Emergency Alerts, Plans & Procedures

There are no alerts at this time

Alternate Communications Methods

Here is a list of other communications methods, tools and some helpful tips:

  • BHCC Alerts - BHCC emails are automatically opted in.  You need to sign-up for text alerts and enter in your cell number.  You can also enter alternate phone numbers for voice messages and alternate emails.
  • BHCC Moodle - You can still submit assignments and send messages through your Moodle courses.
  • WebEx Meetings - Use your personal room or set up a meeting.


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Escape if safe to do so.
If you know location of assailant, consider escaping if a safe route is available.

If unsafe to escape:

  • Lock and barricade doors if applicable.
  • Turn off lights and close blinds.
  • Keep out of sight and take adequate cover behind concrete walls, thick desks or file cabinets.
  • Silence cell phones, radios and televisions.
  • Do not leave your classroom/work space until notified via BHCC alert or a building coordinator or BHCC police officer/security.

If an armed intruder comes into your office or classroom:

  • If possible, identify an escape route behind you.
  • If flight or escape is impossible and there are no other options, make a personal choice to negotiate with or overpower the armed intruder.

Active Shooter: How to Respond (PDF)
Active Shooter: Informational Poster (PDF)

  • Walk to the nearest exit; do not use elevators.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm or call 911.
  • If you get caught in smoke, drop to hands and knees and crawl to nearest exit.
  • Hold your breath as much as possible; breathe through your nose and use a filter such as a shirt, towel or scarf.
  • Assist persons with disabilities and direct emergency responders to location of disabled or trapped persons.
  • Meet at designated assembly areas.
  • Move away from building entrances.
  • Go to rooms and corridors in the innermost part of a building.
  • Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
  • Close all doors, including those in main corridors, making sure they latch.
  • Avoid being under heavy objects such as lights, wall hangings and other items which may fall.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Remain inside until the hurricane has passed or you are cleared to leave.
  • Help direct people with disabilities to a safe place.
  • If you’re caught outdoors, lie flat in nearest depression (a ditch or ravine) and cover your head.
  • Alert people to evacuate the immediate spill area.
  • Alert the BHCC police department.
  • Avoid breathing vapors from spilled chemicals or substances.
  • If personally contaminated, seek eye wash and/or emergency shower.
  • If clothing or footwear is contaminated, remove if possible before leaving the area of the spill.
  • Do not attempt to clean up the spill on your own. Leave it to the experts.
  • Do not operate any electrical devices, phones (including mobile), appliances, light switches or equipment with open flames, within spill area.
  • Re-enter area only when directed by authorities.
  • The community will be notified via local TV and radio stations, BHCC Alert, Twitter, Facebook and the College website if the College plans to close or close early.
  • Stay safe, warm, dry and calm.
  • Do not drive unnecessarily.
  • Dress warm enough to prevent frostbite and hypothermia.
  • Do not go outside unless absolutely necessary.
  • When shoveling snow, do not overtax your physical abilities; take frequent breaks.
  • Activate Emergency Medical Services by calling ext. 2222, 617-228-2222 or 911.
  • If trained, administer first aid or CPR or utilize an automated external defibrillator (AED) as needed.
  • If not trained, remain calm and direct first responders to the incident.
  • Reassure the victim that help is on the way.
  • Remain calm and follow directions from the BHCC police.
  • Secure all experiments, unplug electrical equipment, turn off lights, and shut off lab equipment.
  • Do not use candles or other type of flame for lighting.
  • Fully close fume hoods.
  • If trapped in an elevator, do not pry open elevator doors. Use the emergency phone to contact campus police.
  • Know and follow your emergency exit routes
  • If main exit route is unsafe, proceed to secondary building exits
  • Follow instructions from emergency notifications, public address system or BHCC police/security
  • Maintain personal safety
  • Identify and assist persons with functional needs during an evacuation
  • Do not stop once you have begun evacuating
  • Report all safety issues or suspicious persons/events along the evacuation route to BHCC police personnel.

View the BHCC Emergency Operations Plan Evacuation Annex

  • Report possible incidents that may require shelter-in-place (tornado, violent activity, external hazardous release) to Campus Police (x2222)
  • Inform students and visitors of the shelter-in-place procedure when applicable
  • Assist students and visitors in following this shelter-in-place procedure
  • Know the BHCC Functional Annex regarding Active Shooter/Intruder (Functional Annex F - Active Shooter/Intruder)
  • Follow all instructions from the emergency notification, public address system, or security personnel during a sheltering event
  • Identify and assist persons with functional needs during a shelter or lockdown
  • In the case of an Active Shooter/Violent Intruder, follow the Active Shooter protocols also listed on this page.
  • Do not leave your classroom/work space until notified via BHCC alert or a building coordinator or BHCC police officer/security.

View the BHCC Emergency Operations Plan Shelter-in-Place Annex

Emergency Operations Plan

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Contact and Hours

Emergency: 617-228-2222 
On-Campus Fire Emergencies Dial 911 

Campus Police Business Office/General Information 
Charlestown: 617-228-2053 | Chelsea: 617-228-3359 
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Chief of Police Admin Assistant/Parking Clerk 

Contracted Security Desk
On the premises 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Charlestown (Main): 617-228-2250