BHCC Student Government Association FAQ

Welcome to the Bunker Hill Community College Student Government Association! The SGA is your elected student government, representing your interests and needs on campus.

Below you will find frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the SGA to help you learn more about who we are and what we do. Browse the different sections to get answers on:

  • SGA Basics - What is the SGA? How does it work? How can I get involved?
  • SGA Roles - What do each of the SGA officer positions do?
  • Clubs & Funding - How does the SGA support student clubs? What's the funding process?
  • Contact Us - How to get in touch with SGA and its members with questions.

Feel free to reach out to us directly if you don't see your question answered here. We are always happy to provide more information about the SGA and discuss new ideas or concerns from BHCC students. You can contact us at or visit our office on the Charlestown campus.

General Questions

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The SGA is the Student Government Association at Bunker Hill Community College. It is the official governing body representing all BHCC students. Please visit the main SGA webpage for more information.

The purpose of the SGA is:

  • To represent student interests on issues and policies affecting student life
  • Advise college committees to provide student input  
  • Act as a liaison between students, faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees
  • Help plan student activities and allocate funding to student clubs
  • Advocate for student rights and fair treatment
  • Plans student events and represents students on college committees

More information about events and activities we plan collaboratively.

Any current BHCC student can join the SGA, except first-semester freshmen. SGA members must maintain a 2.3 GPA. You can also join as a volunteer during SGA meetings and activities.

SGA members are elected by the student body each spring. Any student can run by submitting nomination papers. Vacant positions during the year are filled by appointment.

The SGA consists of:

  • President
  • 6 Vice Presidents (Administration and Finance, Human Resources, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Technology and Communications) 
  • Executive Secretary
  • Senators (Chelsea Campus, 7 Senators At-Large)  
  • Student Trustee
  • Assistant Dean of Students as SGA Advisor

The SGA represents student perspectives to improve academics, facilities, and campus life. Through advocacy, the SGA can help you do a range of things, spanning from getting directions to advocating for more community college funding in the statehouse. The SGA is here to address YOUR needs as a student. Learn more about the SGA and the community.

All students are welcome to attend SGA meetings and events. You can join SGA committees, volunteer at events, apply for vacant positions, and run for elected office. Follow the SGA website and social media to stay updated. Please visit for more information.

Contact any SGA member at or visit the SGA website for more information. You can also visit the SGA office on the Charlestown campus.

Questions about SGA roles

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  • Chairs SGA Executive Board meetings
  • Sets agenda for SGA meetings with Executive Secretary
  • Appoints students to college committees
  • Meets with the college president  
  • Maintains contact with SGA members, clubs, and support services
  • Runs monthly College Forums and Club President meetings
  • Represents SGA at college events
  • Oversees SGA president's email account
  • Holds weekly office hours and meetings with the SGA advisor  
  • Attends SGA events, college committee meetings, and monthly Student Advisory Council (SAC) meetings
  • Communicates regularly with SGA members and club leaders

Email or visit the SGA office on the Charlestown campus.

  • Manages all financial obligations and budget updates
  • Chairs Student Budget Committee
  • Acts as President if necessary
  • Provides monthly budget reports to the SGA
  • Approves spending requests from SGA and clubs
  • Oversees reimbursements and financial transactions
  • Takes minutes at SGA meetings
  • Distributes meeting agendas and minutes
  • Manages SGA legislation and protocols
  • Keeps attendance and committee membership lists
  • Acts as parliamentarian at SGA meetings
  • Coordinates communications and record keeping
  • Organization and communication skills
  • Familiarity with legislative procedures
  • Strong note-taking abilities
  • Handles all PR, social media, and advertising for the SGA
  • Communicates SGA news and events to students
  • Manages SGA website, email, and social media accounts
  • Promoting SGA events and initiatives
  • Designing flyers, posters, brochures, and other materials  
  • Serving as liaison to campus and student media outlets
  • Writing, graphic design, photography, and social media skills
  • Creativity and knowledge of publicity best practices
  • Strong communication and project management abilities

How BHCC students can get involved with the SGA

How can I join the SGA?

  • Run for SGA office during spring elections after completing the first semester at BHCC.
  • Apply to fill vacant positions during the year
  • Must maintain a 2.3 GPA and be a current BHCC student
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  • Governance & Ethics Committee
  • Budget Committee
  • Academic Affairs Committee  
  • Student Life Committee
  • Communications Committee
  • Attend SGA meetings and events
  • Volunteer to help at SGA events
  • Share your ideas and feedback directly with SGA by emailing visit the SGA office on the Charlestown campus.
  • Follow SGA on social media and share posts

Yes! Reach out to the SGA VP of Student Affairs to learn about the recognition process. The SGA provides funding for new and existing student clubs. Visit the clubs and organizations page for more information.

  1. Recruit at least 8 interested BHCC student members.
  2. Find a faculty or staff advisor.
  3. Develop club purpose, constitution, and bylaws.
  4. Submit a New Club Registration Form to the SGA VP of Student Affairs
  5. Attend an SGA meeting to present your proposal.
  6. Get approval from the SGA and Student Affairs office.

Clubs must have at least 8 members who are currently enrolled BHCC students. There are no GPA requirements for general club membership.

The club constitution should have your purpose, organizational structure, membership requirements, officer positions and elections, meeting frequency, and amendment procedures.

Bylaws outline the specific operations of your club, like membership dues, budget policies, committees, and day-to-day processes.

The advisor provides guidance to the club and ensures policies are followed. At least one advisor is required by BHCC for recognition.

Allow 2-3 weeks for review of your proposal and presentation to the SGA. You cannot function as an official club until approved.

Once recognized, clubs can request SGA funding by submitting a Club Funding Proposal to the Budget Committee. Funding is not guaranteed.

Official flyers can be posted on campus after receiving access to posts from the Office of Student Engagement. Social media and tabling are other great promotion options.

Contact the SGA VP of Student Affairs or the Office of Student Engagement to learn more about starting a new club.

You can speak directly with any SGA member or officer. You can also email concerns to  The SGA frequently surveys students to gather perspectives.

Follow the SGA website, social media accounts, email newsletter, and posted flyers around campus. Attend SGA events and meetings to learn more.

How SGA project funding process works

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Any registered BHCC student club or organization can request funds for events, activities, supplies, and other approved expenses. Individual students cannot request funds.

The SGA funds projects that benefit the student body and align with the SGA's mission and budget priorities. Past funded projects include events, conferences, club supplies, etc.

  1. Meet with the VP of Finance to discuss your funding request
  2. Submit a completed Funding Request Form at least 4 weeks prior to funds being needed
  3. Present proposal to Budget Committee at scheduled meeting
  4. If approved, the VP of Finance will coordinate the disbursement of funds

There is no set limit, but most individual requests range from $100 - $1000. Larger requests require more extensive proposals.

You must provide a detailed project description, budget, timeline, impact/benefit to students, and how funds will be used. Past budgets and advisor contact should be included.

The Budget Committee meets biweekly. You will be notified of the decision within a week of your presentation. Additional info may be requested.

Yes, you may appeal to the SGA President within 2 weeks of the decision. Provide additional information addressing the committee's concerns.

Contact the SGA VP of Finance at with any questions or to discuss your funding request.


SGA Officers conduct their weekly office hours in person at the SGA Office located at C-104 on the Charlestown Campus. Weekly office hours are updated and posted at our office each semester.

Members of the SGA can also be contacted through the Office of Assistant Dean of Students, B-303B, 617-228-2012 or email