Partnership colleges visit BHCC each year. Be sure to view our College Visits and Transfer Events for more information.
Transfer Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements are specific to a program of study/major. Students complete an Associate’s degree at BHCC, meet all eligibility and admissions requirements, and eligible BHCC credits will transfer toward the specific Bachelor’s degree.
General Transfer Agreements
General transfer agreements are not limited to a specific program of study. Students complete an Associate’s degree at BHCC, meet all eligibility and admissions requirements and eligible BHCC credits will transfer but applicability into specific majors may vary.
General Transfer Agreements
Southern New Hampshire University
After completing an Associate’s degree at BHCC, many students transfer through MassTransfer to In-State Transfer to State Universities and UMASS Campuses and can receive many benefits, including guaranteed admissions, guaranteed transfer credits and cost-savings programs. Visit the MassTransfer website.
Benefits, Eligibility, and Participation
Benefits of MassTransfer. Student who graduate with a 2.5 GPA get guaranteed admissions. Students who graduate with a 3.0 GPA gets MassTransfer Tuition Credit. Learn more about MassTransfer benefits.
Eligibility for MassTransfer: Complete an associate’s degree.
MassTransfer Colleges include the following institutions:
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Massachusetts Boston
- University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Bridgewater State University
- Fitchburg State University
- Framingham State University
- Massachusetts College of Art and Design
- Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy
- Salem State University
- Westfield State University
- Worcester State University
Massachusetts Transfer Guarantee
Massachusetts College Transfer Guarantee (Massachusetts Guarantee) is a statewide program between Massachusetts community colleges and four-year independent institutions to expand transfer options for Massachusetts’ community college students.
Benefits, Eligibility, and Participating Colleges
Visit the Massachusetts Independent College Transfer Guarantee Website
Benefits of Massachusetts Guarantee include: Guaranteed transfer of associate degree credits, no application fee, no admissions essay, guaranteed admission with a 2.5 GPA, junior status upon enrollment, scholarship and financial incentives (varying institutions).
Eligibility for Massachusetts Guarantee: Complete an associate’s degree and a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Transfer Guarantee includes the following institutions:
- Bay Path University
- Boston Baptist College
- Curry College
- Dean College
- Eastern Nazarene College
- Elms College
- Fisher College
- Gordon College
- Hampshire College
- Laboure College
- Lasell University
- Lesley University
- MCPHS University
- Merrimack College
- Nichols College
- Quincy College
- Regis College
- Springfield College
- Suffolk University
- Wheaton College
Other Transfer Options
Your transfer destinations are not limited to college partnerships. BHCC students have attended colleges everywhere. We encourage students to explore many colleges as other schools have different offerings that may work for you. However, it is important to communicate with the admissions offices of those colleges to discuss transferability of credits.
Explore Other Transfer Options
Many colleges visit BHCC through the Transfer Fair and visit the campus during the year. Students may do online research as well as speak with advisors and professors for suggestions. Below are search engines that may assist in your search.
Be sure to share your transfer goals with your advisor.