Refund Policy
Students dropping or withdrawing from classes or from the College must complete the appropriate withdrawal form available at Student Central in the B Building Lobby, Charlestown Campus. Before you withdraw from a course, the semester or the college please consider the following:
- Lack of attendance or course abandonment does not constitute a drop or withdrawal; you will be responsible for the charge(s).
- Failure to officially drop or withdraw results in a grade of F or NA and no refunds will be issued.
- Refunds are only issued to students who drop courses by the posted schedule adjustment (add/drop) deadlines. Check the Academic Calendar for withdrawal deadlines.
- After the schedule adjustment (add/drop) deadline, students may withdraw from a course up to the posted withdrawal deadline; no refunds are issued to students who withdraw from a course or from the College.
- Collection costs incurred in the event of delinquency shall be at the expense of the Student.
For students receiving financial aid, withdrawals may result in adjustments to your financial aid and or adjustments to your student financial account that could result in additional charges and a balance due to the College, please contact Student Central for more information.
For more deadlines please refer to the academic calendar for the session or semester or visit Student Central in the main lobby of the B building.
- For Center for Self-Directed Learning CSDL (LC) courses – 100% tuition and fees will be refunded if course is dropped or cancelled during the scheduled adjustment period (for Summer utilize Session I schedule adjustment deadline) or if registered after schedule adjustment, within five (5) working days from the date of registration.
- For Community Education courses (non-credit) – 100% refund within two (2) working days prior to the start of the class.
NO refunds are issued after the specified schedule adjustment period.
How are refunds processed at BHCC?
Refunds are processed differently depending on how the payment was made. Financial aid refunds are issued fourteen (14) days after the funds are disbursed from financial aid.
BankMobile Disbursements Refunds
Bunker Hill Community College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/.
View our third-party servicer contract for refund management.
Financial Aid refunds
Financial aid refunds are processed in two stages. First, the Financial Aid office disburses the aid to your student account. Once tuition and fees are covered, any remaining funds are refunded by the Student Payment office. Refunds will be issued according to your selected refund preference within 14 days of disbursement. It is essential to choose your refund preference before the term starts. If you do not select a preference, a check will be mailed to your address on file after 21 days. Unclaimed federal aid refunds will be returned to the Department of Education, and you will forfeit any further claim to those funds. Unclaimed state aid refunds will be sent to the Massachusetts Unclaimed Property Division (findmassmoney.gov). Please ensure your address is current to avoid delays.
Credit and debit card refunds
If your bill was paid with a credit or debit card, the card used in the original payment will be credited. We begin issuing refunds after the add/drop period.
Money order and check refunds
If your bill was paid by check or money order, the refund will be issued according to the refund preference you chose. We begin issuing refunds after the add/drop period. Please note refunds for payments made by personal check will not be eligible for a refund until (14) business days from the date of the original payment have passed.
Other refunds
If your bill was paid by a scholarship or a third party payer, the refund will be credited back to the original payer, unless the payer provided other instructions.
Removing Tuition Charges
Charges are applied to your student account when you register for classes. All charges associated with the classes will be removed if you drop the classes by the add/drop deadline. No charges will be removed if you drop after the drop deadline. To drop Community Education classes go to How to Become a Community Education Student to view their refund/drop policy. Please be advised that your student account debt constitutes an “educational benefit overpayment or loan” as defined pursuant to 11 U.S.C section 523(a) (8), and therefore is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.