Are you struggling with Rent or Mortgage Payments?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has resources available for individuals and families struggling to make rent or mortgage payments.
There are eviction protections and financial programs available to help.
If you need help paying your housing costs, visit mass.gov/guides/facing-eviction-we-can-help.
If you are a TENANT and need to defend yourself against eviction filed by your LANDLORD:
- Visit the Massachusetts Defense for Eviction (MADE) website, an online guided interview that helps tenants create their own answer and request for discovery.
TENANTS and LANDLORDS who owe rent or mortgage should apply under the RAFT/ERMA program for up to $10,000 at the Metro Housing Boston, 1411 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02120.
Additional Housing Resources
Bunker Hill Community College Single Stop does not endorse these housing options. The information provided is for general information purposes. Students are responsible for their own contractual arrangements for housing.
Some of these resources require a referral. Single Stop is recognized as a referral partner.
More Housing Resources
- Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) - 617-348-6000 staff_communitycoordination@bostonabcd.org
- Bridge Over Troubled Waters (617-423-9575) - Shelter and other services for youth ages 14-24
- Boston Housing Authority - Affordable housing in and around the City of Boston
Boston Rescue Mission (617-338-9000) - Emergency Shelter
City of Boston Office of Housing Stability - 617-635-4200 | housingstability@boston.gov - City of Boston Services for the Homeless - 617-534-5395 | info@bphc.org
- Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) - 866-584-0653
- Empath - City of Boston residents can call “311” for assistance and referrals to housing, shelter, and financial assistance resources. Massachusetts residents can call “211”
- Family Aid Boston (617-542-7286) - Solutions for parents and caregivers facing homelessness
- HomeStart - Eviction Prevention Hotline: 857-415-2900
- Housing Consumer Education Center - (617-425-6700)
- Interfaith Social Services - (617) 773-6203
- Metro Housing Boston - 617-859-0400 | info@metrohousingboston.org
- On the Rise - 617-497-7968 | email info@ontherise.org A day program for homeless and formerly-homeless women
- Pine Street Inn - 617-892-9100 - Shelter and housing services for men and women
- Project Hope - 617-442-1880 - Emergency shelter for families
- Rosie’s Place - 617-442-9322 - Shelter services for individual women (not families)
- Saint Francis House - 617-542-4211
- Saint Mary's Women and Children Center - 617-436-8600
- Shattuck Shelter - 617-971-3581 - Homeless Support Services
- The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) - 617-989-6000 - Provides cash assistance and food stamps to families and individuals with low incomes
- The Salvation Army - 339-502-5900
- Y2Y - 617-864-0795 | info@y2ynetwork.org - For young adults 18-24 experiencing homelessness