Registration Information

To Register for classes at BHCC, you need to be in one of the following categories:

  • Newly accepted students to BHCC
    • New student never attended
      • High school graduate
      • A transferring in student
    • Readmitted student
      • Student returning to BHCC after 5 or more year
  • Current students
    • Currently enrolled taking classes now or have attended BHCC within the last year in degree and certificate seeking students
  • Reactivated students
    • Student the has not attended BHCC during the last two semesters but have attended BHCC within the last 5 years
  • Guest students (non-matriculation or non-degree)
    • Student that has not applied and not been accepted into a degree or certificate program.

If you are not planning to earn a degree or certificate from BHCC, please visit the Guest Student webpage for course registration assistance or email

Course Schedule

A new course schedule (also known as section schedule) is developed two times each year at the College for the fall, winter, spring, and summer semesters. It is made available online three to four weeks prior to the registration date for each semester or session. Refer to the Academic calendar for registration dates.

View the Winter Session 2025 courses in BHCCselfservice

View the Spring 2025 courses in BHCCselfservice


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How to Register

All Students Registering for Classes MUST

  1. Have all outstanding registration holds and prior financial obligations must be addressed prior to registering.
  2. All Students must provide proof of meeting course prerequisites by either:
    • Placement Testing;
    • Completion of appropriate BHCC coursework; or
    • Providing an official transcript from another accredited institution verifying completion of appropriate coursework with a passing grade of a C or better.
    • Classes required for your Program of Study (certificate or degree) can be found on our Programs of Study page.
  3. Newly admitted students will need attend a mandatory Advising and Registration session (Part I of Orientation) where you will meet with an advisor and register for classes (see your acceptance email and the Ready Set Go checklist for details).
  4. Current and Reactivated student should contact Advising & LifeMap and meet with their academic/program advisor.  For additional help? Make sure to watch the tutorial videos that include My Progress and Schedule Planning for help with registration.
  5. Guest Students (also known as a non-matriculated or non-degree student) are student in one or more of the following categories:
    • You want to take course(s) to transfer back to your institution.
    • You want to take course(s) in order to fulfill prerequisites for another college or university’s undergraduate or graduate program.
    • You want to take course(s) for your own personal enrichment.
    • To learn more and how to register please visit our Guest Student webpage.

Search for Classes

Search for courses and course sections online through BHCCselfservice

  • Choose the subject you’d like to browse to view all results.
  • Use the filters along the left side of the screen to filter by locationtermday/time and more.
  • When you’ve found the course you’re looking for, click “View Available Sections” to see what is available during the selected semester, including each section’s number of available seats, day/time, room number and instructor.
  • Click on the section number hyperlink to open even more information on the course, like prerequisites, course description and textbook requirements.

Need help determining what courses are for you? Contact your advisor the Advising Center at 617-228-2230.

*Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the College reserves the right to make changes at any time with respect to course offerings, instructors, course locations and times, services provided, cost of attendance or any other subject addressed in the course schedules.

About Schedule Adjustment (add/drop period)

At the close of business (5pm) on the last official day of the schedule adjustment (add/drop) period begins. Students can make the schedule adjustments online; then view your Account Summary and make any necessary payments at the time of the adjustment. Refer to the Academic calendar for important schedule adjustment dates.

If you have difficulty and are unable to process a schedule adjustment using self-service please visit Student Central, Second Floor, B lobby, Charlestown Campus or the Enrollment Office on the Chelsea Campus.

If you drop a course before the schedule adjustment deadline, you will receive a refund.  There are no refunds after the posted schedule adjustment deadlines.  The schedule adjustment period ends at 11:59 p.m. on the schedule adjustment deadline date.


The waitlist system gives students a fair and equitable opportunity to add courses that are currently full or have no seats available but might become available in the future. Please note that being on a waitlist does not guarantee registration for the course.

  • You may add yourself to the waitlist for one section of a closed or waitlisted course; you may also register for an open seat in another section of that same course.
  • The waitlist system reviews seat availability at the end of each day and sends an automated email to your BHCC email if a seat is available for a class(es) you are on the waitlist for. You will be provided with a 24 hours period to register for the course(s).
  • If you have not registered by the deadline indicated in your email, the next person on the waitlist will be offered the seat.
  • The last notifications from the Waitlist system go out the day before the last official day of registration; no waitlists exist during our schedule adjustment (add/drop) period with the exception of late start and mini session courses.

Immunization Requirements

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, General Law 105CMR 200.600  requires proof of immunizations from the following students:

  1. All full-time students in a Degree or Certificate program (12 or more credits), and
  2. All health science students – both full-time and part-time (note that health profession programs will require additional health records and requirements*) and
  3. All students on a student or other visa - both full-time and part-time (including foreign exchange students and those students visiting or attending classes while on academic visitation or exchange program).

For more information regarding the immunization requirement visit the Immunization Requirements webpage.

How do I audit a course?

Students who want to audit a course must obtain permission from the registrar or designee. Audit students must pay full tuition and fees. The audit request must be made at the time of registration and once approved may not be changed to a graded course. An audit course may not be transferred or used towards graduation requirements.

To audit a course, please email


Charlestown Campus
Second Floor, B-Building
Phone: 617-228-2403
Fax: 617-228-2082

Office Hours
Mon-Thu, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Fri, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.