Monday, May 6, 2024
Visit with Bridgewater State University
Conversations and Connections student club meetings, facilitated by Joshua Heerter
Surf & Turf: A Popular Music Exploration of Genres from Surf Rock to Rhythm & Blues and Beyond
Surf and Turf, sometimes called reef and beef, is a main course combining seafood and red meat, typically beefsteak (Wikipedia entry for “surf and turf,” 2024). The sea food being surf rock and the red meat being rhythm and blues, the Popular Music Ensemble is exploring how these genres mix, and contrast them with more modern songs influenced by them, including original music by Pop Ensemble members Barry O’Toole and Aaron Garcia.
Directed by Dennis Shafer, Professor, Performing Arts Department
Sponsored by the Performing Arts Department
Join the Admissions & Recruitment Department to learn about the Social Work Associate Degree.
If you have questions about this program, please contact the Admissions and Recruitment Office at or call 617-228-3398.