Thursday, February 8, 2024
Come and speak with transfer admissions representatives from colleges and universities on the Charlestown Campus in the C Lobby.
Stop by for some yummy food and connect with the AAPI community! Learn about the academic and transfer support AANAPISI provides. At 11:30, we will have snacks and games. The programming will start at 1 p.m.. Everyone is welcome. If you are attending, please register.
Medical Laboratory Technician Information Session
Information Sessions
Medical Laboratory Technician
Join the Medical Laboratory Department and Admissions & Recruitment staff to learn about the Admissions application process, application requirements, course work, labs, and clinical information for Bunker Hill Community College's Medical Laboratory Technician Associate Degree program.
Do you have questions about transferring?
Talking Transfer is a drop-in session for students who need to ask questions about their process. All new and continuing students are welcome to register ahead to meet with a member of the transfer team.
Students should complete Transfer 101 before attending Transfer 102.
(Recommended for students with 0-30 credits)
This workshop will focus on the first two stages of transferring: Planning and Exploring. Students will receive an overview of statewide transfer programs and incentives, how to transfer credits, searching for colleges, and other resources to clarify the transfer process. Recommended for students who are learning about transferring for the first time. Its never too early to begin thinking about transfer!