Disability Support Services

Welcome to Disability Support Services

Our Mission: The mission of the Disability Support Services is to enhance the college experience by creating a campus environment that promotes the full participation of students with disabilities so they have the same access to programs and activities as other students. The DSS philosophy aligns with the overall mission of Bunker Hill Community College and strives to effectively collaborate with campus partners to provide insight, guidance and facilitation of equal access across the BHCC community.

With this inclusive spirit in mind, Bunker Hill Community College has developed a program of support services specifically for students who have learning disabilities, sensory impairments, psychological disabilities or physical conditions.

Services, which are coordinated through the Office for Students with Disabilities, may include, but are not limited to, academic and testing accommodations, faculty notification, assistance with adaptive computer technology and accessibility issues, academic advising, and personalized educational coaching. The program is designed to promote interaction among several existing campus resources and personnel. Students are actively involved in decision making regarding their specific needs and are encouraged to work toward increased independence and self-sufficiency.

To Request Academic Accommodations at Bunker Hill Community College

New Request
As a new BHCC student or for your first time requesting academic accommodations you will need to submit required documentation of your disability to received academic accommodations at Bunker Hill Community College. You are encouraged, but not required, to schedule a meeting (in person or virtual) with Disability Support Services staff to review and discuss support that may be available to you. Contact disabilitysupport@bhcc.edu to schedule an appointment or to speak with staff at 617.228.2327.

You are required to complete the request form and upload your documentation materials using the following link - New BHCC Student or First time Student Request for Academic Accommodations.

Request Renewal
If you are a continuing or returning student that had approved BHCC academic accommodations last semester and there are no changes or updates to your current documentation, you are not required to upload documentation again. You are required to request semester accommodations and provide authorization for your faculty to be informed each semester for which you will be attending classes while a student at BHCC. To request that your accommodations continue for the next semester complete the form at this link - Continuing or Returning Student Request for Academic Accommodations.


Schedule an Appointment

Students who have questions about how to register with the Disability Support Services Office can walk-in to E222 to meet with an available DSS staff member or can call or email to schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment contact Disability Support Services at disabilitysupport@bhcc.edu or 617-228-2327.

Disability Support Services at BHCC

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Students with documented disabilities are eligible for services through Bunker Hill Community College’s Disability Support Services Office (DSS).  In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), students seeking reasonable accommodations for a disability are responsible for self-identifying and self-advocating.

If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services at 617-228-2327 or visit by the office located at the Charlestown Campus, Room E 222.  Note: Requests for accommodations require dialogue with DSS, medical documentation review and registration with DSS prior to receipt of an accommodation. Accommodations are not retroactive. Students are required to meet each semester with the Office of Disability Services staff to discuss and determine reasonable and effective accommodations and are strongly encouraged to do so prior to the start of each semester.

Available Support Services

Depending upon the student's disability and documentation, the following accommodations may be approved:

  • Classroom Accommodations are available based on your documentation; examples of such accommodations are notetakers and scribes.
  • Testing Accommodations are available depending on your documented needs: examples of such accommodations include, but are not limited to, extended time (time and a half), alternative testing formats and/or environments.
  • Assistive Technology: Software programs and hardware/devices are available to assist your needs. For more information please see our Assistive Technology Educator in Room E222, or call 617-228-2327.
  • Accessible Textbooks:  To request textbooks in accessible format, please fill out and submit a request form.
    For questions or assistance, please call 617-228-2234

Depending upon the student's disability and documentation, the following services may be provided:

  • Educational Coaching: A big part of being successful in college is managing your time well and using effective academic strategies.  Our Educational Coach is available to help you with time management and study skills, helping you to be more accountable with assignments and projects.
  • Referral for Academic Support Services:  BHCC has many excellent support services and we can point you to those that are appropriate for your needs.
  • Consultation with Professors: BHCC strives to help students develop independence and self-advocacy. Effective communication with faculty is a part of this self-determination process and  we’ll help you in your personal journey toward this goal.
  • Disability Assessment and Referrals for Diagnostic Testing: Students who suspect the possibility of a learning disability may request referral for screening and assessment through DSS Office. Referrals are made to area agencies and specialist depending upon student needs, but are not related to BHCC or the DSS Office.

Services We Do NOT Provide

  • Tutors
  • Personal-care attendants
  • Equipment and software for off-campus use
  • Learning Disability Testing
  • Transportation
  • Financial assistance
  • Escorts to and from class
  • Modified Coursework

Who Can Benefit?

Students with:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Visual Impairments
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Medical Conditions
  • Limited Mobility
  • Dyslexia
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
  • Speech Impairments
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Psychological Disabilities

Policy for Individuals with a Disability

Bunker Hill Community College is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience of all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A student with a documented disability, who has not already done so, should schedule an appointment at the Disability Support Services Office in room E-222 by emailing disabilitysupport@bhcc.edu or by calling 617-228-2327 in order to request and obtain appropriate accommodations and services.

Contact and Hours

Email, Phone, or Virtual
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone: 617-228-2327
Email: disabilitysupport@bhcc.edu
Charlestown Campus, Room E-222