AANAPISI Annual Performance Report for Year IV: Executive Summary and Major Milestones
In Year IV, the AANAPISI grant made substantial progress in five areas.
- The grant’s core initiative, comprehensive reform of the ESL program was completed. The new curriculum, approved in spring 2020 for full-scale implementation in fall 2020, paved the way for its institutionalization. Critical to the success of the reform was data that provided compelling evidence: rates of ELL student progression and acceleration into ENG-111exceeded grant goals; and ELL students consistently outperformed non-ELL students in the successful completion of ENG-111. Four major grant achievements are highlighted below.
- The new ELL program reduced the total number of credits from 36 to 18 credits, shortening the progression of ELL students into the college-level gateway English course from 3-4 years to just 3 semesters.
- All three levels of academic ELL courses are 6 credits each and use an integrated skills, culturally relevant, thematic pedagogical approach with embedded support from AAPI success coaches, ACE peer mentors, and Language Lab tutors.
- A department name change was approved, from English as a Second Language (ESL) to the English Language Learning (ELL) Department. The name change included an updated mission, vision, and program learning outcomes, all grounded in a more asset-based, equity-minded framework.
- All courses under the new ELL program curriculum were approved as college-level courses for General Education credit that transfer to 4-year degrees.
- Sweeping changes in assessment were institutionalized. The ELL program reform led to a substantial overhaul of assessment procedures that currently places ALL students, not just ELL students, into the right pre-college or college level courses.
- Early completion of faculty and staff training in local-global learning (LGL) in Year III allowed LGL training and leadership formation to be extended to students in Year IV. Specifically, AANAPISI ACE Student Mentors participated in AAPI-themed workshops and post-discussions during the 2020 Summer Equity Institute, culminating in the public launching of the first student-authored digital stories in August 2020.
- AAPI Student programming and outreach activities expanded to include New AAPI Student Welcome Day, an online platform to facilitate remote asynchronous interaction with AAPI students, and a phone outreach to 674 AAPI students eligible for the CARES Act Funds.
- The grant funded curriculum design of the College’s first Asian American History course. The course was approved by the College Forum in spring 2021 and is scheduled to be offered in fall 2021.