New Study Rooms available in the Student Success Center including the Library Commons and in the D-Building
Study Room Reservation Policy
The BHCC Study Rooms are reserved via an Online Reservation System called Spaceti. Reservations are available in 30-minute increments for up to two hours per day. There is no walk-in use of these designated spaces. A room reservation must be made.
Watch the how to reserve a study room video tutorial
Reservation Procedures
All study rooms are reserved via the Spaceti online reservation system. You can make a reservation at bhcc.spaceti.com or download the Spaceti mobile app and enter BHCC as the SpaceID. You can also use the QR code near the door of any study room to make a reservation. Use the drop-down menu to switch to another building to book a room.
Reservations may only be made via Spaceti. Saving rooms in any other way (dropping belongings, leaving notes, etc.) is not permitted.
- Rooms may be reserved in 30 minute increments for up to 120 minutes (2 hours) per reservation.
- Each individual student can make one reservation per day.
- Each individual can make reservations up to 14 days in advance.
- Study rooms in the library are only available when the library is open.
- The number of individuals using a study room must be accurately reflected in the reservation. If someone joins the study room part way through a reservation, the user must adjust the reservation in the Spaceti system.
- Items left in the study rooms after the end of the reservation may be sent to the College's lost and found in D-106.
Conduct In Study Rooms
- Study rooms are for BHCC-related work only, including academic and co-curricular work.
- Any activities not related to BHCC-related work, including watching movies, TV, or sports, playing games such as cards, board games or video games, or other non-academic or co-curricular work are prohibited.
- Food and drink are permitted in study rooms, but all trash must be removed and deposited in a trash or recycling bin.
- Turning off lights or blocking windows or doors in the study rooms is prohibited.
- Each study room has furniture appropriate for the capacity of the room. Do not bring outside chairs or other furniture into the study rooms. Leave furniture in the study rooms as you found it.
- Non-compliance with these conduct guidelines may lead to the revocation of reservation privileges.
Lists of Contacts
- IT Helpdesk: Technical support and login issues. 617-228-2326 | helpdesk@bhcc.edu
- Campus Police Department: Emergencies and safety issues. For emergencies: 617-228-2222, main line 617-228-2240
- Facilities: Maintenance and cleaning. Submit an online ticket.
- Dean of Students: Office Questions regarding the policy and reporting inappropriate behaviors 617-228-2408 |deanofstudents@bhcc.edu
You can access the platform via bhcc.spaceti.com or bhcc.onelogin.com/portal
Download the Spaceti mobile app on your phone.