Bunker Hill Community College Honors Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observed January 15, 2024
While Bunker Hill Community College observes Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 15, 2024, we will be exploring the life and legacy of the Civil Rights leader throughout the month with a series of online and in person events.
Series Introduction
As a social changemaker, MLK, Jr. fought against division and had communities of kindness and understanding as a goal. He demonstrated peace in the face of violence, resilience, and courage in his fight against injustice. Our goal through this programming series is to encourage Bunker Hill Community College students, faculty, staff, and community partners to build upon the legacy of social justice, leadership, scholarship, and non-violent activism of Martin Luther King, Jr. By embracing multimedia, inviting diverse voices, and sharing our visions for an inclusive, beloved community, this programming series encourages participants to pick up the torch to make MLK Jr.’s dreams our reality.
This project is a collaboration between the Office of the Associate Provost-Charlestown, Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Dean of Students and the Office of College Events and Cultural Planning.
Welcome Back Week
January 23 – 29
Tuesday, January 23
1 – 2:15 p.m.| C-202
#IYKYK: Things I Didn’t Learn In School About MLK
This session will explore the radical and less popularly known details about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as featured in his last televised interview with NBC and speeches such as The Other America, and writings in Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? We will unpack the complexity of who he was to society and address the questions: Who was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. really? What often goes missing in celebrations of his legacy? And How does Dr. King’s legacy inform us today?
Gordon M. Curry, Professor, Communication Department
Tuesday, January 23
6 p.m.
From Dr. King’s Perspective: Religion and Social Change
This presentation is an analysis of religion as an agent of social change. It explores the argument that religion is a source of violence and one that legitimizes the status quo. In contrast, the presentation explores Dr. King’s use of religion as a conduit to assert the claims for civil rights thus leading to the passing of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964.
Dr. George M. Walters-Sleyon, Adjunct Professor, Behavioral Science Department
Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86118678297?pwd=UlkxQkh2d0N1ZklBZXBZY0JLZ1FhUT09
Meeting ID: 861 1867 8297
Passcode: 750347
Join by phone: +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Wednesday, January 24
5:30 p.m. | C-202
Join the community to watch the historical, drama film, Selma. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 legally desegregated the South, discrimination was still rampant in certain areas, making it very difficult for Blacks to register to vote. In 1965, an Alabama city became the battleground in the fight for suffrage. Despite violent opposition, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (actor: David Oyelowo) and his followers pressed forward on an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, and their efforts culminated with President Lyndon Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Thursday, January 25
1 – 2:15 p.m. | E-175
A Dream or a Vision: Voices of Reflective Learners on the Application of MLK Jr “Dream” Speech
The panel will encompass the voices of a group of learners. This presentation will highlight the reflections and insights of learners centered on one of M.L.K. Jr. monumental Speeches. Learners will first reflect on the focus of the speech to address whether it was a “dream” or a “vision.” Learners will secondly reflect on the general content of the speech to highlight its relevance, to a “dream” versus a “vision.” Learners will thirdly reflect on specific content of the speech to offer insight on its relevance to life in the past, and to their lives today. The presentation is designed to address the extent to which the foresight of MLK Jr has been realized today, and if not, where do today’s learners sense they are today in relation to the aspirational content of the speech.
Facilitated by Professor Carlos L. Maynard
Carlos L. Maynard, Professor, Behavioral Science Department
*NEW DATE* Wednesday, January 31
8:30 to 10 a.m. Seating begins at 8:15 a.m.
A-300 Lounge
Bunker Hill Community College's Inaugural Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Breakfast
"Where Do We Go from Here?" -- A Legacy of Social Justice and Human Rights
Space is limited.