Parking Violations

View the violation by each issuing organization below.

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City of Boston / ABM Violations: Charlestown Lots 1-2

The City of Boston owns and operates the two student parking lots (1 and 2) on the Charlestown Campus. These lots are managed by ABM Parking and require a valid parking permit or daily pass.

Vehicles parked in lots 1-2 without a valid permit during are subject to a fine, towing, or a tire lock (or “boot”), which will be placed on the front driver’s side wheel of the vehicle for a fee of $50 per day. A notice with instructions to have the boot removed will be left on the vehicle; once the fee is paid via credit card, the boot will be removed by ABM.

Towing operator phone number and address will be posted on signs within the parking lots. Vehicles are towed at the owner's risk and expense.

BHCC Campus Police Parking Violations – Faculty/Staff Parking Lot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Gravel, Athletic circle and Perimeter road

BHCC owns and manages the faculty & staff parking (Lot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Gravel, Athletic circle and Perimeter road) on the Charlestown Campus only. We offer three ways to pay your parking tickets - view the parking violation payment options. The appeal process below applies to parking violations issued by BHCC Campus Police only.

When receiving a parking violation at BHCC Charlestown Campus you have the option to have an appeal hearing. Follow these simple steps to get the process started.

Online Appeal:

The online appeal request must occur within twenty-one (21) days from the violation date on the citation. Visit 

Select: I would like to submit an appeal for my parking ticket and Continue.

  1. You will receive an emailed decision from the Hearing Officer and shall be issued within fourteen (14) days following the hearing and shall be final. You have the right to appeal this decision in Superior Court within thirty (30) days after receipt of this decision, in accordance with Section 14 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
  2. Failure to pay penalties or fines assessed for violations or as subsequent late payment penalties will result in notice to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and non-renewal of the subject vehicle's registration and owner's license to drive. College policies relative to outstanding financial obligations will also be enforced where applicable.

In-Person Appeal:

  1. Obtain the appeal application at the Office of Public Safety and Campus Police room A200, Charlestown Campus.
  2. Complete the appeal application and a date, time and location will be scheduled with the parking office for the appeal hearing. The appeal hearing must occur within twenty-one (21) days from the violation date on the citation.
  3. Appeal hearings are held at the Charlestown Campus only (bring your violation, appeal hearing form and any evidence you would like discuss with the Appeal Officer).
  4. Failure to appear or have a representative appear to your scheduled hearing at the specified date, time and location will cause the appeal to be automatically denied. No further hearing will be scheduled.
  5. The written decision of the Hearing Officer shall be issued within fourteen (14) days following the hearing and shall be final. You have the right to appeal this decision in Superior Court within thirty (30) days after receipt of this decision, in accordance with Section 14 of Chapter 30A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
  6. Failure to pay penalties or fines assessed for violations or as subsequent late payment penalties will result in notice to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and non-renewal of the subject vehicle's registration and owner's license to drive. College policies relative to outstanding financial obligations will also be enforced where applicable.

Other Violations – Chelsea Campus

BHCC does not own or manage the parking lots outside of the main Charlestown Campus (Faculty and Staff lots 3-6 and perimeter road only). Any unpermitted vehicles parked in these areas are subject to ticketing or towing at the owner’s expense by the building management. Follow posted signs if your vehicle has been towed outside of the main Charlestown Campus lots.

Contact and Hours

Emergency: 617-228-2222 
On-Campus Fire Emergencies Dial 911 

Campus Police Business Office/General Information 
Charlestown: 617-228-2053 | Chelsea: 617-228-3359 
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Chief of Police Admin Assistant/Parking Clerk 

Contracted Security Desk
On the premises 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Charlestown (Main): 617-228-2250