Name | Title | Discipline | Phone | Office | |
Laura C. Rubin | Dean | Science, Engineering and Mathematics | (617) 228-2465 | C312A | laura.rubin@bhcc.edu |
JoDe M. Lavine | Assistant Dean | Science, Engineering and Mathematics | (617) 228-2439 | C312B | jmlavine@bhcc.edu |
Francesca A. DeCristoforo | Administrative Assistant II | Science, Engineering and Mathematics | (617) 228-3340 | C312 | fdechristoforo@bhcc.edu |
Suman Mukherjee | STEM Coordinator (Academic Coordinator) | Science, Engineering and Mathematics | (617) 228-3218 | B227A | smukherj@bhcc.edu |
Akram Bhuiya | Professor | Physics | (617) 228-2333 | D123I | abhuiya@bhcc.edu |
Eugenia Ciocan | Professor | Physics | (617) 936-1922 | B122H | eciocan@bhcc.edu |
Kim Frashure | Professor and Chairperson | Environmental Science | (617) 228-3454 | E321-J | kmfrashu@bhcc.edu |
Krista Reichert | Professor | Environmental Science | (617) 228-3431 | B226M | kreicher@bhcc.edu |
Erik Siggelkoe | Professor and Chairperson | Engineering | (617) 228-3320 | D123L | ersiggel@bhcc.edu |
Abouhamed Saberi | Associate Professor | Engineering | (617) 228-2130 | B226I | asaberi@bhcc.edu |
Science and Engineering Lab Staff
Name | Title | Department | Phone | Office | |
Mirna Abarca | Science & Engineering Lab Manager | Biology and Chemistry | (617) 228-2070 | B330 | mabarca@bhcc.edu |
Evan Lewis | Laboratory Technician I | Biology and Chemistry | (617) 228-2086 | D311 | evan.lewis@bhcc.edu |
Thu Nguyen | Laboratory Technician II | Biology and Chemistry | (617) 228-3453 | D311A | tn217164@bhcc.edu |
Oscar Peῆa | Laboratory Technician II | Biology and Chemistry | (617) 228-3265 | B332 | oepena@bhcc.edu |
Vania Rivera Leon | Laboratory Technician I | Biology and Chemistry | (617) 228-3453 | D311 | vania.riveraleon@bhcc.edu |