BHCC Spotlight

Dean of Workforce Development Explores Denmark's Innovative Apprenticeship Model and Forms International Learning Partnership

Thursday, June 27, 2024

During a visit to Denmark, Kristen McKenna, Dean of Workforce and Economic Development, explored the country's apprenticeship model and workforce development initiatives.

Her itinerary included meetings with the Minister of Labour, an employer, and a vocational school. She visited Phønix Tag Materiler, an international roofing company part of the Skills Denmark Network, and LearnMark, a vocational school connected to high schools, career centers, and employers. LearnMark offers secondary and post-secondary training for individuals interested in trades and business, including study abroad programs. BHCC and LearnMark are planning an exchange program to facilitate international learning opportunities.

Kristen read about the process on social media. “I saw that they were doing something different, and I wanted to investigate that further,” she said.

Denmark's apprenticeship model consists of three stages: pre-apprenticeship, focused vocational training, and full employment equivalent to the journeyman level. The government encourages students to pursue apprenticeships due to a shortage of skilled workers despite funding higher education up to the master's level. Recent policy changes have reopened borders to address labor shortages, with migrants receiving support to integrate into the workforce. Phønix Tag Materiler stands out by investing in training for its customers and collaborating with vocational schools to provide accessible and inclusive training programs, reaching marginalized communities and adapting to generational differences. The company also emphasizes mental health support and special accommodations for trainees with unique needs, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to workforce development.