By enrolling in classes at Bunker Hill Community College ("the College"), a student makes a financial commitment to pay the tuition and fee charges associated with that enrollment. The enrollment action constitutes a financial obligation between the student and the College and all proceeds of this agreement will be used for educational purposes and constitute an educational loan pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 523(a) (8). In submitting your course registrations, you consent to all policies and procedures of Bunker Hill Community College, including but not limited to: Student Financial Responsibilities, Credit Balance Authorization, Form 1098-T Electronic Delivery Consent, BHCC Communication and Authorization to Disclose Information. For related questions please contact Student Central at 617-228-2370 or at studentcentral@bhcc.edu.
Student Financial Responsibilities
You are expected to attend all classes in which you are enrolled. If you do not attend or stop attending classes and fail to personally drop by the drop deadline you will be responsible for all tuition and fees. You are responsible to pay all charges on your account by the payment due date, even if you do not receive a bill, or your account is being paid by another party. Unless you pay immediately at the time of registration, you are entering into a student loan agreement with the college, which is non-dischargeable under USC § 523 (a) of the U.S. Bankruptcy code. You are responsible for keeping BHCC informed of any address or telephone changes. You are liable for any charges incurred. If your account is referred for collection you agree to pay all collection and attorney fees, including those incurred at trial and on appeal. If you are unable to attend, remember to drop your classes (including wait listed classes). Tuition charges will be removed only if your drop is received by the published drop deadline. Lack of attendance does not constitute withdrawal. The following terms and conditions are financial requirements of each student's education related to their registration for a term at Bunker Hill Community College. The payment of tuition and fees is the obligation of the student. By processing a course registration via the Web a student acknowledges they have read and agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Registration constitutes a financial agreement between you ("Student") and Bunker Hill Community College. Tuition, fees and other charges you incur, including but not limited to, health insurance fee, replacement ID fee, returned payment charges, course access fees and Bookstore charges ("Charges") shall be added to your student account and are considered a loan for educational benefit.
- Once you formally register for classes, you assume the responsibility for understanding the College official policies concerning schedule changes, satisfactory academic progress and the financial policies of the College as described in the "Bunker Hill Community College Catalog" or "Bunker Hill Community College Student handbook" for the term of enrollment.
- Payment requirements not met at time of registration will result in disenrollment from any and all classes.
- Charges left unpaid including but not limited to financial aid adjustments for prior terms will result in the inability to register in the current term and future semesters.
- Students withdrawing after the stated refund dates remain liable for full tuition and fee charges. Collection costs incurred in the event of delinquency shall be at the expense of the Student.
- Bunker Hill Community College accepts payment via student financial aid and third party sponsorship, but the responsibility for payment remains with the student. It is your responsibility to keep track of your account balance and any funding sources. If financial aid is not granted or if third party sponsors do not pay within a reasonable period, the student will be required to pay the full amount due.
- Students receiving company reimbursement or reimbursement that is dependent on grades or other company conditions must pay their own tuition by the due date or at the time of registration, then submit a claim to their company for reimbursement Sponsor balances that remain unpaid 30 days after schedule adjustment will be re-billed to the student. Accounts with such unpaid balances are the student's responsibility. Amounts not covered by an approved sponsorship or financial aid must be paid in full by the due date or at the time of registration or budgeted in the automatic payment plan.
- Student age: I understand and agree that if I am younger than the applicable age of majority when I execute this agreement that the educational services provided by BHCC are necessary, and I am contractually obligated pursuant to the doctrine of necessaries.
Outstanding Financial Obligations
Students who have any outstanding financial obligations to the College are not permitted to register. If already registered, these students will not be permitted to attend classes.
[I understand that when I register for any class at Bunker Hill Community College or receive any service from Bunker Hill Community College I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees and other associated costs assessed as a result of my registration and/or receipt of services. I further understand and agree that my registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8)) in which Bunker Hill Community College is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.) I understand and agree that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule at bhcc.edu/refunds. I have read the terms and conditions of the published tuition refund schedule and understand those terms are incorporated herein by reference. I further understand that my failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve me of my financial responsibility as described above].
Bunker Hill Community College is responsible for making “diligent efforts” to collect amounts due the state. Diligent efforts shall include written billings, dunning notices and subsequent assignments to a collection agency. The student is responsible for all collection costs and any fees incurred in the collection of debt and for informing the College of any dispute regarding the debt. The College advises students that their debts may be discharged through the intercept of any Commonwealth and Federal payments that are due to them, including tax refunds. Please be advised that your student account debt constitutes an "educational benefit overpayment or loan" as defined pursuant to 11 U.S.C section 523(a)(8), and therefore is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
Credit Balance Authorization
- You authorize Bunker Hill Community college to you apply any credit balance derived from federal funds to charges on your student account other than tuition and fees such as but not limited to health insurance fees, library fines etc. You authorize the institution to hold excess Title IV financial aid in order to apply to any prior charges up to $200.00 appearing on your student account. This authorization is valid throughout your academic career at BHCC and may be rescinded in writing. If rescinding this authorization results in a balance due that balance must be paid immediately.
- You consent to receive email notifications to your Bhcc.edu e-mail address regarding billing statements and consent to review billing statement information on BHCC's Student Self-Service System.
- It is your responsibility to check your BHCC email daily and maintain a current postal address to ensure receipt of all College correspondence.
1098-T Electronic Delivery Consent
I agree to provide my Social Security number (SSN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN) to BHCC upon request as required by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for Form 1098-T reporting purposes. If I fail to provide my SSN or TIN to BHCC, I agree to pay any and all IRS fines assessed as a result of my missing SSN /TIN. I consent to receive my annual IRS Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, electronically from BHCC. I understand that if I do not consent to receive my Form 1098-T electronically, a paper copy will be provided. I understand that I can withdraw this consent or request a paper copy by following the instructions at BHCC’s IRS Form 1098-T reporting website https://selfservice.bhcc.edu/Student/, click on Tax Information.
Should my contact information change, I understand it is my responsibility to submit the appropriate change of information form. I understand that my IRS Form 1098-T may be accessed, downloaded and printed on any hardware device that can open, read and print Adobe PDF documents and that the college provides student use computers on campus with the necessary hardware and software to access and print my IRS Form 1098-T. I understand that BHCC will retain my IRS Form 1098-T for at least three years from the reporting due date. I understand that the college cannot issue 1098-T statements retroactively if I failed to provide my social security number.
BHCC Communication
Method of communication: I understand and agree that Bunker Hill Community College uses email as an official method of communication with me, and that therefore I am responsible for reading the e-mails I receive from Bunker Hill Community College on a timely basis.
Contact: I authorize Bunker Hill Community College and its agents and contractors to contact me at my current and any future cellular phone number(s), email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding my delinquent student account(s)/loan(s), any other debt I owe to Bunker Hill Community College, or to receive general information from Bunker Hill Community College. I authorize Bunker Hill Community College and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages, and personal calls and emails, in their efforts to contact me. Furthermore, I understand that I may withdraw my consent to call my cellular telephone using automated telephone dialing equipment by submitting my request in writing to Student Central or in writing to the applicable contractor or agent contacting me on behalf of Bunker Hill Community College
Updating Contact Information
I understand and agree that I am responsible for keeping Bunker Hill Community College records up to date with my current physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers by following the procedure at https://selfservice.bhcc.edu/Student/Account/Login. The linked procedure is incorporated herein by reference. Upon leaving Bunker Hill Community College for any reason, it is my responsibility to provide Bunker Hill Community College with updated contact information for purposes of continued communication regarding any amounts that remain due and owing to Bunker Hill Community College
Authorization to Disclose Information
I understand that Federal privacy laws prohibit the disclosure of personal financial information without your explicit authorization. I must complete and sign an authorization to disclose information form available on the BHCC website and on the Student Payment office portal before we can release and/or discuss all information relating to my student account (institutional charges, financial aid credits and disbursements, payments, etc.) with the individual(s) named in this document. In the event damages should occur due to the release of such information, I agree to hold BHCC harmless. The document will remain in effect until revoked by you in writing.