Career Exploration Workshop

Career Advising offers the Career Advising 101- Career Exploration Workshop to support students as they explore their career goals, assess their skills and interests, and connect their BHCC Program of Study to long-term career plans.  This workshop introduces students to the Career Planning Process and Career Coach, one of BHCC's free career resources.  Students will also learn how to complete the Career Coach Assessment.

This workshop is 1 hour long and will be held virtually and in person.  Students must sign up in advance to attend. 

Spring Workshops

Open All

Career 101 Events Workshops
(3 events)

Event Date & Time Location Link
Career Advising 101 - Career Exploration
Monday, March 10
5:30-6:30 p.m.
LifeMap Lab N-219 Register
Career Advising 101 - Career Exploration
Monday, April 14
5:30-6:30 p.m.
LifeMap Lab N-219 Register
Career Advising 101 - Career Exploration
Monday, May 12
5:30-6:30 p.m.
LifeMap Lab N-219 Register

Next Steps

After attending Career Advising 101 students should meet with their advisor to discuss their assessment results, do additional career research, and create a long-term career and academic plan.  Students with assigned advisors in HOPE or Advising & LifeMap, please make an appointment with your assigned advisor, listed in Self-Service.  If you are not assigned an advisor from these offices, please schedule a career advising appointment.

When attending a Career Advising appointment, please be sure to bring your assessment results and a list of possible careers or programs you are interested in.