Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Visit with University of Mass Lowell
Category>Information Sessions, Type>Bachelor Degree Granting Institutions Visits
Bachelor Degree Granting Institutions Visits
Come and speak with transfer admissions representatives from colleges and universities on the Charlestown Campus in the C Lobby.
Visit with Southern New Hampshire University
Category>Information Sessions, Type>Bachelor Degree Granting Institutions Visits
Bachelor Degree Granting Institutions Visits
Come and speak with transfer admissions representatives from colleges and universities on the Charlestown Campus in the C Lobby.
Transfer 101 - Planning and Exploring
Category>Workshops, Type>Advising & LifeMap, Type>Transfer Workshops
Advising & LifeMap, Transfer Workshops
Students should complete Transfer 101 before attending Transfer 102.
(Recommended for students with 0-30 credits)
This workshop will focus on the first two stages of transferring: Planning and Exploring. Students will receive an overview of statewide transfer programs and incentives, how to transfer credits, searching for colleges, and other resources to clarify the transfer process. Recommended for students who are learning about transferring for the first time. Its never too early to begin thinking about transfer!
Conversations and Connections
Conversations and Connections student club meetings, facilitated by Joshua Heerter
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
1-2 p.m.
Language Lab, E-144
Transfer to BHCC Information Session
Category>Information Sessions, Type>Transfer to BHCC Information Session
Transfer to BHCC Information Session
During these sessions, NEW transfer students learn about each of the academic pathways, student engagement opportunities, and the process for applying and transferring into BHCC. Students also have the opportunity to ask their own questions. If you have questions about preparing to transfer to Bunker Hill, please send an email to
Join us for valuable tips on how to prepare for your F-1 visa interview,