News Brief

Remembering September 11, 2001

Friday, September 9, 2022

Bunker Hill Community College | Office of the President

Dear BHCC Community,

On Sunday, we observe the 21st anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. In acts of unspeakable violence, 2,977 people from across the country and the world lost their lives in the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. The attacks and their aftermath were felt by people not only in the United States but around the globe. For those who lost loved ones and friends, the tragedy of that day rings undiminished through the decades—they can never be forgotten.  

For those of us who witnessed the events of that day, who were touched by its incalculable losses and who were inspired by simple acts of heroism and compassion committed by so many; for those of us who were shaped by it and the many consequential days that followed, September 11 may be a day to mourn and a day to remember.  But for all of us, let it be a day of reflection and resolve: that a world rent by violence and war can through each of us realize peace and reconciliation. 

You can learn more about the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

In peace,

Pam Y. Eddinger 
Bunker Hill Community College