Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning


The Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning serves the college community with data, analysis, consultation, and professional development.

How we accomplish this office's mission, vision, and values

We collaborate with colleagues across the campus and in our educational community. We support faculty as they design equitable teaching, learning, and assessment materials, and we monitor strategic plans. We collect and provide official, accurate, unbiased information and analysis for faculty, staff, and administrators. We inform reporting obligations, Program Reviews, institutional decision-making, and strategic planning that supports student and institutional success. 


The Vision of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning (IRAP) is to foster evidence-based, culturally relevant, continuous improvement within Bunker Hill Community College and our educational community. 

The Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning (IRAP), adheres to Bunker Hill Community College’s commitment to these Values: 

  • Access and Success
  • Excellence and Innovation
  • Economic and Social Justice
  • Inclusiveness and Equity
  • Civic Engagement and Service
  • Kindness and Respect
  • Accountability and Transparency

Research Methods 

The Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning team uses research methods like surveys & focus groups to assess the student experience at BHCC. We employ these methods for administrative projects, grants, and other campus initiatives. The IRAP team also uses a system-wide database to assess academic outcomes like graduation, transfer, retention, and persistence rates as well as course success and completion rates.

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Student Experience and Outcoming Results

Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) supports the design and improvement of Guided Pathways, Learning Communities, all college divisions, programs of study and courses. We consider students’ experiences from first to days studying with us to graduation and into the future. This holistic approach focuses on the quality of the experiences at various stages of students’ journeys through Bunker Hill Community College. We use both quantitative and qualitative evidence and direct measures to shed light on the effectiveness of institutional learning opportunities and on student achievements. 

  • Co-Curricular Assessment: 
    • Data collection
    • Surveying
    • Outcomes assessment
  • Graduate Survey 

Program, Curriculum, and Instructional Innovation

Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) works collaboratively with faculty members, committees, academic departments and programs, and the campus administration to design and implement a variety of program and instructional innovation assessment initiatives including Academic Program Review, and General Education assessment.  

  • Labor Market
    • Alumni
    • Burning Glass
  • Learning Assessment, academic outcomes assessment 
  • Program Review: Academic and Co-Curricular 

Survey and Evaluation Research

Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) provides survey data and analyses to inform and support evidence-based practice, decision making, benchmarking, and strategic planning.  We also work with administrators and faculty to evaluate student service and academic degree programs by gathering and analyzing institutional, survey, and/or focus group data, as needed.  

  • Survey Research: Internal & external surveying services: design, implementation, reporting
  • Qualitative Research: Focus Groups 

Institution-Wide Assessment

Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) contributes to campus-wide assessment efforts through a number of initiatives.  These include providing evidence and consulting support for BHCC’s strategic planning efforts, contributing to NECHE and professional accreditation efforts, and conducting the campus’s climate survey. 

  • Compliance/Government Reporting: Federal, State, Voluntary Framework of Accountability
  • Grant & Scholarship Reporting: Proposals, compliance, surveying, progress reporting, outcomes
  • Strategic Planning: Data stewards, Measurement of Progress, organization 

Tools, Services, and Support

Research, Assessment and Planning (IRAP) offers both individual consultation and a host of tools to help you with your teaching and learning assessment efforts, survey development and focus group implementation, and program and external grant evaluation needs. 

  • End-User support/ Software Administrators: Qualtrics, ZogoTech, Tableau
  • Survey consulting and training
  • Have a Research Question? Ask us for Data
  • Dashboards through the BHCCintranet login 


Charlestown Campus, Room B313A
Phone: 617-228-2285  |  Fax: 617-228-3326