield, Massachusetts.”

Photo reads, “Testimonial Dinner Dance in honor of President Harold E. Shively on the occasion of his retirement April 16, 1988 Seasons Ballroom at Page’s Colonial Country Club Lynnfield, Massachusetts.”

College chorus song dedicated to Shively is featured on the left side of the program, while a detailed program of the events for the party are on the right.

College chorus song dedicated to Shively is featured on the left side of the program, while a detailed program of the events for the party are on the right.

Harold E. Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson at the retirement party.

Harold E. Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson at the retirement party.

Harold E. Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson sitting while Mon O’Shea delivers testimonial.

Harold E. Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson sitting while Mon O’Shea delivers testimonial.

Harold Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson embracing at retirement party.

Harold Shively and Dr. Beverley Anderson embracing at retirement party.

Harold Shively delivering speech at his retirement party.

Harold Shively delivering speech at his retirement party.

Shively announcing his retirement to Bunker Hill Community College.

Shively announcing his retirement to Bunker Hill Community College.

Retirement party picture of Shively being presented with framed picture of mural.

Retirement party picture of Shively being presented with framed picture of mural.

“In Memoriam President Harold E. Shively 1918-2000 Bunker Hill Community College December 1, 2000.”

“In Memoriam President Harold E. Shively 1918-2000 Bunker Hill Community College December 1, 2000.”

Back page of Shively’s In Memoriam program that has an Excerpt from Bunker Hill Community College: The First Twenty Years that reads, “No brief history can tell the story of the contribution and dedication of those individuals whose early participation in the development of Bunker Hill Community College formed the basis for the success of this institution. Their willingness to forge ahead with new concepts and to dedicate themselves to serving a diverse population has been largely responsible for the creation of an outstanding institution.” - Harold E. Shively

Back page of Shively’s In Memoriam program that has an Excerpt from Bunker Hill Community College: The First Twenty Years that reads, “No brief history can tell the story of the contribution and dedication of those individuals whose early participation in the development of Bunker Hill Community College formed the basis for the success of this institution. Their willingness to forge ahead with new concepts and to dedicate themselves to serving a diverse population has been largely responsible for the creation of an outstanding institution.” - Harold E. Shively