How to Become a Community Education Student

Discover the class for you

Refine a skill, learn a hobby or launch a new career. To get started as a BHCC community education student, the first step is to choose a class that meets your needs or interests.

Browse classes in our online catalog

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Register for a course

  • When you’ve found the class you want to take, click on the Registration Button within the class description.
  • New students will be directed to sign into Elevate and will need to select the “New Account” button to set up an Elevate account.

Your Accounts

As a community education student, you have two accounts, Elevate and BHCC Self-Service Account. Once you’ve chosen a class, you’ll need to set up your accounts. 

If you are a returning BHCC student and your accounts are still active, there is no need to set up your accounts again. If you have not been taking classes at BHCC for two consecutive semesters, you will need to contact TSS at to request to have your accounts reactivated.

Elevate Account

This is used for registration for non-credit courses only. You’ll be prompted to create an account the first time you register for a course. You should receive an email with confirmation of your course enrollment from You’ll use your Elevate username and password each time you register for a non-credit course.

BHCC Self-Service Account Instructions

Please allow 24 hours after registration to set up your BHCC account. You will receive an email with a description of how to retrieve your username and password.

It is recommended you set up your BHCC Self-Service account as soon as possible to obtain maximum access and benefit while attending BHCC.

This account provides access to BHCC email, and Moodle-enabled courses (online courses). You need to enroll in BHCC's Self-Service to use most college services. This is also where you’ll upload proof of vaccination.

To retrieve your BHCCselfservice username and password:

Go to

Retrieve your Username

  1. Click the “Forgot your Username” link
  2. Enter your First Name, Last Name and the email address you used to register for your course. Click submit.
  3. You will receive an email with your username. 

Retrieve your Password

  1. Return to and click the “Forgot your Password” link.
  2. Enter your username and your email address, click submit.
  3. You will have received an email with a password reset link. Click this link and reset your password.

Account Help

If you need help with your accounts, please contact our helpdesk. 


How Can I Get Assistance?

For assistance, please contact 617-228-2462 or email

On-campus learning and services are available at the Chelsea Campus to all students and potential students that are fully vaccinated and can show proof of vaccination.

Obtaining Your BHCC Photo ID through BHCC Self-Service

Students coming to any BHCC campus are required to show either a physical or a digital BHCC ID card. It is important to complete the steps to obtain your ID at least two weeks prior to the start of class.

If your course is taught remotely, online, and you will not be on campus, you do not need to apply for a BHCC Photo ID.

Upload a photo of yourself through the BHCC OneCard System

Visit the BHCC OneCard website 

  • Go to “Student/Employee” tab and login using your BHCC Self-service account information. 
  • Follow the instructions to add your photo. 
  • Once your photo is uploaded and approved, you can then access a virtual ID that you can keep on your phone. This is called a digital ID card.

Photo Upload Tips

Your photo must meet the following criteria. All photo submission status notifications will be delivered to your email account (approvals, rejections, etc.)

  • Use a current or recent photo.
  • Save the image as a jpg/jpeg.
  • Use a plain white or off-white background/wall (no patterns, textures or scenic backgrounds will be accepted).
  • Make sure your face is centered on the image with a neutral facial expression or a natural smile.
  • Face straight ahead; do not tilt or angle your head.
  • Crop your photo from just above the top of the head to the collarbone.
  • Do not wear hats, scarves, sunglasses or any article that may obstruct your face or hair.
  • Your photo can not have other visible people or objects.
  • A high-resolution photograph is strongly recommended.
  • Do not apply a filter to your photo. (black & white, sepia, Photoshop, etc. will not be accepted).
  • Keep your image width at 300px and height at 350px.

Physical ID Card

If you prefer to have a physical card, complete the above steps. You’ll be able to make an appointment to pick up your ID card at Student Central 48 hours after your photo has been approved.

When picking up your card, you’ll need to bring a photo ID. Forms of acceptable ID are:

  • University, college or school ID cards from other educational institutions
  • Government-issued ID
  • Company-issued ID
  • Native Tribal ID
  • Temporary state ID
  • Driver’s permit

Campus Parking Permits

Students are required to have a permit to park on the Charlestown campus. Students may part in Lots 1 or 2.

You may purchase a semester permit or daily permit. 

Visit for rules, regulations, and permit costs.

Parking is handled by ABM Parking. Call 617-482-2487 or see the parking lot attendant for questions or concerns. Cars parked without a semester parking permit will be towed.

Refund Policy

All refunds are subject to a 3% administrative processing fee.

  • You may request a refund before the class starts; however, it is a refund minus 3% administrative processing fee. Once class has started, there is no refund.
  • If the college cancels the course due to low enrollment, students are automatically withdrawn and a full refund is issued.
  • After class starts: No refund. Seat transfer only.
  • Content partners such as ed2Go and Cannabis Career Certificate programs have a different refund policy. Please refer to their pages for the specific policy.

Third Party Sponsorship Billing Fee 

Please note: A 15% administration fee is assessed to third-party providers that are paying for its clients to take courses offered through the Division of Workforce & Economic Development. This third-party transaction fee is a charge that involves administrative tasks associated with helping enroll your clients for our courses. This fee is non-refundable should your client drop the course or do not complete it.


Chelsea Campus
70 Everett Avenue, Chelsea, MA 02150
617-228-3341  |
Charlestown Campus
250 New Rutherford Avenue, N-111
Boston, Massachusetts 02129
617-228-2462  |

Staff and faculty of this Division are working remotely and face-to-face!

Staff will handle requests via email and phone.
For inquiries, email

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