Nursing FAQ

Nursing Frequently Asked Questions

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The day and alternative nursing options are the same programs, except that in the alternative nursing option, lecture is 50% face to face and 50% online, requiring some independent learning. Each option has didactic (lecture), lab, and clinical hours.

Prospective nursing students that have questions about transferring credits from a previously accredited institution into Bunker Hill Community College should contact our Transfer Service Department at or email

Prospective students should go to and contact an admissions counselor or come in and meet with an admission counselor so that they can over your nursing application.

No. All prerequisite nursing courses must be completed before you apply to the nursing program.

Applicants are not required to take the TEAS test at BHCC; you may register for any location. The test is designated as TEAS Nursing.

You can register for the TEAS on the following website You will need to create an account to register and complete the exam.

Please check our current Nursing Criteria Checklist for additional information on how many TEAS VI results our admission department will review.

Applicants can purchase an ATI Prep book at a local bookstore or you can purchase a TEAS review book at the BHCC Bookstore.  Applicants can also review online TEAS resources at

For further questions about the Nurse Education Program please email the Nursing Administrative Assistant Hunter Gosselin at or 617-228-2155.