BHCC observes the following grade processes
- BHCC Grading Scheme
- How to Calculate GPA
- Final Grades
- Change of Grade
- NA Grades
- Mid-Term Warning Grades
- Probation and Suspension
- Fresh Start
- P Grade Policy
BHCC Grading Scheme
Final grades will appear on your academic transcript.
Grade / Notation |
Definition |
Quality Points Per Credit Hour* |
A |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 94 – 100 |
4.00 |
A- |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 90 – 93 |
3.7 |
B+ |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 87 – 89 |
3.30 |
B |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 83 – 86 |
3.00 |
B- |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 80 - 82 |
2.70 |
C+ |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 77 - 79 |
2.30 |
C |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 70 - 76 |
2.00 |
D |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 60 - 69 |
1.00 |
F |
Equivalent to a numerical grade of 0 - 59 |
none |
P |
Indicates satisfactory completion of coursework where no letter grade is given, or award of credits for a course by special examination. It is equivalent to a grade of C or higher and carries no quality points. Credit hours will be given equivalent to the number of credit hours normally assigned to the course. |
none |
IP |
Required work in the course is in progress. The method and time for completion of work must be agreed upon in writing by student and instructor; no credit is earned until the course is completed. IPs not completed by the end of the following semester are automatically changed to a grade of F unless an IP extension is agreed upon in writing by student and instructor and submitted to the Academic Records Office. |
none |
AU |
Audit; no credit earned |
none |
NA |
NA Students who register for a specific course and who have not attended class meetings during the first two weeks of the semester will be withdrawn from the course and receive the grade designation NA (non-attendance) which will appear on the transcript and be counted toward credits attempted but not computed in the grade point average. The NA grade designation is not used during the summer semester. |
none |
W |
Official withdrawal from a course; no credit earned |
none |
WA |
Administrative withdrawal from a course; no credit earned |
none |
* The total quality points for a course is computed by multiplying the grade quality point by the number of credits for the course; for example, an A in College Writing (3 credits) produces 12.0 quality points.
How to Calculate GPA
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of credit hours attempted at Bunker Hill Community College. Grades of AU, IP, P, NA, W and WA are not calculated in the semester, cumulative or graduation grade point average. All grades are used in determining satisfactory academic progress, suspension and probation.
A Graduation Grade Point Average (GCPA) is calculated in the same manner but excludes developmental course work (i.e. courses numbered below 100).
Your GPA by semester can be viewed by logging into BHCCselfservice and selecting ”Grade Point Average by Term” under the Academic Profile Menu of WebAdvisor.
A GPA Calculator can assist you in determining your GPA based on anticipated grades, such as this GPA Calculator by Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.
Final Grades
Final grades are issued within 48 hours after the last scheduled day of the class. Final grades can be viewed by logging into myBHCC and either selecting “Grades” or “Transcript” under the Academic Profile Menu.
Change of Grade
Students must direct questions regarding grades to the course instructor. The instructor will change final grades only if a clerical error exists. Students must submit a written request to the instructor for re-evaluation if they feel that an error exists. The final decision regarding grades rests with the instructor. Students may initiate grade complaints no later than 30 calendar days following the last day of the instructional period for which the grade was granted.
Refer to Grade Appeal Process for more information.
NA Grades
During the first two weeks of each semester, we are required to evaluate all current semester enrollments for NA (Never Attended, Federal Financial Aid regulation). Once you receive an NA grade, you will be withdrawn from the course. If you are receiving Financial Aid and an NA grade is recorded, your Financial Aid will be stopped. All students, whether you are receiving Financial Aid or not, will be evaluated for NA grades. It is your responsibility to make sure that we have evidence that you are attending and progressing in your course during the first 2 weeks. That evidence includes: Assignments passed in, exams taken, other tasks in your syllabus, and speaking with your course facilitator at least once a week.
Mid-Term Warning Grades
Faculty may issue midterm warning grades during week 7 - 8 of the semester to students who may be in jeopardy of not successfully completing their course. Grades of D or F may be issued to students whose course work is below requirements to earn a grade of C or better in the course.
A grade of FX is issued to students who may be in jeopardy of failing the course due to attendance concerns.
Students should speak with their professor immediately to develop a plan to get back on track. A variety of support services are also available to students; please stop by the LifeMap Commons in room E235 for a referral.
Midterm warning grades can be viewed by logging into myBHCC and selecting “Grades” under the Academic Profile menu of BHCCselfservice.
Probation and Suspension
To continue at Bunker Hill Community College and/or receive financial aid, students must make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate.
See the Satisfactory Academic Progress section of the Student Handbook for more information.
Academic Probation
The College places those students on academic probation who fail to meet the criterion of satisfactory academic progress.
Academic Suspension
The College will suspend students from attending the College if they have failed to meet specified GPA and progress standards or remain on Academic Probation for three consecutive semesters.
Students placed on academic probation or suspension from the College for unsatisfactory academic progress have the right to appeal. See the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the College Catalog.
Students who have not attempted or completed courses at Bunker Hill Community College for at least five years or more may qualify for a second chance or fresh start on building a satisfactory grade point average (GPA).
Under the Fresh Start Policy, students may enroll without having to carry a very poor GPA record or low completion rate from years back that could prevent them from ever earning a GPA or completion rate sufficient to lead to graduation or completion of a program.
See the Fresh Start Policy in the Student Handbook for more information.
‘P’ Grades Policy
P Grade Option not available after Fall 2021.
Fall 2021 'P' Grade
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, students are able to request a ‘P’ grade for as many BHCC courses that they are enrolled in the Fall 2021 semester. Please review the following FAQs for more information.
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
- Complete the semester and earn a final grade of a ‘C’ or better.
- Submit an electronic request for a 'P' grade option on or before January 7, 2022 by 5 p.m. You can find the online request form in your BHCC SelfService account.Your request goes directly to the Academic Records office.
- If your final grade for the class is a ‘C’ or better for the class(es) on your request, the grade will be changed to a ‘P’.
- IP grades will not be processed until it is changed to a final grade. If the IP grade changes to less than ‘C’, it will not be processed.
- Courses without a grade will not be processed.
- ‘P’ grades will be processed beginning December 29, 2021 (day after final grades are due). Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.
How will a “P” grade impact pre-requisite grades and other program and degree requirements?
It is important to remember:
- All courses for which students receive passing ‘P’ grades will count towards degree requirements. However, ‘P’ grades do NOT carry quality points per credit hour and requesting to change a grade of A or B to a ‘P’ grade could negatively affect your GPA.
- A ‘P’ grade satisfies the prerequisite for courses that require a ‘C’ or better for registration.
- ‘P’ grades are transferrable to MA state universities and colleges.
- Students in STEM, health sciences and other programs requiring licensure must discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their faculty and academic advisor.
When are final grades due for Fall 2021?
All final grades are due on December 28, 2021. You may submit your ‘P’ grade request beginning Wednesday, December 29, 2021 until the deadline January 7, 2022 by 5 p.m.
I am concerned about my academic standing. What impact does a 'P' grade in Fall 2021 have?
A ‘P’ grade is a passing grade but does not contribute to your GPA. For Deans and Merit lists, ‘P’ grades do not count. ‘P’ Grades will impact your completion rate.
Spring 2021 'P' Grades
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, students are able to request a ‘P’ grade for as many BHCC courses that they are enrolled in the Spring 2021 semester. Please review the following FAQs for more information.
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
- Complete the semester and earn a final grade of a ‘C’ or better.
- Submit an electronic request for a 'P' grade option on or before May 28, 2021 by 5 p.m. You can find the online request form in your BHCC SelfService account beginning May 17, 2021.Your request goes directly to the Academic Records office.
- If your final grade for the class is a ‘C’ or better for the class(es) on your request, the grade will be changed to a ‘P’.
- IP grades will not be processed until it is changed to a final grade. If the IP grade changes to less than ‘C’, it will not be processed.
- Courses without a grade will not be processed.
- ‘P’ grades will be processed beginning May 25, 2021 (day after final grades are due). Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.
How will a “P” grade impact pre-requisite grades and other program and degree requirements?
It is important to remember:
- All courses for which students receive passing ‘P’ grades will count towards degree requirements. However, ‘P’ grades do NOT carry quality points per credit hour and requesting to change a grade of A or B to a ‘P’ grade could negatively affect your GPA.
- A ‘P’ grade satisfies the prerequisite for courses that require a ‘C’ or better for registration.
- ‘P’ grades are transferrable to MA state universities and colleges.
- Students in STEM, health sciences and other programs requiring licensure must discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their faculty and academic advisor.
When are final grades due for Spring 2021?
All final grades are due on May 24, 2021. You may submit your ‘P’ grade request beginning May 17, 2021 until the deadline May 28, 2021 by 5 p.m.
I am concerned about my academic standing. What impact does a 'P' grade in Spring 2021 have?
A ‘P’ grade is a passing grade but does not contribute to your GPA. For Deans and Merit lists, ‘P’ grades do not count. ‘P’ Grades will impact your completion rate.
Fall 2020 'P' Grades
Students are able to request a ‘P’ grade for as many BHCC courses that they are enrolled in the Fall 2020 semester. Please review the following FAQs for more information.
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
- Complete the semester and earn a final grade of a ‘C’ or better.
- Submit an electronic request for a 'P' grade option on or before January 8, 2021 by 5 p.m. You can find the online request form in your BHCC SelfService account beginning December 29, 2020. Your request goes directly to the Academic Records office.
- If your final grade for the class is a ‘C’ or better for the class(es) on your request, the grade will be changed to a ‘P’.
- IP grades will not be processed until it is changed to a final grade. If the IP grade changes to less than ‘C’, it will not be processed.
- Courses without a grade will not be processed.
- ‘P’ grades will be processed beginning January 4, 2021. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.
How will a “P” grade impact pre-requisite grades and other program and degree requirements?
It is important to remember:
- All courses for which students receive passing ‘P’ grades will count towards degree requirements. However, ‘P’ grades do NOT carry quality points per credit hour and requesting to change a grade of A or B to a ‘P’ grade could negatively affect your GPA.
- A ‘P’ grade satisfies the prerequisite for courses that require a ‘C’ or better for registration.
- ‘P’ grades are transferrable to MA state universities and colleges.
- Students in STEM, health sciences and other programs requiring licensure must discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their faculty and academic advisor.
When are final grades due for Fall 2020?
All final grades are due on December 28, 2020. You may submit your ‘P’ grade request beginning December 29, 2020 until the deadline January 8, 2021 by 5 p.m.
I do not want a ‘P’ grade. I want a letter grade. What do I do?
Nothing. The letter grade submitted by your faculty at the end of the semester will remain your final grade and the grade on record.
What are my other grading options for Fall 2020?
Your faculty will submit final semester grades inducing (A-F) letter grades or ‘IP’ grades. You will receive ‘W’ grades if you withdraw from your classes by the withdrawal deadline. Review all grading options at: https://www.bhcc.edu/studentcentral/academicrecords/grades/
What will happen if I receive a final grade of ‘D’? Is this passing?
If you receive a ‘D’ grade or an ‘F’ grade, you cannot request a ‘P’ grade. While a ‘D’ is passing for graduation requirements, it does not satisfy prerequisite requirements and cannot be changed to a ‘P’ grade. ‘P’ grade is equivalent to a grade of ‘C’ or better.
Can I change my mind? What happens if I find out next year that I need a letter grade for my next degree?
Yes, you can request to revert to the letter grade on your transcript at any point over the next five years by contacting Academic Records, academicservices@bhcc.edu.
I am concerned about my academic standing. What impact does a 'P' grade in Fall 2020 have?
A ‘P’ grade is a passing grade but does not contribute to your GPA. For Deans and Merit lists, ‘P’ grades do not count. ‘P’ Grades will impact your completion rate.
Spring 2020 'P' Grades
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, students are able to request a ‘P’ grade for as many BHCC courses that they are enrolled in the Spring 2020 semester. Please review the following FAQs for more information.
View the April 14, 2020 message from the Provost concerning 'P' Grades
What is the BHCC ‘P’ grade policy?
A ‘P’ grade indicates satisfactory completion of coursework where no letter grade is given, or award of credits for a course by special examination. It is equivalent to a grade of C or higher and carries no quality points. Credit hours will be given equivalent to the number of credit hours normally assigned to the course.”
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
- Complete the semester and earn a final grade of a ‘C’ or better.
- Submit a request via BHCC SelfService by the deadline. Academic Records will process the request.
- If your final grade for the class is a ‘C’ or better for the class(es) on your request, the grade will be changed to a ‘P’.
I am concerned about my academic standing. What impact does a 'P' grade in Spring 2020 have?
Academic standing will not include Spring 2020 grades. Also, Dean/Merit List calculation are suspended for the Spring 2020 semester.
What is the BHCC ‘P’ grade policy?
A ‘P’ grade indicates satisfactory completion of coursework where no letter grade is given, or award of credits for a course by special examination. It is equivalent to a grade of C or higher and carries no quality points. Credit hours will be given equivalent to the number of credit hours normally assigned to the course.”
What do I have to do to receive a ‘P’ Grade?
- Complete the semester and earn a final grade of a ‘C’ or better.
- Submit an electronic request for a 'P' grade option on or before the deadline. You can find the online request form in your BHCC SelfService account. Your request goes directly to the Academic Records office where it will be processed once final grades are submitted.
- If your final grade for the class is a ‘C’ or better for the class(es) on your request, the grade will be changed to a ‘P’.
How will a “P” grade impact pre-requisite grades and other program and degree requirements?
It is important to remember:
- All courses for which students receive passing ‘P’ grades will count towards degree requirements.
- A ‘P’ grade satisfies the prerequisite for courses that require a ‘C’ or better for registration.
- ‘P’ grades are transferrable to MA state universities and colleges.
- Students in STEM, health sciences and other programs requiring licensure must discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their faculty and academic advisor.
I do not want a ‘P’ grade. I want a letter grade. What do I do?
Nothing. The letter grade submitted by your faculty at the end of the semester will remain your grade on record.
What are my other grading options?
Your faculty will submit final semester grades inducing (A-F) letter grades or ‘IP’ grades. You will receive ‘W’ grades if you withdraw from your classes by the withdrawal deadline. Review all grading options at: https://www.bhcc.edu/studentcentral/academicrecords/grades/
What will happen if I receive a final grade of ‘D’? Is this passing?
While a ‘D’ is passing for graduation requirements, it does not satisfy prerequisite requirements and cannot be changed to a ‘P’ grade. ‘P’ grade is equivalent to a grade of ‘C’ or better.
Can I change my mind? What happens if I find out next year that I need a letter grade for my next degree?
Yes, you can request to revert to the letter grade on your transcript at any point over the next five years.
Transferring ‘P’ Grades
Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, some institutions are developing policies for the acceptance of ‘P’ grades earned during the pandemic. However, some of these policies may include exceptions. If you plan to transfer, and have grades of ‘P’ on your transcript, you are encouraged to outreach the admissions department at your transfer institution and ask whether, or not ‘P’ grades will transfer.
‘P’ grades are transferrable to Massachusetts state universities and colleges. Students in STEM, health sciences, and other programs requiring licensure should discuss prerequisite and transfer implications with their academic advisor.
Every institution’s ‘P’ grade policy is different. In general, institutions that accept ‘P’ grades for transfer will expect the actual grade to be equivalent to a grade of C-/C or higher. Students should review their transfer institution’s academic catalog, and contact their admissions department to ask what letter grade equivalent will be accepted for ‘P’ grades for transfer. By contacting your transfer institution directly, you will get the most current and accurate information.
Some selective health programs require letter grades, such as an ‘A’ or ‘B’, for transfer. Before requesting a grade of ‘P’ for any of your spring 2020 courses, you are strongly encouraged to reach out to the admissions department at your intended transfer institution to ask whether grades of ‘P’ will transfer for selective admissions or health programs.
Bunker Hill Community College will not provide letters, but students can choose to revert their ‘P’ grades back to the original grade issued by their faculty. The student should request to have an official transcript, with their original letter grades, sent to their transfer institution. For more information about this process, please visit, https://www.bhcc.edu/studentcentral/academicrecords/academictranscript/
Yes, Bunker Hill retains a record of each student’s original grades. Students can request a transcript with their original grades. For more information about this process, please visit, https://www.bhcc.edu/studentcentral/academicrecords/academictranscript/