Building the Framework for Success. An AANAPSI-funded initiative

An AANAPISI-Funded Initiative

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On its first year of being recognized as an Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI), Bunker Hill Community College was awarded a five-year, $1.7 million Title III AANAPISI grant by the U.S. Department of Education. The grant, which is being launched under the title Building the Framework for Success, seeks to support and advance the academic success of our Asian American and low-income students through a comprehensive reform of the ESL curriculum, targeted success coaching and a substantive infusion of local global learning enhanced by culturally responsive pedagogy across key courses in the general education curriculum.

Building the Framework for Success elicited high participation in two signature events, hosted at the College, where over 90 faculty, staff, administrators, and guests participated, and at the Pao Arts Center, where 66 participants, including 18 community partners from 14 organizations, learned more about engagement opportunities through the grant. As Year I of the grant comes to a close, the four AANAPISI BFS teams have quickly mobilized and made significant gains towards achieving grant goals.


Four AANAPISI Teams collaborate, support and inform each other’s work to deliver an integrated student experience for ESL students, especially Asian American and low-income students.

The ESL Design Team, Targeted Success Coaching (TSC) Team, Local-Global Learning (LGL) Team, and Project Assessment Team (PAT).


Maria Kathleen N. Puente, Ph.D.
Project Director

Aurora Bautista, Ph.D.
Activity Director
