Campus Resources

In this Section
- Bookstore
- Food Service
- Gender-Inclusive Restrooms
- International Center
- Lactation Room
- Library and Learning Commons
- Lounges
- Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Parking/Parking Permits
- Public Transportation
- Quiet Room
- Semester T-Pass Program
- Shuttle Services
- Sustainability at the College
- Telephones
The Bunker Hill Community College Bookstore is located on the fourth floor of the E-Building. As a service to our students, faculty and staff the bookstore offers required and recommended textbooks for all BHCC courses. Most textbooks are available to purchase in new, used, or digital format, or to rent—so you have a choice of affordable options. The bookstore also carries related course materials, college apparel, gift items, school supplies, backpacks, snacks and electronics, including laptops and tablets.
You can purchase your books, supplies, clothing and other materials from the bookstore’s website at to have your order shipped or for free in-store pick up.
Visit BHCC Bookstore for current store hours.
Food Service
The Thomas A. Kershaw Culinary Arts Dining Room features lunch and dinner options served in a full-service dining room or to-go from the BHCC Culinary Arts program students. The dining room is located on the fourth floor of the E-Building. View the hours and menu online.
In addition, there is a full-service cafeteria offering fresh food daily on a rotating seasonal menu, located on the fourth floor of the E-Building. Learn more
Students can also purchase snacks and drinks at the Central Café located in the Main Lobby of the Charlestown Campus. View hours
Gender-Inclusive Restrooms
Bunker Hill Community College is committed to creating an environment that values diversity and inclusion, and practices this by creating welcoming and inclusive spaces. There are several gender-neutral bathrooms available in the G-Building.
International Center
The International Center provides programs, services and activities designed to advance the internationalization of the College community. Staff at the Center provide comprehensive programs and individual assistance to international students from approximately 100 countries who are welcomed to the College every year.
Study Abroad and Global Perspective
The International Center assists students who wish to study abroad and coordinates the Study Abroad Scholarship Program. The Center, with assistance from the Student Government Association, provides international study and travel experiences opportunities in various locations throughout the world. Some locations where students have traveled in the past include Costa Rica, Italy, Ghana, and Panama.
Most study abroad programs offered through BHCC are from 7-10 days long, are faculty and staff-led, and take place during the summer. Students can apply for a scholarship that covers 80 percent of total expenses. Information and application materials are available at the International Center as well as on the Study Abroad Program website.
International Students
International students interested in attending Bunker Hill Community College should contact the International Admissions Office, where they can obtain the necessary information on how to apply for admission as an F-1 student.
International Student Advisors assist students in maintaining their legal immigration status, obtaining student visas, applying for a change of their immigration status, transferring to colleges and universities, securing work authorization (CPT and OPT) and arranging travel or temporary absence the United States.
International Student Advisors also serve as counselors, available to discuss academic concerns and personal issues such as adjustment to life in the United States. Orientation, social and cultural programs sponsored by the Center help international students learn more about U.S. culture and the educational system.
The International Center is in Room N-221. To contact the center, call 617-228-2460 or email at
Lactation Room
Bunker Hill Community College is committed to supporting student parents. A Lactation Room has been created for students. The space, located in G-Building across from the Athletics Office Room G118, is private, well lit, clean and secure. A toilet, sink and lockers are available.
To request access to the room, contact the Administrative Assistant in the Athletics Office at 617-228-3443.
Library and Learning Commons
The BHCC Library and Learning Commons serves our diverse community through information access, cultural enrichment, and lifelong learning opportunities by providing the following: equitable access to a professional staff; quality materials, programs, and services; and intentionally reflecting the college’s diverse cultures, age groups, lifestyles and learning styles.
Research Support
Librarians help students with using the library, doing research, and citing sources. If you have questions about the library, need help finding information, or have a research assignment, contact the library for friendly and expert assistance.
Librarians are available to help you in the physical library and online:
- Visit the Library & Learning Commons: E Building, 3rd floor
- Visit the Library & Learning Commons webpage for hours of operation and a full list of library services and resources, such as research, finding articles and borrowing books, museum passes, and headsets for BHCC patrons
- Email the library at
- Chat with a librarian
- Make an online appointment with a librarian
Librarians also create videos, research guides, and databases that can help you with research and citation when the library is closed or offline.
These databases are available to all enrolled BHCC students, faculty, and staff, on-campus or online. You must apply for a library barcode and password to log into the databases.
Student lounges are in four areas on the Charlestown Campus: third floor of the A-Building, second floor of the B-Building (Main Lobby), second floor of the D-Building and first floor of the C-Building. These lounges are study areas as well as places for you to relax and spend time with fellow students. A Silent Study Lounge is also available on the second floor of the D-Building, on the tier adjacent to classrooms D214-D216. On the Chelsea Campus, the Student Lounge is located on the first floor.
There are no facilities for forwarding your mail from outside the College. Letters and packages received for students will be returned to the sender with the notification “No Student Mail Service.” Officially recognized student organizations may have mail sent to them in care of the Student Activities Office, Room D106H.
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion helps ensure that all people who work, attend school, and use the College campuses are treated with respect and can pursue their endeavors without experiencing unlawful discrimination or undue impediments, barriers or obstacles. The office monitors the implementation of the College’s nondiscrimination policies and coordinates educational opportunities and programs open to all. The Office is committed to inclusion, equal opportunity and freedom from sexual violence and harassment.
As part of a broad effort to welcome and affirm diversity at BHCC, the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion annually sponsors a wide range of speakers throughout the academic year. Programs include:
- Compelling Conversations: This series sponsors high-profile speakers who visit classrooms; share lunch with faculty, staff, students and trustees; present a lecture and sign books for guests. Speakers have included Rosie Perez, Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, Michael Moore and Gloria Steinem.
- The One Book Program: A faculty committee manages this popular “one read” program, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion supports the committee’s efforts by bringing authors it selects to the campus. These writers have included Wes Moore, author of The Other Wes Moore; Sonia Nazario, author of Enrique’s Journey; and Firoozeh Dumas, author of Funny in Farsi.
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion also sponsors external speakers for celebrations such as BHCC’s Commencement ceremonies, Hispanic Heritage Week, Women’s History Month, Black History Month and International Women’s Day. For more information, please contact Nahomi Carlisle, Associate Vice President, Chief Equity and Compliance Officer, Affirmative Action Officer, Title IX Coordinator and ADA/504 617-228-3331
Parking/Parking Permits
Parking/Parking Permits
The College strongly urges you to use the MBTA and car pools to and from the College; see information on public transportation. Parking permits for student lots are required for all Bunker Hill Community College students at all times. Space available for student parking is very limited. Vehicles parked in the student parking lot without a current valid permit will be ticketed and/or towed as appropriate. There are no warning notices given; all violations are ticketed and towed from the first offense.
Parking on the Charlestown Campus
Student parking is available in Lots 1 and 2 on the Charlestown Campus, 7 days per week, from 6 a.m.-11 p.m. These lots are owned by City of Boston and managed by ABM Parking Services. A valid parking permit is required for all student parking lots.
Students have the option to purchase a semester-long parking permit valid for Lots 1-2 on the Charlestown Campus and for designated student parking spaces on the Chelsea Campus from ABM online through ParkWhiz. Daily parking in Lots 1-2 is also available to students, faculty/staff and visitors for a daily fee, to be paid via the ParkMobile mobile app. More information and the link to purchase a parking pass is available on the parking webpage.
Vehicles parked in Lots 1 or 2 without a valid permit during are subject to a tire lock, or “boot,” which will be placed on the front driver’s side wheel of the vehicle, with a fee of $50 per day. A notice with instructions to have the boot removed will be left on the vehicle; once the fee is paid via credit card, the boot will be removed by ABM.
All vehicles parked in Lots 1 and 2 between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Parking for the Chelsea Campus
There are approximately 30 student parking spaces on the Chelsea Campus, marked by brown signs with white lettering that read “RESERVED BHCC Student/Sticker PARKING ONLY.” Parking in these spaces requires a valid parking permit, which can be purchased online through ABM Parking Services.
Vehicles found in spaces not designated for the College run the risk of being towed from the property.
How to Obtain a Parking Permit
- A parking permit can be purchased online each semester from ABM Parking Services. More information and the link to purchase a parking pass is available on the parking webpage.
- Students with disabilities: To obtain a special area permit, contact the Health Services Office in Room E154 or call 617-228-2274 before parking in the “Handicapped Permit Parking Only” spaces.
Public Transportation
The College strongly encourages you to use the MBTA. The Charlestown Campus of Bunker Hill Community College is located directly on the MBTA Orange Line at the Community College Station. See the MBTA website for details.
The Chelsea Campus is accessible via the following MBTA bus lines.
- BUS ROUTE 112 stops right in front of campus, and runs between Maverick Station (Blue Line) and Wellington Station (Orange Line).
- BUS ROUTES 114/116/117 run between Maverick Station (Blue Line) and Wonderland Station (Blue Line). Each stop within a few blocks of campus, or you can transfer to the 112/Wellington at Bellingham Square.
- The MBTA Commuter Rail has a Chelsea stop at the corner of Arlington and Sixth Streets, only three blocks from campus.
For more information on transit schedules, contact the MBTA at 617-222-3200.
Quiet Room
A Quiet Room (Room E233) is available to students who wish to engage in meditation or other reflective practices.
Semester T-Pass Program
Semester T-passes are sold to students at a discount of 11 percent. You can purchase passes online with a credit/debit card. You must present a BHCC student ID and current College registration to pick up your pass at the Student Central Office on the Charlestown Campus.
The deadline for purchasing a semester T-pass is typically one month before the start of each semester..
What is the difference between a Link Pass and a Zone 1A pass?
Both of these passes cost the same. However, the Link Pass offers unlimited travel on subway and local bus lines while the Zone 1A pass offers the same coverage as the Link Pass (subway and bus) with the addition of Zone 1A commuter rail stops.
The Link Pass is picked up once, lasts for the semester and can be replaced when lost. The Zone 1A Pass is available to be picked up towards the end of each month (i.e. February’s pass will be picked up at the end of January) and cannot be replaced when lost.
Shuttle Services
BHCC provides a shuttle service from the Charlestown Campus to the Chelsea Campus. You may park at the Charlestown Campus and use the shuttle. Students using College shuttle buses and vans will be picked up and dropped off at the designated areas at the Charlestown Campus and Chelsea Campus.
You can find shuttle schedules at each location and on the BHCC website.
Sustainability at the College
Bunker Hill Community College promotes sustainability best practices, scholarship and collaboration that help to reduce waste and energy use while enhancing the quality of life on our campus and throughout the diverse community of our students around the world.
Interactive Building Dashboard
Learn about the College’s live energy use with the touch screen Building Dashboard located in the lobby of the G-Building. With colorful charts and graphs, the dashboard shows how much energy the College is using to light and heat the building. By touching the screen you can instantly compare the energy used today to that used yesterday, last month or last year as well as convert energy use to equivalent dollars, carbon emissions or hamburgers.
Single Stream Recycling
BHCC asks you to help us contribute to making our campus greener by recycling whenever possible. BHCC’s Single Stream Recycling means that anything that can be recycled gets tossed in the same blue bin. You can recycle the following: any kind of paper; any kind of cardboard including milk cartons; glass bottles, aluminum cans and foil; and any kind of plastic container (except plastic bags or wrappers), such as bottles, yogurt cups and plastic food containers.
College telephones are reserved for employee use and only for College business. On the Charlestown and Chelsea campuses coin-operated TTY phones are provided for the hard of hearing. There are also two coin-operated telephones located on the Charlestown campus, one in the E-Building on the first floor at the elevator and the other in the B-Building on the second floor next to the TTY phone.